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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien
Universitäre Sondersammlungen in Japan: Eine deutsch-japanische annotierte Bibliographie (Special Collections in Japanese University Libraries: A German-Japanese Annotated Bibliography) 日本の大学所蔵特殊文庫解題目録:ドイツ語・日本語併記


2004, ISBN 3-89129-400-X, € 122, iudicium Verlag, München, LI, 854 S. geb. [Order]


Koch, Matthias

Universitäre Sondersammlungen in Japan: Eine deutsch-japanische annotierte Bibliographie (Special Collections in Japanese University Libraries: A German-Japanese Annotated Bibliography) 日本の大学所蔵特殊文庫解題目録:ドイツ語・日本語併記

Universitäre Sondersammlungen in Japan: Eine deutsch-japanische annotierte Bibliographie (Special Collections in Japanese University Libraries: A German-Japanese Annotated Bibliography) 日本の大学所蔵特殊文庫解題目録:ドイツ語・日本語併記

 With this bilingual (German and Japanese) bibliography, the DIJ presents a long awaited and much needed basic reference work, a true desideratum even from the Japanese perspective. It is based on a survey of 627 university central libraries in Japan, and contains annotations in German and Japanese on 734 special collections in 142 university libraries, covering more than forty disciplines. The sources in the special collections date from the Heian period to the present time, and comprise a great variety of subjects in the humanities and in the social and natural sciences. The bibliography can be accessed via the table of contents with all university libraries and special collections arranged in alphabetical order, and through the indices (index of proper names, keyword and subject index, subject area index, and index of special collections).

Current DIJ Projects

Special Collections in Japanese University Libraries