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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien


2010, Center for Interdisciplinary Area Studies – Middle East, Africa and Asia (ZIRS), Martin Luther Universität Halle-Wittenberg, 204 p.


Klien, Susanne
Neveling, Patrick

Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention: Case Studies from the Mascarenes and Japan

Volume 28/2010


Klien, Susanne; Neveling, Patrick
The Salience of Traditions, Inventions and Global Integration Compared: Japan and the Mascarene Islands
pp. 53-68

Klien, Susanne; Neveling, Patrick
Introduction: Tradition within and beyond the Framework of Invention
pp. 1-51

Klien, Susanne
Japan’s Horror Vacui: The Invention of Japanese National Identity in Fujiwara Masahiko’s The Dignity of the State (Kokka no Hinkaku)
pp. 153-175

Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention