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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien
The Silver Market Phenomenon. Business Opportunities in an Era of Demographic Change


2008, ISBN: 978-3-540-75330-8, 59,95 €, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, 506 p. [Order]


Kohlbacher, Florian
Herstatt, Cornelius


Milliardenmarkt Alter JapanMarkt, November 2008

The Silver Market Phenomenon. Business Opportunities in an Era of Demographic Change

The Silver Market Phenomenon. Business Opportunities in an Era of Demographic Change

The current shift in demographics – aging and shrinking populations – in many countries around the world presents a major challenge to companies and societies alike. One particularly essential implication is the emergence and constant growth of the so-called “silver market”, the market segment more or less broadly defined as those people aged 55 and older. Increasing in number and share of the total population while at the same time being relatively well-off, this market segment can be seen as very attractive and promising, although still very underdeveloped in terms of product and service offerings.

This book offers a thorough and up-to-date analysis of the challenges and opportunities in leveraging innovation, technology, product development and marketing for elder consumers and employees. Key lessons are drawn from the Japanese lead market as well as other select countries.


  • Looking at the Bright Side of Things …………………………. v
  • From the World Demographic Association …………………….. vii
  • Preface and Introduction ………………………………….. xi

Part I The Demographic Shift: Challenges, Chances, Perspectives

  1. Demographic Change and Economic Growth ……………….. 3
  2. Talking Politics: Demographic Variables and Policy Measures in Japan …………………………………………… 17
  3. The Silver Markets in Japan Through Regulatory Reform ……… 31
  4. Matching Demand and Supply: Future Technologies forActiveAgeing in Europe …………………………….. 41
  5. How Baby-Boomers in the United States Anticipate Their Aging Future: Implications for the Silver Market …………….. 55
  6. Japan’s Demographic Changes: Social Implications, and Business Opportunities …………………………….. 71

Part II Innovation, Design and Product Development for the Silver Market

  1. Disabled Persons as Lead Users for Silver Market Customers …… 85
  2. Integration of the Elderly in the Design Process ……………… 103
  3. Universal Design – Innovations for All Ages ………………… 125
  4. Transgenerational Design: A Heart Transplant for Housing …….. 141
  5. Service Innovation: Towards Designing
  6. Business Models for Aging Societies …………………… 157

Part III Marketing for the Silver Market

  1. Current Strategies in the Retail Industry for Best-Agers ……….. 173
  2. Silver Pricing: Satisfying Needs is Not Enough ………………. 185
  3. Macro-Structural Bases of Consumption in an Aging Low
    Birth-Rate Society ……………………………………. 201

  4. Changing Consumer Values and Behavior in Japan:
    Adaptation of Keio Department Store Shinjuku ……………… 225

  5. Grey Power: Older Workers as Older Customers …………….. 243
  6. Older Consumers’ Customer Service Preferences…………….. 257
  7. Silver Advertising: Elderly People in Japanese TV Ads ………… 269
  8. Advertising Agencies: The Most Calcified Part of the Process …… 279
  9. The Importance of Web 2.0 to the 50-Plus ………………….. 293

Part IV Industry Challenges and Solutions

    The Business of Aging: Ten Successful Strategies for a Diverse
    Market ……………………………………………. 309

  1. The Discovery and Development of the Silver Market in Germany ………………………………………… 325
  2. India: Emerging Opportunities in a Market in Transition ………. 341
  3. Silver Markets and Business Customers: Opportunities for Industrial Markets? ……………………………….. 353
  4. Business Chances in Personal Transportation: Traffic Safety for Older Adults …………………………………….. 371
  5. In-Vehicle Telematic Systems and the Older Driver …………… 381
  6. Taking Advantage of Adversarial Demographic Changes to Innovate Your Own Business ………………………….. 391
  7. The Golden Opportunity of Silver Marketing: The Case of Housing and Financial Services ……………………….. 415
  8. Medical System Reforms and Medical Information Systems in Japan …………………………………………… 427
  9. The End of Mass Media: Aging and the US Newspaper Industry …………………………………………… 443
  10. Material Innovation in the Japanese Silver Market …………… 453
  11. Potholes in the Road to Efficient Gerontechnology Use in Elderly Care Work …………………………………. 469
  12. Senior Educational Programs for Compensating Future Student Decline in German Universities ……………………. 481
  • Lessons Learned and the Challenges and Opportunities Ahead ……… 495
  • Afterword……………………………………………… 499

Advance Praise for The Silver Market Phenomenon

  • The Silver Market Phenomenon literally encapsulates the wisdom of the ages about the aged. What
    sets this book apart is the breadth of its geographic scope, informing readers of age-related trends
    around the globe from the perspective of world-class thinkers. From social theory to empirical
    evidence to practical applications, the Silver Market Phenomenon mines the collective wisdom of
    practitioners and academicians who bring rich and varied perspectives on the fallout from aging to the
    written page. If you’re looking for the survey course on mature consumers, this is it!

    Laurel Kennedy, Founder, Age Lessons, LLC, Founding Member and President, International
    Mature Marketing Network, USA

  • People live longer and stay active. But what is marketing doing about it? Not enough, it seems.
    Therefore The Silver Market Phenomenon is timely and right on target. It is no coincidence that it
    emanates from Japan, a country that treats senior citizens with respect. But the scope of the book is
    global with authors from both the Eastern and Western hemispheres. My advice: Consult this seminal
    book at your next marketing strategy session!

    Dr. Evert Gummesson, Professor of Marketing and Management, Stockholm University School of
    Business, Sweden

  • This book is unique in terms of its positive and constructive attitude towards the ageing phenomena. It
    focuses on business opportunities of the demographic change by covering a broad spectrum of
    emerging areas. This breadth is one of the strengths of this book, as it is the first comprehensive and
    international publication on the business opportunities of demographic change. It skillfully articulates
    the unique aspects of the silver market and offers valuable insight and advice to academic scholars and
    practitioners alike.

    Dr. Fumio Kodama, Director and Professor, Research Center for Management of Technology,
    Graduate School of Engineering Management, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Japan

  • This is a unique book that covers a wide spectrum of topics and contains a wealth of information on
    the mature market in different parts of the globe. The book is a “must read” for those interested in the
    mature market and wish to understand their older customers.

    Dr. George P. Moschis, Professor of Marketing, Alfred Bernhardt Research Professor, and
    Director of the Center for Mature Consumer Studies, Georgia State University, USA

  • The silver economy offers enormous potential for our society, economically, on the labour market and
    as an enrichment and improvement in the lives of the elderly. Germany will be the first major
    European economy to bear the brunt of demographic change. In order to maximise in order to
    maximise the potential of the silver economy for consumers and suppliers, The Federal Ministry for
    Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, together with The Federal Ministry for
    Economics and Technology have started an initiative called “Age as an Economic Factor”.

    Dr. Ursula von der Leyen, German Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth

  • Demographics drives markets. The book fills a noticeable gap in the field of innovation, namely the
    dealing with opportunities created by the changing demographics of today’s world. Featuring first-rate
    chapter authors, this book provides a valuable contribution to the marketer and product-developer
    interested in conceiving, developing and launching tomorrow’s new products.

    Dr. Robert G. Cooper, Professor, McMaster University and President of the Product Development
    Institute, Canada


Current DIJ Projects

The Silver Market Phenomenon: Business Opportunities and Responsibilities in an Era of Demographic Change

Advertising to the Silver Market in Japan