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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien
Japanstudien 20


2008, iudicium Verlag, München, 344 p. [Order]


Elis, Volker
Lützeler, Ralph


Toepfer, Helmuth
Regionalentwicklung und regionale Disparitäten Erdkunde Vol. 63 No. 4

Japanstudien 20

Regionalentwicklung und regionale Disparitäten (Regional Development and Regional Disparities)

Japanstudien 20

For years, the discourse on Japan’s regional structure has been dominated by the hyper-concentration of economic, cultural, political and societal functions on the Tokyo metropolis and the corresponding relative insignificance of all other regions. Recently, however, new developments have become apparent which might lead to a more diversified regional structure. These developments are:

  • political decentralization and the amalgamation of municipalities as an instrument to cut administrative expenditures. This might save some municipalities from bankruptcy, but could also lead to oversized administrations out of touch with their citizens;
  • a paradigm change in regional planning: the State abandons its task of mitigating regional disparities and calls upon the direct responsibility of each commune and prefecture instead;
  • a deepening gap between shrinking and growing regions. For overcrowded areas, though, the shrinking process might also offer new opportunities;
  • the undocking of specific urban quarters in Tokyo or in the Kansai region from the rest of their city region as a result of efforts to compete with top locations of other world metropoles.

Overall, these developments might lead to an even stronger association between place and living conditions in Japan. Furthermore, not only rural regions, but a significant number of cities as well will have to cope with population losses, which is almost the opposite of the well-known problems linked to overcrowding that have been charcterizing large parts of urban Japan up to now. Japanstudien 20 intends to deal with these new trends from various perspectives and disciplines, including demographics, geography, sociology, political science, economics, jurisprudence and cultural studies.


Lützeler, Ralph; Elis, Volker

Feldhoff, Thomas
Landes- und Regionalentwicklung zwischen Wachstum und Schrumpfung: Regionale Disparitäten und räumliche Planung in Japan
pp. 35-67

Flüchter, Winfried
Schrumpfende Städte als Herausforderung: Japan, Hokkaidō und der Fall der Stadt Yūbari
pp. 69-102

Brumann, Christoph
Weite Himmel über der Kaiserstadt: Die Kehrtwende in Kyotos Stadtplanung
pp. 103-128

Reiher, Cornelia
Kommunale Gebietsreformen der Heisei-Zeit und lokale Identität: Das Beispiel der Kommune Arita-chō
pp. 163-192

Funck, Carolin
Eine neue Identität für Regionalstädte: Deindustrialisierung, kommunale Gebietsreform und Tourismus
pp. 193-222

Rausch, Anthony
Japanese Rural Revitalization: The Reality and Potential of Cultural Commodities as Local Brands
pp. 223-245

Hirano, Tatsushi; Saaler, Sven; Säbel, Stefan
Recent Developments in the Representation of National Memory and Local Identities: The Politics of Memory in Tsushima, Matsuyama, and Maizuru
pp. 247-277

DeWit, Andrew; Tani, Tatsuhiko
The Local Dimension of Energy and Environmental Policy in Japan
pp. 281-305

Brucksch, Susanne; Grünschloß, Carolina
From Environmental Accountability to Corporate Social Responsibility? Reflections on the CSR Boom in Japan from the Perspective of Business Management and Civil Society Groups
pp. 307-329

Godzik, Maren
NPO西山夘三記念すまい・まちづくり文庫『昭和の日本のすまい ― 西山夘三写真アーカイブズから』創元社NPO Nishiyama Uzō Kinen Sumai, Machizukuri Bunko (Hg.): Shōwa no Nihon no sumai. Nishiyama Uzō shashin ākaibuzu kara [Wohnen in der Shōwa-Zeit. Aus dem Fotoarchiv von Nishiyama Uzō]
pp. 333-338

Heinrich, Patrick
Long, Daniel: English in the Bonin (Ogasawara) Islands
pp. 339-344

Koch, Matthias
小島毅『靖国史観―幕末維新という深淵』筑摩書房 Kojima, Tsuyoshi: Yasukuni shikan. Bakumatsu ishin to iu shin’en [Das Yasukuni-Geschichtsbild. Aus den Tiefen der Bakumatsu-Restauration] (= Chikuma Shinsho; 652)
pp. 345-352

Lützeler, Ralph
石井素介『国土保全の思想-日本の国土利用はこれでよいのか-』 古今書院 Ishii, Motosuke: Kokudo hozen no shisō – Nihon no kokudo riyō wa kore de yoi no ka [Gedanken zur Landeskonservierung: Ist die gegenwärtige Form der Landnutzung Japans akzeptabel?]
pp. 353-358

Menkhaus, Heinrich
Wörterbücher zur juristischen Fachsprache Deutsch-Japanisch und Japanisch-Deutsch, 3. Teil: I. 田沢五郎『独・日・英ビジネス経済法制辞典』郁文堂 Tazawa, Gōrō: Doku, Nichi, Ei bijinesu keizai hōsei jiten [Deutsch-Japanisch- Englisches Wörterbuch für Handel, Wirtschaft und Recht] II. ゲッツェ・ベルンド『和独法律用語辞典』成文堂 Götze, Bernd: Wa-Doku hōritsu yōgo jiten [Japanisch-Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch]
pp. 359-363

Prieler, Michael
Köhn, Stephan und Martina Schönbein (Hg.): Facetten der japanischen Populär- und Medienkultur 2
pp. 364-368

Spang, Christian W.
Maltarich, Bill: Samurai and Supermen. National Socialist Views of Japan
pp. 369-376

Klein, Axel
島田裕己『日本の10大新宗教』幻冬舎 Shimada, Hiromi: Nihon no jūdai shin-shūkyō [Japan’s ten big new religions]
pp. 377-381

Wittig, Alexandra
北岡伸一『国連の政治力学-日本はどこにいるのか』中央公論社 Kitaoka, Shin’ichi: Kokuren no seiji rikigaku – Nihon wa doko ni iru no ka [The political dynamics of the United Nations – Where does Japan stand?] (= Chūkō Shinsho; 1899)
pp. 382-387

pp. 388-394

Elis, Volker; Lützeler, Ralph
Regionalentwicklung und Ungleichheit: Raumdisparitäten als Thema zur Prime time – eine Einführung
pp. 15–33

Godzik, Maren
Ruheständler als Lebenselixier? Ruhestandswanderung und lokale Neubelebungsstrategien am Beispiel von Atami und Ishigaki
pp. 129-162

Current DIJ Projects

Demographic Change and its Regional Implications for Municipalities in Rural and Urban Areas