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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

Technology and Management in Japan - The Early Days of Japanese Automation Technology

 December 1969 - October 2005

The early days of the Japanese automation technology

The “triumphal progress” of the profitability and production technology in Japanese industry after the Second World War was not least due to the successful transfer and development of advanced automation technologies from USA and Western Europe. The process of developing and establishing automation technology was crucial for the rapid rise of Japanese industry in the first decades after 1945. By increasing productivity and flexibility and by improving the production quality of production facilities, automation technology formed the basis and engine for the economic miracle after devastating destruction of the war years.

René Haak is focusing in addition to his currently conducting research within the DIJ research focus “Japan in Asia” on the development of Japanese management and technology in the Japanese industry, especially in the field of advanced automation technologies. The interaction between human resource management, production technology and work organization is the main aspects of his currently research interest in the development of technology. First research results were published in the journals Japan Analysen und Prognosen (01/2001), Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb ZWF (05/2001) and Japanmarkt (03/2001 and 10/2001).


René Haak René Haak (until October 2005)
Business Administration, Management and Technology