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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien


Happiness Literature

Happiness in Japan before and after 3/11: An economic approach

Consumption and economic sustainability after March 11

Volunteering in Tōhoku

Negotiating Nuclear Disaster: Cultural Representations of “Fukushima”

Trust and Subjective Well-being after 3/11 – results of a DIJ-survey

Parents against Radiation. A case study

Political participation and well-being: A case study of political activists after 3/11

Older people’s housing situation and future prospects in the Tōhoku region

The debate on nuclear energy policy after March 11

Risks and Opportunities - Japan's Challenges in the Face of an Increasingly Uncertain Future

Happily Different? On Happiness and Norm Deviation in Japan

Happiness and Unhappiness in Bioethical Questions: Decision Making for Organ Donation and Organ Transplantation in Germany and in Japan

Vereinbarkeit Familie und Beruf

Privatisation and diversification in the Japanese welfare state: Toward a new safety net through regulation?

Start-ups in Asia – the role of agglomerations and international linkages

Political Participation and Happiness in Japanese Community Groups

The Future of Local Communities in Japan - Risks and Opportunities in the Face of Multiple Challenges

Imaging the Lost Generation: Representations of Japan’s “Unequal Society” in Popular Culture Media

Comparatively Happy – Objective Precarity and Subjective Exclusion in Germany and Japan

Marital Happiness and Discord: Discourses in Japanese Women’s Magazines

Life Course Changes in Contemporary Japanese Society: A Study of Single Working Women in Tokyo

Happiness in Japan: Continuities and Discontinuities

Civil Society and Population Ageing in Japan

Employment of the Elderly, the Ageing Workforce and HRM

Social Aspects of Low Fertility in Japan

Great East Japan Earthquake

Religious organizations and the politics of happiness

Adult Guardianship in Japan

Political Participation and Happiness in Japan

“A Happy Person”: A Japanese-German Comparison of Factors of Life Satisfaction

Parental Well-being: Japan and Germany in Comparison

Parental Well-Being - Germany and Japan in Comparison

How to make voters happy? The promise of happiness by Japan’s political parties between continuities and discontinuities

Political participation and happiness: The public-private divide and its implication for gender equality

The Appropriation of Traditions in Contemporary Rural Japan: Pursuit of Happiness?

Demographic Change and its Regional Implications for Municipalities in Rural and Urban Areas

Geschichtstheorien der Historischen Frauenforschung

Images of the Nation: Gender, Race, and Culture in Women’s

The Language of Science, a Case Study about the University of Tokyo

Jüngste Arbeitsmarktreformen in Deutschland – Mögliche Lehren für Japan

Die Diskussion um die Änderung der japanischen Verfassung und der Kriegsverzichtsartikel (Artikel 9)

Die Zulassung der weiblichen Thronfolge in Japan

Wandel der Entlohnungspraktiken japanischer Großunternehmen bei alternden Belegschaftsstrukturen

Population History of Japan: Past, Present, and Future

Wirtschaftsförderung in Japans Abwanderungsgebieten

Communication between staff and residents in a Japanese nursing home for the elderly

Letters from Japan by a German Geographer: Johannes Justus Rein, 1873–1875

Fertility and Social Stratification

Temporary Employment in Japan and the Economics of Happiness