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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien


Special project:
Japan through the lens of the Tokyo Olympics

The meaning of local community for happiness and selfhood

Parental well-being in the rural periphery of Germany and Japan: Choices, challenges, and considerations

Handbook Project Studying Japan: Research Designs, Fieldwork and Methods

Local Issues Take Stage – Culture and Community Revitalization

The Risks and Opportunities of the ‘Hyper-Solo-Society’. (Re)Mapping Intimacy – Spatial Perspectives on Personal Relationships in Contemporary Japan

Global Dimensions of the First World War and the Interwar Period in East Asia

What is the "local"? - Rethinking the politics of subnational spaces in Japan

Japan's economic challenges ahead - Abenomics and beyond

Integrating a global workforce - Japanese approaches to global HR

Sexism and career aspirations of Japanese university students

Temporäre internationale Arbeitsmigration und lokaler Arbeitsmarkt in Japan am Beispiel des Technical Intern Training Program

Industrial Trainees from China and Vietnam in Japan: An Entry Point into the Key Issues of International Labour Migration and Skill Transfer

Japan’s “blue economies”? Japanese firms in the restructuring of the global seafood trade

Three Myths about the Japanese Red Army: What you Think you Know is Probably Wrong!

The Status of Japanese Career Women in their Professional and Private Life

Changing Gender Orders and Diversity in Comparative Perspective: Growing Flexibility of Work and Life Strategies

The Great East Japan Earthquake

Five Things You'd Want to Know in Explaining Japan's Surrender in 1945

Happiness in Japan and Germany

Contemporary Japanese society with focus on gender, Japanese women, tradition in modern Japan and cultural globalization

“Polished Toilets, Polished Minds“. The anthropology of cleaning your workplace in Japan

Social and economic implications of sport and popular culture in contemporary Japan

Shrinking Rural Communities in Japan: Community ownership of assets as a development potential in Japan and Europa

Media representations of Okinawa: a postcolonial perspective

„Innovation and Product Development for Aging Users“: Lead Markets for Age-ased Innovation; User Innovators in Silver Markets

Consumption and well-being

Soziale Ungleichheit in Japan

Prospects on personal growth for Japanese women in Japanese companies and in overseas branches


Happiness in a (Japanese) Day-Nursery

Listening to the Community: Grassroots Mental Healthcare in Local Communities

Harvesting State Support – Endogenous Institutional Change and the Role of the “Local” in Japan’s Agricultural Support and Protection Regime

Fishing communities between growth and demise

The political regulation of minimum wages in Germany, Japan and the United Kingdom

Aging in Japan: Domestic Healthcare Technologies in Place

The Changing Political Economy of “Rural Revitalization”

Discussions of Diversity in Fiction and the Media - Work and the Workplace in the Context of Alternative Concepts of Life

Diversität und ethische Probleme in der Kultur- und Sprachpolitik Japans: Geschichte, Gegenwart und Zukunft

Diversität, Körper und Gesundheit: Bioethische Diskussionen in Japan

Gleichstellungspolitik für mehr Diversität in Arbeitsmarkt und Gesellschaft?

Risiken und Chancen politischer Partizipation in Japan

Effective Multinational Teamwork in the Japanese Context (EMTJ Study)

Work-related Diversity in Japan: New Risks and Opportunities for Whom?

Energy Transition and Energy Democracy in Japan – Local Strategies vs. National Policies

The political consequences of employment diversification in Japan

History Politics in East Asia

Technical Innovation and Research Collaboration / Clusters: Biomedical Engineering in Japan

Entrepreneurship and Employment in Demographically Ageing Societies

Socio-political discourse on happiness in Imperial Japan: Towards a historical contextualization of the Japanese concept of happiness