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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

Japan's economic challenges ahead - Abenomics and beyond

 October 2014 - ongoing

Japan’s economy faces major challenges. The most prominent are demographic change, fiscal and monetary stability, economic inequality, globalization and the fourth industrial revolution. The economic policies undertaken by the Abe administration coined as “Abenomics” include a wide range of ambitious initiatives in the field monetary policy, science and technology, regional economy, corporate governance, productivity, gender and work-life balance aimed at tackling the various challenges. With these initiatives, the government has tightly controlled public discourses about economic policy both at the macro and micro level despite the fact that many of the initiatives lack rigorous analysis as far as the possibility and effectiveness of government action and the adequacy of specific measures proposed are concerned. The research undertaken in this project critically assesses the economic rationale of the goals and the effectiveness of the measures taken. It applies a theoretical and comparative institutional perspective and explores policy alternatives. In doing so, it aims to not only stimulate academic discussions, but to also contribute to public discourses. The focus is on fiscal and monetary policy, corporate governance, employment and productivity.

Recent Publications

Waldenberger, Franz (2024). "Reiches Land – Armer Staat. Japans Wirtschaft im Griff der Demographie". LINK
Waldenberger, Franz (2023). "日本の地域経済の課題と可能性-ドイツとEUからの示唆 (Herausforderungen und Chancen für Japans regionale Volkswirtschaften – Hinweise aus Deutschland und der EU)". Rotary Club of Tokyo (pp. 1-3). LINK
Heckel, Markus & Waldenberger, Franz (2023). "Why Has There Been No Inflation in Japan?". In: Rövekamp, Frank, Bälz, Moritz, Hilpert, Hanns Günter & Sohn, Wook (Eds.), Inflation and Deflation in East Asia (pp. 103-122). Springer Nature. (Financial and Monetary Policy Studies). LINK
Waldenberger, Franz & Oguri, Kōji (2023). "日本地域経済の課題と可能性 – ドイツ・EUからの示唆 (Herausforderungen und Chancen der Regionalwirtschaft in Japan – Hinweise aus Deutschland und der EU)". 中部圏研究 (Chūbuken kenkyū), 223 (2023.06) (pp. 144-166). LINK
Waldenberger, Franz (2022). "Die japanische Wirtschaft unter ‘Abenomics’". In: Chiavacci, David & Wieczorek, Iris (Eds.), Japan 2022: Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (pp. 102-110). Iudicium. (Jahrbuch der Vereinigung für sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung). LINK
Waldenberger, Franz (2022). "Armer Staat, reiches Land. Japans Staatsverschuldung". In: Blechinger-Talcott, Verena, Chiavacci, David & Schwentker, Wolfgang (Eds.), Japan. Ein Land im Umbruch (pp. 199-213). BeBra Verlag.
Waldenberger, Franz & Kamesaka, Akiko (2019). "Financial Impact of Mega Disasters". In: Waldenberger, Franz & Kamesaka, A. (Eds.), Governance, Risk and Financial Impact of Mega Disasters. Lessons from Japan (pp. 1-12). Springer Verlag.
Waldenberger, Franz (2019). "Produktivität und Diversität – Japans Beschäftigungssystem auf dem Prüfstand". DIJ Newsletter, 59 (pp. 1-2). LINK
Kamesaka, Akiko & Waldenberger, Franz (Eds.) (2019). Governance, Risk and Financial Impact of Mega Disasters. Springer Nature. LINK
Waldenberger, Franz (2018). "Japan’s economy at the beginning of 2018: How sustainable is Japan’s economic upswing?". DJW Newsletter, 5. LINK
Waldenberger, Franz (2018). "Japans Corporate Governance Reformen – Mehr Vielfalt statt Konvergenz". In: Graf v. Kalnein, Albrecht & Fröhlich, Julius (Eds.), Diversität in Japan: Veränderung durch Vielfalt – Vielfalt durch Veränderung (pp. 5-6). LINK
Waldenberger, Franz (2018). "Japans Wirtschaft boomt. Alles auf Pump?". Kaihō (Zeitschrift der Deutsch-Japanischen Gesellschaft in Bayern e.V), 2 (2018) (pp. 25-27).


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