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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien


Not published by the DIJ


Handelsblatt. 14.04.2009

JapanMarkt, April 2009

Zeitschrift für Japanisches Recht / Journal of Japanese Law. 27 (2009)

British Journal of Industrial Relations

Keio Communication Review. 31


Bounfour, Ahmed
Organizational Capital: Modelling, Measuring and Contextualising

International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies. 3(1-2)

サビーネ・シェンク; Marks, Andreas
Lethal Beauty: Samurai Weapons and Armor

The Japan Times. January 28

JapanMarkt, Januar 2009

フローリアン・コールバッハ; Güttel, Wolfgang H.; Haltmeyer, Beate
The Ageing Workforce and HRM – Challenges, Chances, Perspectives. Special Issue, International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management. 9(2/3)

Journal of Politeness Research 5

Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 101, No. 365


Erdkunde. 62 (4)

Scholz-Cionca, Stanca; Balme, Christopher
Noh Theater Transversal

Scholz-Cionca, Stanca; Balme, Christopher
Proceedings of the International Symposium „Nô Theatre Transversal. Crossing Borders between Genres, Cultures and Identities”

J@pan Inc, December 2008

Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik, 10.2008


SWP-Aktuell. A 84, Dezember 2008

Pohl, Manfred; Wieczorek, Iris
Japan 2008: Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft


Ölschleger, Hans Dieter
Theories and Methods in Japanese Studies: Current State and Future Developments. Papers in Honour of Josef Kreiner

Institute for International Monetary Affairs, Newsletter No. 20, October 2008


demos. Demografie - Entwicklung - Migration Online-Service. Ausgabe 57, 02. Oktober 2008

Online-Handbuch Demografie

Pacific Affairs, Vol. 81, No. 3 (Fall 2008)

Health Communication: Journal of the Korean Academy on Communication in Healthcare 3 (2)

長寿科学の推進に係わるグランドデザインに関する研究.  平成19年度 厚生労働科学研究費補助金 長寿科学総合研究事業報告書

Integrationspotenzial der japanischen Arbeitsgesellschaft im Wandel. Jugend, Prekarisierung und soziale Exklusion

Testcard #17: Sex

フローリアン・コールバッハ; Herstatt, Cornelius
The Silver Market Phenomenon. Business Opportunities in an Era of Demographic Change

The Japan Times. September 2

J@pan Inc, September 2008

JapanMarkt, September 2008

Shohamy, E.; Gorter, D.
Linguistic Landscape: Expanding the Scenery

Challenges in European Employment Relations, Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations

Managing Flow: A Process Theory of the Knowledge-Based Firm. (Ikujiro Nonaka, Ryoko Toyama & Toru Hirata, in collaboration with Susan Bigelow, Ayano Hirose and Florian Kohlbacher)

VSJF-Newsletter Nr. 41

Fischer, Andrea; Gotthardt, Tina ; Humberg, Kerstin; Lorenz, Tobias
Drahtseilakt Leben. Junge Forscher zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirklichkeit

aktuell ASIA August 2008

Ebner, Alexander; Heine, Klaus; Schnellenbach, Jan
Innovation zwischen Markt und Staat

Knowledge Management Research & Practice. 6(3)

J@pan Inc, July 2008

Barni, Monica; Extra, Guus
Mapping Linguistic Diversity in Multicultural Contexts

杉谷恭一; バウアー, トビアス
日本とドイツの戦後史。日独国際ワークショップ報告書 2008年2月27日~28日. Nachkriegsgeschichte von Japan und Deutschland. Beiträge des internationalen japanisch-deutschen Workshops in Kumamoto 27.-28. Februar 2008

International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning. 4(3)