Research Overview
Japan’s “Blue Economies”? Coastal Fisheries between Growth and Demise:
English, PDF (4,4 MB)
2017年3月年 - 2022年9月
Recent Publications
Ganseforth, Sonja (2022). "MWS Lieblingsorte: Ein Fischerdorf auf der Insel Hirado im Westen Japans". Weltweit vor Ort. Magazin der Max Weber Stiftung., 1/2022 (pp. 50-51). LINK
Ganseforth, Sonja (2022). "Shifting Matter and Meanings in Japanese Seafood Assemblages: Fish as Functional Food Cyborgs and Emblematic Cultural Commodities". Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism, 26:1 (pp. 56-71). LINK
Ganseforth, Sonja (2021). "Blue revitalization or dispossession? Reform of common resource management in Japanese small-scale fisheries". The Geographical Journal, online first (pp. 1-13). LINK
Ganseforth, Sonja (2020). Reclaiming the global countryside? Decline and diversification in Saga Genkai coastal fisheries. LINK
Ganseforth, Sonja & König, Anne-Sophie (2018). "Der Umzug des Tsukiji-Großmarktes. / (Re)Locating the Tsukij Central Wholesale Market". DIJ Newsletter, 57. LINK
ゾニャ・ガンゼフォルト (until 2022年9月)
グループ長 「日本の地方自治体の将来」
グループ長 「日本の地方自治体の将来」