Care-led innovation: the case of eldercare in France, Germany, and Japan
Creating places of resilience and communicative places
Transregional actors across East Asia: Christianity, education, and independence movements
Transforming Empire: Japanese technical assistance and education in postwar Asia
Thomas Mann’s reception in Japan between cultural heteronomy and emancipatory impulses
Japan’s Future Imaginaries of Extended Reality
John Rabe's Nanjing Diaries - Testifying and Contesting War Experiences in China and Japan
現代日本における「持続可能性(サスティナビリティ)の価値観」と社会文化的な「価値観の持続性」 についての研究
Arts and Literature after Fukushima
Relationships in motion: Doing belonging on a global stage
プロジェクト Okada Toshiki & Japanese Theatre(岡田利規と日本の演劇)
The Digital Transformation of Science
日独出版 プロジェクト
Use of robotic systems in nursing care in Japan with a view to increasing demand for skilled workers
ACCESS - Supporting digital literacy and appropriation of ICT
Humans and Devices in Medical Contexts in Japan (book project)
ACCESS - Inclusion of senior citizens in a digitalizing world
COVID-19パンデミックが日本の独身者(シングル)に与える影響。 ソーシャルディスタンスと自粛の時代における人間関係と親密さの実践 (practices of intimacy)
COVID-19 ー 国際比較における日本の新たな課題への対応
The Making of Modern Social Sciences in East Asia - Concepts, Agents and Transnational Networks
Interaktionen und Wissensströme: Verflechtungs- und Entflechtungsprozesse im pazifischen Raum
Borders, Mobility and New Infrastructures