German Institute for Japanese Studies
〒102-0072 Tokyo, 3-3-6 Kudan Minami, Chiyoda-ku
Admission free. Since seating is limited, please register with Ms. Asano (Fax 03-3222-5420 or asano@dijtokyo.org) at the German Institute for Japanese Studies by November 20 (please give your name, affiliation and phone number). Please register early so as to avoid congestions. For questions please call Rene Haak 03-3222-5077 (haak@dijtokyo.org)
The Changing Structure of Labor in Japan - Japanese Human Resource Management between Continuity and Innovation
What changes can be observed in the labor market? What is special about the Japanese-style human resource management in the low-growth era, and what are the responses by Japanese and German firms?
The structure of the Japanese labor market is gradually changing in terms of both supply and demand. On the one hand the symposium will discuss the major supply-side factors, which include for example the rapid influx of women into the labor force, the aging of the working population and the trend toward higher education. On the other hand the symposium will consider continuity and changes in employment patterns like the expansion of flexible types of employment (part-time workers, arubaito, home workers etc.) and the specific innovations of the distinctive features of Japanese-style human resource management (HRM): for example, the “three sacred treasures” of lifetime employment, seniority promotion (promotion according to age and length of service), and the stability offered by having enterprise trade unions. Special attention will be paid to the question of how these three treasures were strategically integrated in an innovative Japanese-style human resource management.
Supported by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
13.00 - 13.15
Opening and Greetings
Rainer Schlageter, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
13.15 - 13.20
13.20 - 14.00
Key Note Speech
Tadashi Hanami, Sophia University
14.00 - 15.00
Session I
Dennis S. Tachiki, Tamagawa University
Michio Nitta, Tokyo University
Hiroyuki Fujimura, Hosei University
John Benson, University of Melbourne
15.00 - 15.20
Coffee Break
15.20 - 16.20
Session II
Haruo Horaguchi, Hosei University
Hiromasa Suzuki, Waseda University
Markus Falk, BASF South East Asia Regional Headquarters BASF
Hauke Bruhn, Volkswagen Group Japan KK
16.20 - 17.20
Session III
Shigeru Matsushima, Hosei University
Philippe Debroux, Soka University
17.20 - 18.20
Session IV
Peter Berg, Michigan State University
Yoshiaki Takahashi, Chuo University
Helmut Demes, University of Duisburg-Essen
Final Remarks