DIJ 社会科学研究会
Postwar Democracy in Japan as a Set of Stable Disequilibria (戦後日本の民主主義の安定した不均衡)
Anja Osiander, Visiting Scholar, Osaka University School of Law
Activating the Self-Defence Forces: The Rise of the Positive Military Norm in Japan's Security Policy after the Cold War (冷戦後日本における「軍隊に対する肯定的な規範」の強化)
永田 博美, ロンドン大学SOAS
Explaining Japanese Foreign Policy on Whaling (捕鯨問題についての日本外交政策)
Roger Smith, Oxford University / Tokyo University
Japanese youth crime policy today (現代日本における青年犯罪対策)
Manuel Metzler, Daito Bunka Daigaku
Restoring the "Normal Nation": Japan's Changing International Environment and the Conservative Revolution in Foreign Policy at the Beginning of the 21st Century (「普通の国の日本」を求めて:変わりつつある日本の国際環境と21世紀の外交における保守革命)
アクセル・カーペンシュタイン, ドイツ日本研究所
Leaders, Politics and Summits: Japanese Prime Ministers at the G7, 1979–83 (G7サミットに参加した日本の総理大臣たち(1979-83))
H.D.P. Envall, Hitotsubashi University and University of Melbourne
Modernizing State Finances in the Meiji Period: Tajiri Inajiro (1850-1923) (明治時代の財政を現代化と田尻稲次郎 (1850-1923))
Katalin Ferber
Segregation in a "Homogeneous" City: Tokyo and the New Debate on Fragmenting Urban Societies (「均質化された」大都市の中のセグリゲーション - 都市社会分裂化新論と東京)
Ralph Lützeler, Bonn University
The Unfreezing of the Japanese Party System: From Alignment to Dealignment (日本の政党制の凍結解除 : 『政党支持』から『政党支持なし』へ)
Carmen Schmidt, Hitotsubashi University
Whither the Red Queen: Institutional Co-Evolution in Political Science (政治学における「制度上の共進化論」)
Daniel P. Aldrich, Harvard University / University of Tokyo
Contesting Peace at Yasukuni Shrine (靖国を巡る平和論争)
Brian J. Masshardt, University of Hawaii
Foreign Domestic Workers Under Japan's "Closed-Door" Immigration Policy (日本の入国政策 外国人清掃労働者)
Brenda Resurecion Tiu Tenegra, Ochanomizu University
Mister Sparkle meets the Yakuza: Depictions of Japan in the Simpsons (米国テレビドラマ「Simpsons」の中に登場する日本)
Missiles and missile defences: the impact on Japan's security dilemma (ミサイルとミサイル防衛)
Aaron Matthews, Australian Defence Force Academy
Exploring the Paradox of Japanese Nationalism (日本のナショナリズムのパラドックス)
Brian McVeigh
The Value of Apology to Japan (日本が謝罪する価値)
Alexis Dudden, Connecticut College
United Nations Peace Keeping Operations in East Timor (東ティモールのPKO)
川上隆久, 外務省 国際平和協力室長
Free employment and employment free in Japan: individual lives in a time of crisis and globalisation (日本の自由業及びフリーターの実態について)
Wim Lunsing, University of Tokyo
The Internet and Political Activism - The case of the "textbook affair" 2001 (2001年の教科書問題とインターネット上での政治活動)
イサ・ドッカ, ドイツ日本研究所
Language Barrier and Migrant Workers in Japanese Courts (日本の裁判における言葉の壁と外国人労働者-司法制度は国際化したか)
Tomonori Taki, University of Warwick
Japan, Football and Governance in World Sports(日本そしてサッカーと世界スポーツの管理)
Wolfram Manzenreiter, Vienna University
Bringing in the Brass: Japan-South Korea Military Organizations enter the Security Relationship(日本と韓国の軍事組織の安全保障への介入)
Jason U. Manosevitz, Keiō University
The New Political Economy of Japanese Intergovernmental Relations (日本における中央・地方政府間の新政治経済学)
Andrew DeWit, Shimonoseki City University
"Thou Shallst Communicate!" - Reforming Foreign Language Education in Japan (「新コミュニケーション能力観」?日本における外国語教育改革を考える)
Annette Erbe, Kyoto University
Cartelization Versus Democratization: What are the Prospects for Cartel Driven Imperial Overexpansion in Japan Today ? (カルテル化か民主化か-現代日本はカルテル化による帝国主義的過剰拡張政策をとるのだろうか)
Paul Midford, Kanazawa University
Rebuilding Cooperation: Japan in the Southern Bluefin Tuna Regime (みなみまぐろレジームと日本)
Yoichiro Sato, Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies
When Pillars Evaporate. Structuring Masculinity on the Japanese Margins(大黒柱が蒸発するとき―日本の周辺における「男らしさ」の構造)
Tom Gill, University of Tokyo
Japan Between Two Asias(二つのアジアの間での日本)
Lisa Sansoucy, Cornell University
Ballistic Missile Defence and the Implications for Japanese Security Policy(日本の安全保障と弾道ミサイル防衛システム)
Christopher Hughes, University of Warwick
Welfare for the State: The Origin of the Private Saving Network in Japan(1873-1925) (日本における郵便貯金ネットワークの起源 )
Katalin Ferber (Shizuoka Bunka Geijutsu Daigaku)
The Human Rights Politics of Japan: Mirror of "Asian Identity?"(日本の人権政策)
Martina Timmermann, Institute of Asian Affairs, Hamburg
The Logic of Reassurance and Japan's Grand Strategy(安全保障論と日本の防衛政策について)
Paul Midford, Kanazawa University
Cooperative Capitalism: Self-Regulation, Trade Associations, and the Antimonopoly Law in Japan(資本主義協力関係:自治・事業者団体・独占禁止法)
Ulrike Schaede (University of California, San Diego)
A Never-Ending Piggyback Marathon? The Changing Faces of Union Support for the Left in Japan(組合の左翼支援の変化)
Sarah Hyde, St. Anthony’s College, Oxford
Japanese Security Norms versus Realpolitik: The Coming Collision between Japan's Arms Export Ban and Theatre Missile Defense (TMD) (日本の安全ノルマ対現実政策)
Andrew Oros, Columbia University
Dying Geese: The International Political Ecology of the Asian Shrimp Aquaculture and Eucalyptus Plantation Industries (エコロジーの国際政策:アジアのエビ養殖とユーカリ栽培)
Derek Hall, Cornell University
"Let's Play Hard Ball": The Politics of Ishihara's Tax on the Bank(石原都知事の「銀行税」政策について)
Andrew DeWit, Shimonoseki City University
Gendered Gazes: A Look at the Use of the Human Face in Japanese Car Advertising (ジェンダーからみた日本車の広告顔について)
Andreas Riessland, Oxford Brookes University
From Pace-Setter to Laggard: Production Networks in the Japanese Electronics Industry(日本エレクトロニック工業の生産網)
Ralph Paprzycki, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
The Japanese Environmental Industry - A Future Industrial Core?(日本のエコ産業について)
Ilona Köster, Marburg University
Changing Japanese Divorce Trends in the 1990s (1990年代の日本における離婚率の変化)
Sean Curtin, University of Sheffield
"Whatever it is, it's bad, so stop it!" Political Convictions and Ambivalence in Japan's New Child Sex Legislation(日本児童虐待法における政治的な信念とあいまいさ)
David Leheny, University of Wisconsin-Madison
German Foreign Trade Promotion in Japan: An Attempt to View a Practical Job in Theoretical Terms (日本におけるドイツ外国貿易振興について)
Norbert Schultes, German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan
The Role of the Japanese Automobile Industry in EU Policy Networks
Sabine Spell, University of Sterling
Inventing Culture: the Formation of the LDP Factions
Hulda Thora Sveinsdottir, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
The Sexualized Male - Representations of Men in Contemporary Japanese Women's Magazines (日本の女性雑誌における男性像)
Barbara Holthus, University of Hawaii
Showing off and Hiding out: The SDF’s Strategies to Manage its Place in Japan (自衛隊の日本における役割戦略)
Sabine Fruehstueck, Eyal Ben-Ari, University of Vienna, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Grand Visions of the State: The Politics of National Identity in Japanese Security Policy (国家のヴィジョン-日本の安全保障政策における国民的アイデンティティ)
Andrew Oros, Columbia University
And Now For Something Completely Different? Reforming Japan's "Socialist" Tax Regime (税制度の改革)
Andrew DeWit, Shimonoseki City University
Japan's role in APEC: a European View (APECにおける日本の役割: ヨーロッパの視点から)
Carsten Otto, Mainz University