DIJ 社会科学研究会
Managing One’s Own Death: The Shūkatsu Industry and the Enterprising Self in an Ageing Society
ドロテア・ムラデノヴァ, ドイツ日本研究所
Logics of Liberalization: Tracing Japan's Trajectory of Socio-Economic Institutional Change
Stefan Heeb, University of Geneva
Journalism and Disaster from a Cultural Perspective. A comparative reflection of German and Japanese media reporting on 'Fukushima'
Florian Meißner, Dortmund Technical University
Informative Activism and the Blogosphere in Japan after 311
Natalia Novikova, University of Tsukuba
Reproductive Decision-Making in Japan’s Low Birth Rate Society: Education about Family Planning and Fertility as a Remedy?
Isabel Fassbender, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Democracy, Diversity, and Disaster Resilience: Towards a Theory of 3-Dimensional (3D) Risk Governance
Jackie F. Steele, University of Tokyo
Language and Institutions: Exploring the Origins of Seniority-Based Hierarchical Relations in Japanese School Club Activities
Zi Wang, University of Duisburg-Essen
“Coeds Ruining the Nation”: The Contested Postwar Politics of the Female Student
Chelsea Szendi Schieder, Meiji University
Framing and Networks in Japanese Nuclear Power Reporting
トビアス・ヴァイス, ドイツ日本研究所
Why do the Young Stay? ‘Home-orientation‘ and Social Capital in Okinawa
アダム・ヤンボール, ドイツ日本研究所
Harmony with Nature? Satoyama Satoumi and Its Impact on Local Communities in Japan
Timo Thelen, Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf
Nuclear Power in Japan after 3/11: An Inconspicuous Transformation
Florentine Koppenborg, Freie Universität Berlin
Social Innovation, Social Entrepreneurship and NPOs: The Case of Food Banks in Japan
ナディン・フォーゲル, ドイツ日本研究所
A New Dawn for Direct Democracy in Japan? Action and Mobilization Strategies of a Grassroots Movement
Juliane Schulz, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg/DIJ
Deceleration: Phenomena and discourses in present-day Japan from cultural and literary perspectives
Evelyn Schulz, Ludwig Maximilians University Munich
Is Japan Transforming into a “Leisure Society”? Investigating Changes in Work and Leisure Values
ズィモン・エスラー, ドイツ日本研究所
From Solidaristic to Neoliberal Values? Responses to Income Inequality in Japan, Germany, Sweden, and the US
Nate Breznau, Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS)
カローラ・ホメリヒ, ドイツ日本研究所
The Art of Living– Disaster Experience and Emotions in Artist`s Biographies in Contemporary Japan
ヴィブケ・グリッミグ, ドイツ日本研究所
How to Analyze the Distribution of Risks? Social Inequality Theory Re-Visited
Kenji Kawabata, University of Tokyo
North Korea and the Evolution of Japan’s Post-Cold War National Security Policy
セバスティアン・マスロー, ドイツ日本研究所
Nationalism in Okinawa. Case Study of the Futenma base relocation
Ra Mason, University of Central Lancashire
Augmented Reality – Stakeholders of a new technology
サラーマリア・ヤコビ, ドイツ日本研究所
The Challenge of ´Work-Food-Balance´: Working Mothers and their familial Meal-Supply Strategies
シュテファニー・ライチク, ドイツ日本研究所
Japan’s Single Women and the Disembedding Economic System
Kumiko Endo, The New School for Social Research, New York
Meanings of graduate education for women in Japan: A study of University of Tokyo Alumnae in the Social Sciences and Humanities
Yuki Yamamoto, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Japanese Anti-Nuclear Movement – Mobilization Processes After Fukushima
アンナ・ヴィーマン, ドイツ日本研究所
Japan’s Official Development Assistance: Strategies in Changing National and Global Contexts
レイモンド 山本, ドイツ日本研究所
A Swallow Does Not Make a Summer, Or Why Japan May Not Quite Be Germany When It Comes to Renewables
New Approaches to Elderly Care and Senior Citizens Engagement
セバスティアン・ホフシュテッタ, ドイツ日本研究所
インガー・マレーン・バッハマン, ドイツ日本研究所
The Impact of 3-11 on Japanese Public Opinion toward Energy
Paul Midford, University for Science and Technology, Trondheim
Gender socialization at primary school in contemporary Japan
Aline Henninger, INALCO, Waseda University
The Political Discourse of Regional Disparity in Japan: 1993-2013
Ken Victor Leonard Hijino, Keio University
Ikumen Generation – Support Networks for Japanese Fathers
Tabea Bienek, Free University Berlin
Shadow Education in Japan: the Juku-Phenomenon
スティーフ・エントリッヒ, ドイツ日本研究所
The Absence of Armed Conflict in the East China Sea
ロランド・レヒリ, ドイツ日本研究所
How Wars Create Welfare: The Pacific War and Social Policy-Making in Japan
アンナ・スカルペリス, ドイツ日本研究所
Yokohama Yankee: My Family’s Five Generations as Outsiders in Japan
Leslie Helm, Seattle Business Magazine
Political Shocks and their Effects on Japan-China Economic Relations – The Senkaku-Dispute of 2010 and 2012
フランツィスカ・シュルツ, ドイツ日本研究所
Social Democracy in Japan – What’s Left?
フェリックス・シュプレンべルグ, ドイツ日本研究所
Japan’s search for security: Building ‘strategic partnerships’ in the Asia-Pacific
Thomas S. Wilkins, University of Sydney
Civil-Military Relations in Japan - From Ignorance to Embrace?
ジーモン・シュエンケ, ドイツ日本研究所
Fiji Islanders in Japan: Transnational Ties and Ideas of Community in a Micro-Migrant Group
Dominik Schieder, Hitotsubashi University
Football fandom in Japan. An ethnographic study
Martin Lieser, University of Bonn
Housewives and Salarymen in Post-bubble Japan: A Changing Gender Contract?
Ofra Goldstein-Gidoni, Tel Aviv University
Better Half: Political Candidacy and the Electoral Role of the Spouse in Japan
Dyron Dabney, Albion College, Michigan
Why Japan's "Agile Youth" Will Lead Social Innovation in East Asia: New Possibilities & Outstanding Challenges
Tuukka Toivonen, University of Oxford
Mapping Descent, Reconciling with the Past: Half-Japanese Descendants visiting their Fatherland
Eveline Buchheim, National Institute for War-, Holocaust- and Genocide Studies (NIOD), Amsterdam
Continuity and Transformation of Cultural Distinction in Contemporary Japan - The Case of Classical Music Fans and Architects
Yuki Fukiage and Jun Matsumura, Kwansei Gakuin University
Urban-Rural Relations in Contemporary Japan
Hiroe Kihara and Chika Sano, Kwansei Gakuin University
The Project "Healthy Japan 21" and the Japanese Health Promotion Law
トマス・ヒュ-ライン, ドイツ日本研究所