DIJ 社会科学研究会
Who Drives the Green Shift? Environmental Attitudes in Japan from 1993 to 2020
Carola Hommerich & Joanna Kitsnik (both Sophia University)
Socialising the Soldier: Negotiating History, Tradition, and Identity at Japan’s National Defense Academy
Ben Moeller, University of Oxford/DIJ Tokyo
Feminist Foreign Policy in Japan? The Localisation of Pro-Gender Norms in Japanese Foreign Policy
Annika Clasen, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf/DIJ Tokyo
The Japanese like to sue, but they do not have to: An Analysis of Traffic Accident Disputes in Japan
Julien Schickling, Goethe University Frankfurt/DIJ Tokyo
Religion in Japan’s Cultural Heritage Campaign: Latest Trends and Perspectives
Josko Kozic, Heidelberg University/DIJ Tokyo
National Identity Discourses in Japan: Challenging Mono-ethnicity in the 2019 Rugby World Cup
Jane Khanizadeh, LMU Munich/DIJ Tokyo
The Diversity of Japanese Churches: Examining Differences and Similarities in their Socio-Spatial Arrangements
Dunja Sharbat, Ruhr-University Bochum
'Caring Machines'
Giulia De Togni, The University of Edinburgh Medical School
Smoke without a Fire? The Search for Populism in Japan
Axel Klein, University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
Actors, Networks, and where to find them
Timo Thelen, Kanazawa University
Critical Discourse Analysis and the Politics of Reproduction in Contemporary Japan
Isabel Fassbender, Doshisha Women’s College, Kyoto
試写会 牛久
Mobile professionals and their families: The making of transnational spaces in Tokyo from a male perspective
Sakura Yamamura, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity
Measuring Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity on Surveys in Japan: Methods and Epistemologies
Daiki Hiramori, Department of Sociology, University of Washington, Seattle
Saori Kamano, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Tokyo
(in cooperation with Laura Dales, University of Western Australia)
Worshipping the Kami at a Distance: World-Wide Shinto and the Global Pandemic
Kaitlyn Ugoretz, Department of East Asian Languages and Cultural Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara
Mental mapping: Rediscovering and reframing a geographical method for mobility patterns
Sakura Yamamura, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity
Visions and Expectations of Autonomous Driving by Policy Makers in Japan
Yukari Yamasaki, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Agenda-Cutting in Media News Coverage of Covid-19:
A Case Study from Japan
Yosuke Buchmeier, LMU Munich/DIJ Tokyo
Future Visions of a (Digital) Public Sphere:
Findings from Japan
Michel Hohendanner, Munich University of Applied Sciences
Chiara Ullstein, Technical University of Munich
Towards a Transnational Sexual Field: Male Vietnamese Migrants in Contemporary Japan
An Huy Tran, University of Duisburg-Essen/Waseda University
The Last Cowboys of Aso? Problems of Grassland Management in Contemporary Commons - POSTPONED -
Johannes Wilhelm, Kumamoto University (Kumamoto)
Assimilation Policies and Ainu Identity
Questioning Japan's Recognition of the Ainu People as Indigenous
Uwe Makino, Chuo University (Tokyo)
Improving Japan’s Disability Employment
From Separate to Inclusive Workplaces
Reiko Nishida, PhD, The University of Tokyo
The new Japanese Fishery Policies between Revitalization and Capitalization
Susanne Auerbach, ドイツ日本研究所
Political Communication in the Age of New Media - Investigating the Reception of Right-Wing Populist Communication Strategies in the Japanese Blog Scene
Katharina Dalko, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Autism in the Workplace - How the Diagnosis of a Developmental Disorder Affects Employment Situations in Japan
Charlotte Schaefer, University of Heidelberg
Shrinking but Happy? Investigating the Interplay of Social and Individual-Level Predictors of Well-Being in Rural Japanese Communities
Dionyssios Askitis, ドイツ日本研究所
Negotiating Difference: Educational Experiences of Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Students in Mainstream Japanese Schools
Jennifer M. McGuire, Doshisha University
Local Responses to the Revision of the Seed Law: The Seed Registration System, GMOs and Rice
Nicole L. Freiner, Bryant University
Farmers, Local Agency, and the Development of Peri-Urban Spaces
Aaron Kingsbury, PhD, Maine Maritime Academy
Technologies of Presence: Modeling Emotion in Robots with Heart
Daniel White, Freie Universität Berlin & Hirofumi Katsuno, Doshisha University
Merits and Challenges of Deliberative Democracy in Japan
Momoyo Hüstebeck, University of Duisburg-Essen
Autonomy, Belonging and Long-Distance Relationships in Europe and Japan
Markus Klingel, Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences
“Inner city life, inner city pressure”. Thinking local urban spaces through senses and discourses
Florian Purkarthofer, University of Vienna
Sexuality among Marital and Extra-Marital Couple Relationships in Contemporary Japan
Alice Pacher, Meiji University
Scientific Advice in Environmental Politics: A Comparative Study of Japanese Policy-Making
Manuela Hartwig, University of Tsukuba
Impact of shareholder-value pursuit on labor policies of large companies listed in the Nikkei 400
Kostiantyn Ovsiannikov, University of Tsukuba
The Value and Meaning of a “Useless” Robot: An Ethnographic Study of Japanese Communication Robots
Keiko Nishimura, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Role of Mediating Institutions for Brazilian Return Migrants in Japan
Chaline Timmerarens, Freie Universität Berlin
Politicians and Bureaucrats in Contemporary Japan: New Twists on a Tumultuous Relationship
Arnaud Grivaud, French National Institute of Asian Language and Civilisation (INALCO)
Outgrowing the “triple helix” – The effects of international cooperation on the emergence of Japanese regional high-tech innovation clusters
Benjamin Rabe, Institute for East Asian Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen
School’s out Forever – Examining Career Guidance and Transition Mechanisms at Japanese Senior High Schools
ヴィンセント・レシュ, ドイツ日本研究所
Evolution and Transformations of Japan’s Multilateral Diplomacy
サラ・タンケ, ドイツ日本研究所
Local Anti-Nuclear Movements in Japan. The Diverging Cases of Maki and Rokkasho
ティナ・ヒューゲル, ドイツ日本研究所
"The Slow Way Home: Civic Engagement and Walkability in Japanese Neighbourhoods"
Leonard Schoppa, University of Virginia
Culture at work. On the interplay of cultural change and job satisfaction in a Japanese multinational company
マティアス・フーバー, ドイツ日本研究所
Are the elderly a cost factor for society or its safety net? A comparison of family regimes and National Transfer Accounts data in Germany and Japan
フェリックス・リッル, ドイツ日本研究所
Between Nostalgia and Utopia: Alternative Lifestyles in Rural Japan
ルドゲラ・レウェリッヒ, ドイツ日本研究所
Going Global, but How? Diversity in Transnationalisation Processes of Japanese Labour Activism
Jan Niggemeier, Freie Universität Berlin
Disaster, Law and Justice in Japan: In the Tsunami of Debt and Lost Homes
Julius Weitzdörfer, University of Cambridge