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DIJ フォーラム
DIJフォーラムは、終了後 ポッドキャストページからオーディオファイルをダウンロードしていただけます(一部例外もございます)。
Indulgent Parsimony During the Great Recession of 2009 - Is Japan a Special Case?
Kenneth Alan Grossberg, professor, Waseda Business School
The Japanese State and the Myth of Late Development
Gregory J. Kasza, Professor, Indiana University
Stability and Fluidization of the Social Stratification System in Contemporary Japan
Yoshimichi Sato, Professor, Tohoku University, Sendai
田中 明彦, 東京大学大学院教授
The Silver Market Phenomenon: A German-Japanese Perspective
Cornelius Herstatt, Professor, Hamburg University of Technology, TUHH
Electoral Systems and Party Personnel
Robert Pekkanen, Professor, University of Washington
Choose and Focus – The Transformation of Japanese Business Strategies
Ulrike Schaede, Professor, University of California, San Diego
Policy for the Elderly in Japan
John C. Campbell, Visiting Professor, University of Tokyo
Beyond Bush: Japan and Germany in the American Imperium
Peter J. Katzenstein, Professor, Cornell University
Japan’s Foreign Policy: Between the Pacific Ocean and the Asian Continent
Kazuhiko Togo, former Ambassador, Professor Temple University
Consumer Perception of Cause-Related Marketing
Emmanuel Chéron, Professor, Sophia University
萩原 滋 、慶應義塾大学教授
Cohabitation and First Marriage in Japan
Jim Raymo, Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Evolving Japanese Perspectives on Death and Dying
Alfons Deeken, Professor Emeritus, Sophia University
Labor market reform in aging Japan: A key for the structural reform plan
Naohiro Yashiro, Professor, International Christian University
English in elementary schools? An overview of the issues
Kensaku Yoshida, Professor, Sophia University
The Agony of Eldercare: Two Japanese Women Directors Study an Age-Old Problem
Keiko McDonald, Professor, University of Pittsburgh
Invisible Civil Society: The Effects of 1960s New Left Protests on Contemporary Japan
Patricia G. Steinhoff, Professor, University of Hawaii
The Challenges of the Japanese Integration Policy
Yamawaki Keizo, Professor, Meiji University
Comparative Corporate Governance
Christian Kirchner, Professor, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Japan's Innovation Agendas
Taizo Yakushiji, Ph.D., Council for Science and Technology Policy, Cabinet Office
Marital Satisfaction and Work-Life Balance: A Viewpoint Indispensable to Mitigating Fertility Decline
Kazuo Yamaguchi, Professor, The University of Chicago
Politeness in Intercultural Communication
Mayumi Usami, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
The Tokugawa Mating Game: Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in Historical Perspective (徳川時代における結婚、離婚、再婚)
Satomi Kurosu, Professor, Reitaku University
Japanese Grand Strategies: Past and Future
Professor Richard J. Samuels, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Images of Japanese society presented in the ‘New Civic Textbook’ by Tsukuru-kai. Solutions for demographic challenges and social change?(「新しい歴史教科書を作る会」における日本の姿。人口動態変化と社会改革の打開策は?)
Klaus Vollmer, Professor, Munich University (LMU)
Ageing tourists, ageing destinations: tourism and demographic change in Japan(高齢者の旅行とその行き先:日本の旅行と人口の変化)
Carolin Funck, Professor, Hiroshima University
Regional Inequality in Japan: Income, Health, Life Style, and Stature(日本における地域の不公平:収入、健康、ライフスタイルとその状態)
Jean-Pascal Bassino, Maison Franco-Japonaise
Foreign Policy and Nationalism in Contemporary Japan(現代日本の外交政策とナショナリズム)
Katsuyuki Yakushiji
Work/life balance in corporate Tokyo: Whose Work? Whose Life? Whose Balance?(東京での仕事と家庭生活のバランス:仕事とは、家庭生活とは、そのバランスは?)
Glenda Roberts, Professor, Waseda University
German Origins of Japanese Beer: Business and Consumption in Prewar Japan(ドイツビールから始まった日本のビール:戦前日本のビジネスと消費)
Harald Fuess, Professor, Sophia University
Lowest-low Fertility in Japan: Causes, Policy Responses and Related Value Change(低下する日本の出生率:原因、対策、それに伴う変化)
Makoto Atoh, Professor, Waseda University
Postindustrial Pressures, Political Regime Shifts, and Social Policy Reform in Japan and South Korea(脱工業化、日本と韓国における政治組織と社会福祉政策上の変化)
Ito Peng, Professor, University of Toronto
Gendering the Culture of 1960s Japan(1960年代の日本の文化における男女の性の特徴)
Vera Mackie, Professor, University of Melbourne
What is the corporation? How is it changing? A German and Japanese Comparison(会社とは何か?どのように変化するのか?日独の比較を例に)
Masahiko Aoki, Professor Emeritus, Stanford University
Marriage in Japan in an Era of Declining Fertility Rates and Aging Society(日本の出生率低下と高齢化社会時代の結婚について)
Shirahase Sawako, Professor, Tsukuba University
The Japanese Family Revolution(日本人家庭の変化)
Sepp Linhart, Professor, University of Vienna
Private Debt and Social Welfare in Japan: Consumer Finance, the "Middle-Risk Gap", and Japan's Social Contract(日本における個人負担と公的保護:消費者金融、ミドル・リスク・ギャップ、日本社会の契約)
Ulrike Schaede, (Professor, University of California, San Diego)
Japan's New Party System
Steven R. Reed (Professor, Chūō University)
The Role of Religion in World War II - As seen in Germany, Japan and the US
Dr. Brian Victoria (University of Adelaide)
Difficult Neighbors: Japan and North Korea
Gavan McCormack (Professor, Australian National University)
Japanese Pilgrimage: Shinto Variations on a Buddhist Theme
Michael Pye (Professor, University of Marburg)
Change in Japanese Employment Institutions: The Case of Temporary Work
Dr. Karen A. Shire (Professor, Universität Duisburg-Essen)
フィリップ・オステン (慶應義塾大学専任講師)
Tales of Ise: A Short Visual Reception History
Joshua S. Mostow (Professor, The University of British Columbia)
Does E-Commerce Create A Level Playing Field? The Cases of Germany and Japan
Dennis Tachiki (Professor, Tamagawa University)
The Japanese Company: Management, Unions and Financial Performance
Dr. John Benson (Professor, University of Melbourne)
General Nogi's Wife and the Gender of the Modern Nation
Sharalyn Orbaugh (Professor, University of British Columbia)
Japanese Linguistics and Car-Navigation Technology
Viktoria Eschbach-Szabo (Professor, University of Tübingen, Germany)
College Graduates in Japanese Industries
Takenori Inoki (Professor, International Research Center for Japanese Studies)