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DIJ フォーラム
DIJフォーラムは、終了後 ポッドキャストページからオーディオファイルをダウンロードしていただけます(一部例外もございます)。
Opening to Omnilateralism in an Interpopular World
Wolfgang Pape, former EU diplomat
Akio Kawato, former Japanese career diplomat
Why Futuristic Imaginations Matter
Fritz Breithaupt, Indiana University Bloomington
Hirotaka Osawa, Keio University Tokyo
Promise of Freedom: Rethinking Modernity and World War II
Takashi Fujitani, University of Toronto
Jordan Sand, Georgetown University (Washington, DC) / Kokugakuin University (Tokyo)
Moderated by Torsten Weber, DIJ
Moving to rural Japan – Film Screening and Discussion
Sonja Blaschke, freelance journalist
Tomoo Matsuda, Mitsubishi Research Institute
Japanese Politics – What Keeps Women Out?
Emma Dalton, La Trobe University
Naoko Oki, Sugiyama Jogakuen University
Building peace with weapons. Germany’s New Security Policy and Japan’s Take
Claus Leggewie, Giessen University
Hideshi Tokuchi, Research Institute for Peace and Security
Japan’s Strategic Partnerships and Great Power Competition in South East Asia
Thomas Wilkins, University of Sydney
Takashi Terada, Doshisha University
Digital Currencies in Asia: Lessons for Europe
Masaki Bessho, Bank of Japan
Oriol Caudevilla, Digital Euro Association
Richard Turrin, Consultant
Hiromi Yamaoka, Future Corporation
Moderated by Jonas Gross, Digital Euro Association and Markus Heckel, DIJ
Data and Values
German and Japanese perspectives
Axel v.d. Bussche, Taylor Wessing
Stefan Heumann, Stiftung Neue Verantwortung
Hitomi Iwase, Nishimura & Asahi
Koichi Sumikura, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)
Moderated by Franz Waldenberger, DIJ
From New Normal to New Work?
Insights from Japan and Germany
Andrea Hammermann, German Economic Institute
Nobuko Nagase, Ochanomizu University
Michael Johannes Pils, Taylor Wessing
Chisako Takaya, Mori Hamada & Matsumoto
Moderated by Franz Waldenberger, DIJ
Quo Vadis, Central Banks? Monetary Policy in the COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond
Kiyohiko G. Nishimura, former Bank of Japan Deputy Governor (2008-2013)
Katrin Assenmacher, Head of the Monetary Policy Strategy Division, ECB
Moderated by Kazuo Momma, Executive Economist, Mizuho Research Institute
Economic Policy Responses to the Covid-19 Crisis in the Euro Area and Japan
Masaaki Shirakawa, former Bank of Japan Governor (2008-2013)
Volker Wieland, member of the German Council of Economic Experts
Moderated by Yuri Okina, Chairperson of The Japan Research Institute
How Real Are Numbers?
Making Sense of National COVID-19 Statistics
National Approaches to Systemic Risk
Germany and Japan under the COVID-19 Crisis
Money, parenting and happiness: A comparative and historical perspective
Hiroshi Ono, Hitotsubashi University Business School
Matthias Doepke, Northwestern University
US-Japan Relations under Donald Trump and Shinzo Abe
User-driven Innovation in Health- & Elderly Care in Japan
Sarah Cosentino, Waseda University
Nobu Ishiguro, Osaka University
The Future of Society – German and Japanese Perspectives
A New Era of Immigration? Japan’s Guest Worker Programs in Comparative Perspective
Naoto Higuchi, Tokushima University
Kristin Surak, University of London
Universities in the Digital Age
Bernd Huber, President of Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Miho Funamori, Strategy Manager at the Research Center for Open Science and Data Platform at National Institute of Informatics
Renewable Energy in Germany and Japan - Prospects for the Citizen Energy Movement
Carsten Herbes, Nuertingen-Geislingen University, Germany
Jörg Raupach-Sumiya, Ritsumeikan University, Osaka
Eiji Oishi, Minna Denryoku, Tokyo
The Mountains Belong to Everybody? Conflicts about Recreational Forest Use in Austria and Japan
Yuichiro Hirano, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tsukuba
Wolfram Manzenreiter, University of Vienna
Androids and Virtual Reality – Simulations of the Human in Japanese Theatre
Mari Boyd, Sophia University, Tokyo
M. Cody Poulton, University of Victoria, Canada
Protecting Children in Family Separation
Yuko Nishitani, Kyoto University
Noriko Odagiri, Tokyo International University
Regulating for a Better Work-life Balance: German and Japanese Experiences
Hartmut Seifert, WSI Düsseldorf
Katsutoshi Kezuka, Chuo University
Tokyo 2020 and Beyond: Legacies from Hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games
Munehiko Harada, Waseda University
John D. Horne, Waseda University
Wolfram Manzenreiter, University of Vienna
The Politics of Subnational Spaces in Japan and China
Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology, Sydney
Franz Waldenberger, German Institute for Japanese Studies
Kōmeitō and Sōka Gakkai’s Transforming Relationship: How Changes in Politics and Religion Affect Japan Today
Asayama Taichi, Ritsumeikan University
Axel Klein, University Duisburg-Essen
Levi McLaughlin, North Carolina State University
Destiny: The Secret Operations of the Yodogō Exiles
Patricia G. Steinhoff, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Scott North, Osaka University
Japanese Development Cooperation as a Political Tool
Marie Söderberg, Stockholm School of Economics
Naohiro Kitano, Waseda University
space AGE space - Elderly Care in a Digitally Connected World
Thomas Bock, Technical University of Munich
Shuichi Matsumura, The University of Tokyo
From Flexible Rigidities to Embracing Diversity? Work-related Diversity and its Implications in Japan and Beyond
Andrea Dorothea Bührmann, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Mieko Takenobu, Wako University, Tokyo
Japan votes (again): A review of the Lower House election 2017
Koichi Nakano, Sophia University
Chris Winkler, Hokkaido University
Changing dynamics of multilevel democracy in Japan
Ken Victor Leonard Hijino, Kyoto University
Yamada Kyohei, Rikkyo University
Living Diversity: A Comparative View on Identity, Gender and Sexual Orientation in Contemporary Japan and Germany
İpek İpekçioğlu, DJ, producer and curator, Berlin & Istanbul
Tomoya Hosoda, Councilor of Iruma City, Saitama
Professor Akiko Shimizu, PhD, The University of Tokyo
The Status of Japanese Career Women in their Professional and Private Life
Markus Pudelko, The University of Tübingen
Noelle Takahashi, Women’s Leadership Advocate
エネルギー転換 (Energiewende) ― ドイツと日本のエネルギー転換の未来
公益財団法人 自然エネルギー財団
Who pays for whom? Intergenerational Transfers in Japan and Germany
Naohiro Ogawa, The University of Tokyo
Gerhard Naegele, Technical University of Dortmund
Diversity – Limits and Opportunities
Victimhood Nationalism in the Transnational Memory Space
Jie-Hyun Lim, Sogang University Seoul
Andrew Horvat, Josai International University
Changing Gender Orders and Diversity in Comparative Perspective: Growing Flexibility of Work and Life Strategies
Ilse Lenz, Professor emeritus at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB)
Glenda Roberts, Professor at Waseda University
Diversity and Inclusion in the Japanese Workplace
Tomoki Sekiguchi, Osaka University
Comments by
Sierk Horn, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Hendrik Meyer-Ohle, National University of Singapore
Five Things You'd Want to Know in Explaining Japan's Surrender in 1945
Sheldon Garon, Princeton University
Yukiko Koshiro, Nihon University
Health Care in Japan: How Sustainable is the System?
Ludwig Kanzler, Hanegi Solutions
Kenji Shibuya, The University of Tokyo
Meeting the Challenge of Globalization – Comparing Korean and Japanese Global Human Resource Management
Martin Hemmert, Korea University
Hitoshi Yamanishi, Nomura Group
Atomenergie – warum hört Deutschland auf, warum macht Japan weiter?
原子力 – なぜドイツは止めるか、なぜ日本は続けるか
Professor em. Dr. Joachim Radkau
Professor Hitoshi Yoshioka
Creating a Society in which all Women Shine?
Haniwa Natori, President of BPW Japan; former Director of the Cabinet Office Gender Equality Bureau
Yuki Tsuji, Associate Professor, Tokai University
Trust and Risks in Changing Societies
Toshio Yamagishi, Hitotsubashi University/Hokkaido University
Jens Zinn, University of Melbourne
Naoto Kan, former Prime Minister of Japan