DIJ 経営・経済研究会
Corporate Governance and Present Restructuring of Japanese Industry (コーポレートガバナンスと日本企業のリストラについて)
フランツ・ヴァルデンベルガー, ドイツ日本研究所
The Greater Success of the Japanese Mobile Internet
Jeffrey L. Funk, Kobe University
The Effect of Technical Standards on Trade-Flows: Why is Japan different?
Johannes Moenius, Northwestern University / University of Tokyo
Japan's crisis assistance to its production networks in East Asia: Throwing good money after bad?
クリスティアン・シュレッペル, ドイツ日本研究所
Global Climate Policy: Will Bonn Save Kyoto? (地球の温暖化政策:ボンは京都を救えるか?)
Detlef F. Sprinz, PIK- Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Global Climate Policy: The Role of Japan (地球の温暖化政策:日本の役割)
Kawashima Yasuko, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba
The New Corporate Division (Kaisha Bunkatsu) law and its impact on the corporate landscape in Japan (会社分割法と日本企業に対する影響)
Clay Kinney, Credit Suisse First Boston
Liberalization of Telecom markets in Western Europe and Japan: A Comparison of Business Strategies (西ヨーロッパと日本におけるテレコム市場の自由化: ビジネス戦略の比較)
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Müller, Berlin School of Economics (FHW) and Global Information and Telecommunication Institute, Waseda University, Tokyo
Labor management in China(中国における労働管理)
Tomō Marukawa, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
Perspectives on corporate reorganisation (企業再編成における見通し)
Jocelyn Probert, University of Cambridge
The DaimlerChrysler-Mitsubishi Alliance, Any Lessons from the Ford-Mazda Case?(ダイムラークライスラーと三菱自動車の協力、フォード・マツダのケースから学んだことは?)
Daniel A. Heller, PhD Degree Student in Business and Market Studies, The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Economics
Internet and its impact on subcontracting relationships(インターネットと下請け関係への影響)
フリードリケ・ボッセ, ドイツ日本研究所
The Debate on Monetary Policy: Can and Should a Central Bank Do Structural Policy?(金融政策について)
Martin Schulz (Senior Economist, Fujitsu Research Institute)
Current Trends in Japan's Pension Industry: Their Impact on Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Relations (日本の年金産業における新しい変化について)
Johann Heidinger, Ph.D. candidate / Visiting Researcher at the Faculty of Economics, Tokyo University
Prospects and Limits of Industrial Policy in East Asi in the Age of Globalization (グローバル化時代のアジアにおける産業政策の展望と限界)
Tim Goydke, Ph.D. candidate / Visiting Researcher at the Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University
Growing M&A Activities and their Impact on Japan's Corporate System (M&Aの日本企業システムに与える影響)
ユルク・ラウパッハ=角谷, ドイツ日本研究所