DIJ 経営・経済研究会
The Japanese Model in Transition
Sebastien Lechevalier, EHESS, Paris
Japan's Electricity Deregulation: Prices, Profits, Productivity and the "Reform Idea"
Paul J. Scalise, Temple University Japan
Japan - Open Society, Closed Market? The internationalization of the Japanese economy and the crisis of 2008-09
Stefan Lippert, Temple University Japan
Corporate systems of continued employment and their contribution to an age-free labour market
アレクサンダー・ポール・ウィトゥケ, ドイツ日本研究所
"Absorptive Capacity" Revisited: Cases from Cross-Border Knowledge Transfer within Japanese Multinationals
Toshikazu Takahashi, PhD Candidate at Rikkyo University, Tokyo
Firm Selection and the Evolution of Market Structure: Evidence from the Japanese Motorcycle Industry
Masatoshi Kato, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo
Financing young high tech companies in Japan: The role of Japanese venture capital managers
ニコラウ・ラウプ, ドイツ日本研究所
Japanese Human Resource Management: Moving towards US-Style Practices?
Markus Pudelko, University of Edinburgh Management School
The impact of expatriate personality traits on cross-cultural adjustment: A study with expatriates in Japan
Vesa Peltokorpi, HEC School of Management, Paris
Mergers in Japanese Company Law
Deniz Guenal, Universität zu Köln and Chuo University
Between Economics and Philosophy – Eastern and Western Approaches to Knowledge in the Economy and Their Possible Synthesis
Silja Graupe, Universität zu Köln and Hitotsubashi University
Marketing Knowledge Management – The Example of German Companies in Japan
Jeannette Wilhelmy, PhD Candidate, University of Marburg
丹沢安治 (中央大学・総合政策学部・教授)
Safeguarding CSR in global supply chains - Japanese MNCs and compliance in China
ウヴェ・ホルトシュナイダ-, ドイツ日本研究所
Foreigners Sell: The Case of Japanese TV Commercials
Michael Prieler, Ph.D., Visiting Researcher, German Institute for Japanese Studies
Managing the complex relationship between cooperation and competition in the automotive industry – A comparison between German and Japanese supplier networks
Miriam Wilhelm, Free University of Berlin
Diversity within Convergence amongst Capitalist Economies: Politics of Labour Market Deregulation in Italy and Japan
Hiroaki Richard Watanabe, DPhil Candidate, University of Oxford
Implementation and Internalization of Merit-based Compensation and Promotion Practices: Foreign Subsidiaries in Japan
Vesa Peltokorpi, HEC School of Management, Paris
Defining the Knowledge Agent. Cross-Cultural Knowledge Transfer between Japan and Germany
Alexander Bargstädt, Sophia University
Circumstances for staffing expatriates to Japan-based foreign MNC affiliates
Ralf Bebenroth, Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration, Kobe University
Standardization and modularization in automotive electronics – a comparison of German and Japanese activities
Raina König, Universität Hohenheim and Hitotsubashi University
Controlling Foreign R&D Subsidiaries: Empirical Evidence on Japanese Multinationals
Roman Bartnik, Visiting Research Fellow, Graduate School of Economics of Hitotsubashi University
The Japanese Way of Knowledge-Based Marketing
Florian Kohlbacher, Visiting Researcher, Hitotsubashi University
Cooperation and Competition in the Automotive Industry - Comparing German and Japanese Supplier Management
Miriam Wilhelm, Institute of Management, Free University Berlin and ISS, Tokyo University
Determinants of investment in Japan- the role of keiretsu
Jörg Mahlich, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber- Economic Policy Department
Good-Bye Japan? Market Withdrawals 1999-2005. Reasons, Barriers, and Company-Specific Factors
Steffen David, Doctoral Student, Institute for East Asian Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen
Japan - high growth rates, stagnation and recovery
Dr. Mechthild Schrooten, Professor, Hitotsubashi University
To Cooperate or Not to Cooperate - Japan's Potential for Regional Economic Integration
クラウス-ヨッヘム ・ケッカー, ドイツ日本研究所
Internationalization of the Innovation and R&D Management of Japanese and European Multinationals
Seiko Arai, Dr. Phil student, Said Business School, University of Oxford
University-Industry Collaboration in Japan
Nobuya Fukugawa, Graduate School of Commerce, Hitotsubashi University
The Choice between Joint Ventures and Wholly Owned Subsidiaries: the Case of Japanese Direct Investment in Europe
Kais Ben Youssef, University of Tsukuba
Japan's Tougher New Antimonopoly Law: Why It Passed and How It Will Change Japan
Mark Tilton, Associate Professor, Purdue University
The Sense of Working for Women
Ryoko Asai, Ph.D. Candidate, Meiji University
The Examination of Business Performance Factors in West-European Subsidiaries in Japan
Rene W. Kaeppeli, Ph.D. Candidate, Rikkyo University
Ticket Price Strategy for Space Tourism
Dr.-Ing. Robert Alexander Goehlich, Keio University, Department of System Design Engineering
Selfregulation, Rotation and Kaizen. Japanese Teamwork Restudied
Anne Sey, Department for Business Studies, Faculty for Economics at the University of Amsterdam
Telecom Industry vs. Car industry? Who owns the customer?
Sed Saad , Doctor of Sciences Candidate in Telecommunication at Waseda University, Visiting Researcher at Ewha W. University (Korea)
Corporate Governance in Multinational Corporations – Investigations in the Japanese Automotive Industry
ハラルト・ドレス, ドイツ日本研究所
アンドレアス・メルケ, ドイツ日本研究所
How Business Ventures Start and Develop: Exploring the Relationships between the Entrepreneur and the Venture's Stakeholders
Mark R. Dibben, University of Lincoln, New Zealand
Skill Formation and Human Resource Development in Response to the Second IT Revolution. A Comparative Institutional Analysis of Germany and Japan
Viktoria Heindorf, Research Assistant at Munich University, Japan Centre
Japan's FTA Strategy in Context: Multinational Firm Strategy and the Global Move to Free Trade Agreements
Mark Manger, Ph.D. Candidate, University of British Columbia
Stock Exchange Competition in Asia: Tokyo’s role as a financial center
Andreas Nabor, Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWA)
Investment Rules for the Global Economy - Bilateral and Multilateral Strategies to Protect and Liberalize Foreign Direct Investment
Mark Manger, University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada
Japanese Electronics Companies on the Edge. An Analysis of Corporate Data and Corporate Strategies
Martin Kohlhase, Heinz Nixdorf Scholar
The German System of Foreign Trade Promotion: An Economic Analysis with particular reference to the Activities and Programmes in Japan
Norbert Schultes, German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan
Gaijin in the Boardroom: Change and Continuity in Japanese Boards of Directors, 1983- 2001
Professor Dr. Teri Jane Ursacki, University of Calgary
In search of a new balance in the employment relationship – the case of Japan
Dr. Pamela Yeow, Chuo University
Does Trust matter? Insights into Japanese-German International Joint Ventures
ハラルト・ドレス, ドイツ日本研究所
From High School to Work:Recent Changes in the Transition Process (大学卒業から社員までの道:構成や行動パターンの変更について)
Helmut Demes, Gerhard Mercator University Duisburg