DIJ 経営・経済研究会
Who Drives the Green Shift? Environmental Attitudes in Japan from 1993 to 2020
Carola Hommerich & Joanna Kitsnik (both Sophia University)
The Political Economy of Green Industrial Policies in East Asian Neo-Developmental States
Thomas Kalinowski, Ewha Womans University
Japanese Career Women’s Persistent Identity Conflict
Helene Tenzer, LMU Munich School of Management
Japan’s Economic Security Policy – A Perspective from Germany
Hanns Günther Hilpert, German Institute for International and Security Affairs
The Realization and Implementation of the “Growth-oriented Carbon Pricing Concept” in Japan
Tokutaro Nakai, Nippon Steel Corporation
with comments by Nobuyuki Kinoshita, Tokyo Financial Exchange
The non-internationalization of East Asian start-ups: the role of resources, strategies and context
Martin Hemmert, Korea University/DIJ Tokyo
Generation Z and sustainable consumption – results from interviews and a comparative online survey in Japan and Germany
Carsten Herbes, Nuertingen-Geislingen University, Germany/DIJ Tokyo
Comparing Labour-Cost Retrenchments in Times of Crisis: How Investors React to the Flexible and Rigid Strategies of Innovative Firms
Cornelia Storz, Goethe University Frankfurt
Japan’s economic management: decades of self-induced paralysis?
Brieuc Monfort, Sophia University
Linking Preferential Trade Agreements to Domestic Political and Economic Structures:
A Comparative Case Study of People’s Republic of China and Japan
Aya Adachi, Ruhr University Bochum & University of Duisburg-Essen
Making the Most of Scarcity? The Role of Natural Assets in Pre-WWII Japanese Economic Development
Jean-Pascal Bassino, ENS Lyon; CNRS research fellow at the French Research Institute on Japan at Maison Franco Japonaise
How Can We Explain the Lag of Japan’s Sharing Economy?
Junxi Yao, University of Sheffield
What Happens Abroad Stays Abroad? Expatriates’ Psychological Contracts
Tassilo Schuster, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Market Reactions to Downsizing Announcements – the Role of Strategy and Knowledge Intensity
Daniel Ehnes, Goethe University Frankfurt
The Employees’ View on Cross-Border M&As in Japan: What do Employees Need to Speak in Favor of an Acquisition?
カイ・オリバー・ティーレ, ドイツ日本研究所
Corporate Governance Regulation by Comply-or-Explain as Seen from Soft Law and Self Regulation
ミヒャエル・ファイファー, ドイツ日本研究所
An Introduction to Socio- and Econo-Physics - with an Application to the Japanese Economy
Juergen Mimkes, Paderborn University, Physics Department
The Business Judgment Rule in Japan and its Reception
イエスコ・リンドナー, ドイツ日本研究所
Health and Home Ownership: Findings for the Case of Japan
Matthias Helble and Toshiaki Aizawa, Asian Development Bank Institute
Exploring the Effects of Transportation and Energy Infrastructure on Subjective Well-Being
Kong Joo Shin, Kyushu University
On the Importance of Being Fair -Antecedents and Consequences of Organizational Justice-
ヴャラ・ラドゥロヴァ, ドイツ日本研究所
Changes of Female’s Life Satisfaction and Happiness before and after Marriage and Childbirth
Risa Hagiwara, Faculty of economics, Meikai University
The Employees' View on Cross-Border M&As in Japan: What do Employees Need to Speak in Favor of an Acquisition?
Kai Oliver Thiele, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany / Kobe University, Japan)
Hiring Fresh Graduates for Tokyo: Objectives and Obstacles of the Overseas Recruitment Activities of Japanese Companies
Hendrik Meyer-Ohle, National University of Singapore / Harald Conrad, University of Sheffield
What is the Problem with Economic Stagnation?
Johannes Hirata, Osnabrück University of Applied Science
Does the Expectation of Having to Look after Parents in the Future Affect Current Fertility?
Kei Sataka, Ritsumeikan University, Graduate School of Economics
The Physical and Social Determinants of Mortality in the 3.11 Tsunami
Yasuyuki Sawada, University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Economics
A Report on Life and Health in Japan after the Great East Japan Earthquake
Hiroshi Yoshida, Tohoku University; International Research Institute of Disaster Science
Global Performance Reviews and the Challenge of Multiple Role Expectations and Firm Strategic Objectives: Lessons from Japan
N. Sue Bruning, I.H. Asper School of Business, University of Manitoba
Fighting the Imbalance - Policy Holder Protection in Japanese Insurance Law - A Comparative Study
ケックサル・ザーヒン, ドイツ日本研究所
The Properties and Effects of Collectivism and Individualism in Japan: Two Perspectives from Cultural Psychology
Yuji Ogihara / Shintaro Fukushima
‘Creating a Pleasant Life’ – Mujirushi Ryōhin and Lifestyle-Consumption in Japan since the 1980s
クリスティアーネ・リューレ, ドイツ日本研究所
Valley of Institutional Change: Japanese Political Economy 1990-2005
Sota Kato, International University of Japan; The Tokyo Foundation
Political Economy of Japan’s Consumer Finance: A long-term perspective
Adrienne Sala, EHESS (Paris)
Japan's 'Hidden Champions' in the Age of Turbulence: Staying Ahead Through Focus and Globalization?
Stefan Lippert, Temple University, Japan Campus
Designing Supply Chains for Overseas Markets: The Case of Korean Steel Maker POSCO in Japan
Sungwoo Byun, Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo
A Japanese Perspective on Unforeseeable Economic Trends: “Heterogeneous Economic Entities” Increase Their Influence
Hirohiko Okumura, Gakushuin University
Assessing the Japanese Stabilization Policy since the 1990s
Gudrun Franzen, ドイツ日本研究所
Female Managers’ Career Development in Japanese Companies
Kuniko Ishiguro, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo
Leadership Succession at Foreign Subsidiaries in Japan
Fabian Jintae Froese, Korea University
Diffusion of Self-Gift Consumer Behavior in Interdependent Cultures: The Case of ‘jibun e no gohoubi’ [Self-Reward] Consumption Practice in Japan
Satoko Suzuki, Kyoto University, Graduate School of Management
Japanese Women Working for Domestic Companies versus for Foreign Subsidiaries: Career Opportunities and Beyond
Markus Pudelko, University of Tübingen
Geeky-Girly Innovation: A Japanese Subculturist’s Guide to Technology and Design
Morinosuke Kawaguchi, Arthur D. Little (Japan) Inc.
Putting the ji in ji-bīru: Policy, Deregulation and Entrepreneurship in the Japanese Microbrewery Industry
Jesper Edman, Stockholm School of Economics
How was"iyashi" (healing) Commercialized and Institutionalized in Japan?: The Dynamic Interaction of Media Discourse and Marketing Behaviors
Takeshi Matsui, Hitotsubashi University
Your Eyes are Lifeless! Manga in the social construction of a gendered hierarchy of employment relations in the Japanese firm
Peter Matanle, University of Sheffield
Lifestyle changes in Japanese women
Ana María Goy Yamamoto, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Job Embeddedness in Japanese Companies
Vesa Peltokorpi, HEC School of Management
University-Industry Collaboration from a Social-Anthropological Perspective – Hidden Dynamics in Japan
Nozomi Enomoto, Tokyo University of Science
Science-based clusters in Germany and Japan – Just old wine in new skins?
Per Larsen, Goethe-University, Frankfurt