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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien










ドイツ日本研究所 所長

上條 典夫
株式会社電通 執行役員

森下 公江
株式会社電通 電通イノベーションイニシアチブ イノベーションインテリジェンス部長


Work Style Reform, Gender Time Gap, Work-Life Balance, and Gender Equality in Japan and Germany

In cooperation with the Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB) and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) the DIJ hosted an one-day workshop about work style reform, gender time gap, work-life balance and gender equality regarding Japan and Germany.

Michiko Mae, University of Düsseldorf
Ute Klammer, University of Duisburg-Essen
Yumiko Murao, Associate Professor of Sociology at Toyo University
Elke Holst, German Institute for Economic Research
Kumiko Nemoto, Kyoto University
Fanz Waldenberger, German Institute for Japanese Studies
Machiko Osawa, Japan Women’s University
Ralf Kleindiek, The Boston Consulting Group


Depictions of Beethoven in Japanese Anime: Japanese Visual Arts Transforming Western Iconography

Beethoven’s legacy is still alive and well in present-day Japan, where his life and works continue to play a major part in Japan’s modern cultural landscape. The Western vision of the wild-haired, scowling genius is commonly recognized in Japan today, and it comes as no surprise that many agencies have tried to harness the power of his unmistakable image to attract Japanese consumers.

This presentation examines two examples of Beethoven as an anime character. The first is from the 2001 OVA Read or Die, in which Beethoven is a cyborg fated to destroy mankind with his “Suicide Symphony.” The second is “Beethes” from NHK’s 2016 comedy anime ClassicaLoid, a stylishly leather-clad android obsessed with cooking the perfect gyoza dumpling. In addition, we will hear how Beethoven’s symphonic masterpieces are transformed in the anime underscores to support the distinctly Japanese characterization of Beethoven found in these popular shows.

Heike Hoffer, The Ohio State University


Big Data – the new competitive paradigm. How well is Japan prepared?

Big data will be at the heart of the digital revolution. Social networks, factories, supply chains, digital market places, “shared economy” platforms, medical devices, wearables, smart homes, seismic instruments, weather stations and GPS satellites – in the digitalized and connected world data have become abundant. Rapidly developing tools to integrate and analyze large volumes of diverse datasets in ever faster and intelligent ways open up enormous potentials for research, private enterprises and public policy.

Our half-day workshop explores how Japan is building the infrastructures to efficiently and responsibly gather, integrate, analyze, use and trade data. The workshop is organized around three panels. Each panel will consist of four speakers. They will start with short presentations by Japanese speaker with backgrounds in research, business and policy followed by an international perspective or general comment. A moderator will introduce and guide the speakers and coordinate the discussions.


DIJ Roundtable
Tokyo 2020 and Beyond: Legacies from Hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Summer Games

Hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the greatest media spectacle of modernity, Tokyo will be at the center of the world’s attention in summer 2020. The nearly universal reach via television and internet broadcast provides the IOC with multi-billion dollar revenue streams and the host with opportunities for placing highly visible messages about the state of the nation and its future to the world.

With less than two years ahead of the Games, the DIJ roundtable features three leading experts on sport mega-events to discuss the political economy of hosting the Olympic Games, the difficulties of message control in the post-factual age, and the legacies of the Games for Japan in the 2020s.

Munehiko Harada, Waseda University
John D. Horne, Waseda University
Wolfram Manzenreiter, University of Vienna






What is the ‘local’? Rethinking the politics of subnational spaces in Japan

This symposium aims to enhance the discussion of the “local” as unit of analysis – a discussion that is vital to avoid under-complex approaches to multilayered socio-economic and political phenomena. The focus is on contemporary Japan, which provides a particularly interesting case in this respect, not least due to the massive reorganization of the local administrative landscape in the mid-2000s. The symposium brings together researchers who link different conceptions of the “local” to concrete social, economic, and political problems. Analyzing the (re)configuration and interaction of formal and informal, spatial and social sub-national boundaries will advance the understanding of socio-economic and political organization in and beyond Japan.


The Politics of Subnational Spaces in Japan and China

Social scientists are frequently concerned with the “local”, including issues such as subnational elections, local governance, the formation of local identities and communities, or local economic “clusters”. However, the social and spatial boundaries of the “local” are often elusive, and subject to change. This seems particularly true in Japan, where local administrative boundaries were abruptly redrawn in a wave of municipal mergers in the mid-2000s, initiating an ongoing process of local socio-spatial readjustments. Beyond the Japanese case, refining our conception of what constitutes a subnational “locality” – its spatial, social, formal and informal boundaries – produces new questions, reveals different stakeholders, and uncovers the impact of social constellations that otherwise remain invisible.

The two speakers will address political and economic consequences implied by differing delineations of subnational spaces in Japan and China.

Carolyn Cartier, University of Technology, Sydney
Franz Waldenberger, German Institute for Japanese Studies


2024年07月21日 から 2024年12月21日 の間には何もありません。

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    current issue Vol. 36, No. 1
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