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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien








11月4日、この度在ドイツ連邦共和国全権特命大使 として赴任される柳秀直氏が当研究所を訪問されました。所長フランツ・ヴァルデンベルガーと事務局長ヨアヒム・レールは、柳大使にDIJで行われている研究とマックス・ウェーバー財団の国際的なネットワークについて説明しました。流暢なドイツ語で柳大使は、ベルリンでの2度目の赴任を、ドイツの新連邦州 への理解とつながりを深めるためにも非常に楽しみにされていることをお話し下さいました。さらに、パンデミックの影響ですべてが実現できないかもしれないとしても、来年の日独関係160周年記念行事を楽しみにしていると語られました。対談の中で柳大使は、過去30年間の日独関係の発展の中でDIJが果たしてきた重要な役割を称賛して下さいました。


Issue 32(2) of Contemporary Japan published

The latest issue of Contemporary Japan is now available online and in print. CJ32(2) features a range of articles exploring: photography and ethnographic research among Japanese in Berlin (Julia Gerster & Natalia Morokhova); the role of centers for international exchange in multicultural community building (Viktoriya Kim & Philip Streich); notions of selfhood among deaf and hard-of-hearing youth (Jennifer M. McGuire); and moral education in elementary school classrooms (Sam Bamkin). This issue also features an Invited Commentary by Eyal Ben-Ari reflecting on the relationship between area studies and the disciplines and the adaptive potential of Japanese Studies. Plus: five reviews of recently published books on the self-defense forces, food safety, gardening, memory in Hiroshima, and economic history. Please see the full issue here


DIJ researchers in German and Japanese media

Deputy director and sociologist Barbara Holthus is quoted in the current issue of the German weekly newspaper Die Zeit (46/2020). In the article “Zurücktreten, bitte”, Barbara criticizes the restrictions imposed by the Japanese government on foreigners seeking to re-enter Japan during the Corona pandemic.
Historian Torsten Weber is quoted in the German weekly magazine Der Spiegel (45/2020). In “Globaler Kampf”, Torsten comments on nationalist elements in exhibitions promoting the Tokyo Olympics and Japan’s Olympic history. His remarks draw on research he has done for the DIJ’s special project on the Tokyo Olympics.
In the context of recent discussions about politics and academic freedom in Japan, historian of science Harald Kümmerle is quoted in a Kyodo article that was printed in several Japanese daily newspapers, including the Chūgoku Shimbun (1 November 2020). Giving the example of Albert Einstein’s expulsion from the German National Academy of Natural Sciences Leopoldina in 1933, Harald explains the treatment of Jewish scientists in Nazi Germany.


Quo Vadis, Central Banks? Monetary Policy in the COVID-19 Crisis and Beyond

DIJ DWIH Web-Forum
Central bank laws in the US, Japan, and Europe consider price stability as the prime goal of monetary policy. However, since the Global Financial Crisis and even more so during the present COVID-19 crisis, we have observed the implementation of unconventional monetary policy measures accompanied by an unprecedented concerted action between monetary and fiscal authorities. Are these changes only temporary or do they indicate a fundamental change in the role of central banks, their relationship with governments and the constitution of monetary policy? How does the “new normal” affect the independence of central banks? The discussions in this Web-Forum will explore monetary policy in the COVID-19 crisis and its implications for current and future central banking. Details
Kiyohiko G. Nishimura, former Bank of Japan Deputy Governor (2008-2013)
Katrin Assenmacher, Head of the Monetary Policy Strategy Division, ECB
Moderated by Kazuo Momma, Executive Economist, Mizuho Research Institute


Agenda-Cutting in Media News Coverage of Covid-19: A Case Study from Japan

© TV Tokyo

In liberal democracies, there is the expectation that the role of mass media is to provide swift and accurate information to the public – especially in times of crisis such as the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Risk communication is particularly challenging for journalists as they have to balance the circulation of precise information on dangers and the avoidance of fear-mongering. This presentation by Yosuke Buchmeier addresses the question of how the Covid-19 crisis has been covered in the Japanese media, primarily focusing on television news coverage of the public broadcaster NHK. This research project is based on the theoretical concept of ‘agenda-cutting’, which describes the phenomenon when a relevant societal issue is deliberately de-emphasized, entirely omitted or removed from a news agenda. Details

Yosuke Buchmeier, LMU Munich/DIJ Tokyo


書籍共同展示 没後50年 三島由紀夫



SJCC webinar on Japan’s system of corporate governance


On September 25, DIJ director Franz Waldenberger was guest speaker in the SJCC webinar series, organized by the Swiss-Japanese Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with JETRO Switzerland and the Japan Club of Geneva. Even 30 years of ongoing reforms and structural changes have not improved the image of Japanese corporate governance among foreign investors. In his talk “Japan’s system of corporate governance – bright and dark sides”, Franz Waldenberger explained why Japanese boards remain to be insider controlled and what implications this has for performance. However, he also stressed the positive sides of a system where shareholders can be assured that managers are loyal to their company. A video of the webinar is available on the SJCC’s website.


Barbara Geilhorn on post-3.11 theatre in Swiss radio feature


DIJ researcher Barbara Geilhorn has appeared in the SRF Swiss radio feature “Verstrahlte” Gesellschaft: ein japanisches Trauma (“Radiated” society: a Japanese trauma) by Martin Fritz. Drawing on her ongoing research project Local Issues Take Stage – Culture and Community Revitalization, Barbara provided expert commentary on how theatre in Japan has dealt with the nuclear meltdown in Fukushima in 2011. Theatre plays addressed the situation after the accident and the different reactions of people to it: either ignoring the nuclear dangers or facing them and acting accordingly. They also problematized issues of social conformity and the reluctance of Japanese people to voice criticism openly, Barbara explains. The radio programme is available as podcast on the SRF website here (in German)


2024年07月20日 から 2024年12月20日 の間には何もありません。

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    Contemporary Japan
    current issue Vol. 36, No. 1
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