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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien






New edited volume explores work of theatre maker Okada Toshiki

© Performance Research Books

Playwright, novelist and theatre director Okada Toshiki is one of the most prominent voices of the current generation of Japanese contemporary theatre makers. His plays, which have been staged at theatre festivals all over the world, address issues such as social inequity, life in Japan after the 3.11 triple disaster, and post-human society. Okada Toshiki & Japanese Theatre (Performance Research Books, 2021), co-edited by DIJ researcher Barbara Geilhorn, Peter Eckersall, Andreas Regelsberger, and Cody Poulton, explores Okada’s work and its importance to the development of contemporary performance in Japan and around the world. For the first time in English it gathers a comprehensive selection of essays, interviews, and translations of three of Okada’s plays. In addressing the work of Okada Toshiki from an interdisciplinary perspective, the book provides an in-depth analysis of an outstanding Japanese artist and contributes to a better understanding of art and society in contemporary Japan. More information here


New issue 33(2) of Contemporary Japan published

© Taylor&Francis

The latest issue of Contemporary Japan is now available online and in print. It features original research articles exploring: 1) how crime prevention (bōhan) became a widespread concept in low-crime Japan (Schimkowsky); 2) changing media representations of the imperial family from the Meiji era to the dawn of the Reiwa era (Anzai); 3) and a critical discussion of the role of satirical depictions of Japan in Victorian British cartoons (Matthewson). In addition, we continue our Invited Commentary section with the historian Gerhard Krebs’ critical analysis of the argument regarding Imperial Japan’s expansionist ambitions by Gerhard L. Weinberg, whose works have suggested that Japanese imperial ambitions extended as far as the Caribbean. Lastly, our book review section includes a broad range of important publications in the fields of philosophy, history, anthropology, gender studies, food studies, and religious studies. Please see the full issue here

Event Series

DIJ lecture on the dissemination of contemporary Shugendō

© Josko Kozic

In recent years there has been an increasing interest in Shugendō, a syncretic religion based on mountain worship and ascetic exercises. Various practicing groups across the country are expanding beyond their sanctuaries and gather in social networks, even creating new structures and international groups and practicing outside of Japan. The scope of Shugendō’s discourse and practice has expanded to a larger public, thereby attaching Shugendō to the popular belief in so-called “power spots”. Behind this growing popularity might be an interest in a “world invisible to the eyes” (Roth, 2019), in which worldly conflicts and individual concerns may be solved detached from rationalism. This lecture will explore to what extent Shugendō has been rematerialized and staged in the course of its popularization. Does Shugendō, as some scholars claim, represent an “embodiment of Japanese culture” that is worth spreading? Details and registration here

Josko Kozic, Heidelberg University

Event Series

Sixth Web Forum ‘DT’ introduces Digital Humanities projects

© Gerd Altmann

The sixth and last session of our MWS Web Forum Series ‘The Digital Transformation’ on November 4 will introduce six Digital Humanities (DH) projects from different institutes within the Max Weber Foundation. Harald Kümmerle (DIJ) will give a talk on “Datafication as observed in speeches in the Japanese Diet – an analysis using topic modelling”. Esther Meier and Sebastian Kindler (German Historical Institute Moscow) will introduce the German-Russian documentation and digitisation project “Soviet and German Prisoners of War and Internees”. Jörg Hörnschemeyer (DHI Rome) will give an overview of DH at the German Historical Institute in Rome. Mareike König (German Historical Institute Paris) will introduce “Academic blogging in the humanities” using the example of the platform de.hypotheses. Anne Klammt (DFK Paris) will give a talk on the “Deutsch-Französische Kunstvermittlung 1871–1940 & 1945–1960” and Jana Keck (German Historical Institute Washington) will introduce “Semi-Automated Genre Classification for Historical Newspapers”. Details and registration here

Event Series

Fifth Web Forum Series ‘DT’ session on History and the Digital Age

© Gerd Altmann

Andreas Fickers (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History) will be the speaker in the fifth session of our MWS Web Forum Series ‘The Digital Transformation’ on October 28. His presentation “What the D does to History – The Digital Age as a New Historical Time Regime?” will focus on the interface between theory and practice, conceptual penetration and methodological reflection of historical scholarship in the digital age. It will discuss the tensions between a discipline based on 19th century methodological foundations and the radically changing knowledge economy of the 21st century. These tensions force historians to rethink and adapt central concepts and practices of thinking and doing history – including the question of the temporal regime of the digital which will be at the heart of this lecture. Details and registration here

Event Series

Fourth Web Forum Series ‘DT’ session on the Future of Society

© Gerd Altmann

Yuko Harayama (RIKEN), Dietmar Harhoff (Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition), and Ulrike Schaede (University of California San Diego) will be the speakers in the fourth session of our MWS Web Forum Series ‘The Digital Transformation’ on October 21. Its focus will be on ‘The Future of Society – National Ambitions and Strategies’. Yuko Harayama’s paper “How to use ‘Society 5.0’?” will introduce the concept and explain its use in Japan and the interest it has attracted abroad. In his presentation “Reconsidering German National Strategies towards Digitalization”, Dietmar Harhoff will focus on the government’s strategic plan ‘Industrie 4.0′, its national AI strategy, and initiatives to accelerate the digitalization of the public sector. Ulrike Schaede’s paper “National Differences in Preparing for the Digital Disruption: Markets v. Industrial Policy” will compare Japan’s reliance on industrial policy, the US’ focus on markets and private initiatives, and Germany’s in-between position. Details and registration here

Event Series

DIJ lecture on female rakugo performers on Tokyo’s stages

Screenshot suika rakugo

When talking about traditional Japanese stage-arts, many think of men in kimono. In most stage arts, to this day, female performers are either not trained at all or trained but not accepted to perform in their respective schools’ main stages. Today, about 5% of Tokyo’s rakugo performers are female and most enjoy a big fan following. However, the portfolio of rakugo stories has been created by men for mostly male audiences. This presentation gives an historic overview of the development of the involvement of female performers on Tokyo’s yose stages and discusses the different approaches they take on-stage, particularly looking into issues such as modification of stories, voice, tone, appearance and stage persona. This session of the DIJ History and Humanities Study Group is part of the DIJ Gender and Sexuality in East Asia Lecture Series. Details and registration here

Sarah Stark, University of Ghent

Event Series

Web Forum Series ‘DT’ on Data Infrastructures and Open Science

© Gerd Altmann

Miho Funamori (National Institute of Informatics), Jeroen Sondervan (Utrecht University), and Helmuth Trischler (Deutsches Museum and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich) will be the speakers in the third session of our MWS Web Forum Series ‘The Digital Transformation’ on October 14. This session’s focus will be on ‘Data Infrastructures and Open Science’. Miho Funamori’s paper “Who owns research data at universities?” will provide an analysis of research data management practices and policies from the perspective of university management. In his presentation “Notions on the differences in form and speed of the transformation to Open Science in Europe”, Jeroen Sondervan will give an overview of open science policy developments in Europe and will take the developments at Utrecht University as an example. Helmuth Trischler’s paper “Why and how should we establish research data infrastructures in the historical sciences?” will present recent initiatives to create research data infrastructures according to the FAIR principles in Germany. Details and registration here


2024年07月19日 から 2024年12月19日 の間には何もありません。

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    Contemporary Japan
    current issue Vol. 36, No. 1
    Contemporary Japan is open year-round for rolling submissions, with accepted publications published immediately online. Please see the instructions for submission here.

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