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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien






Open access journal article by David M. Malitz investigates Japanese influence on Siam/Thailand

© Nichibunken

A new article by David M. Malitz investigates Japanese cultural and political influences in the Kingdom of Siam, renamed Thailand in 1939. Early exchanges in the late 16th and early 17th centuries saw the consumption of Japanese products in the Southeast Asian kingdom as status symbols. Japanese swords in particular were cherished and have become dynastic heirlooms since then. From the late 19th century onward, Imperial Japan was seen as a role model of successful modernization in Bangkok and Japanese advisors and instructors were hired by the court. Critics of the absolute monarchy meanwhile stressed that Imperial Japan had become a great power as a constitutional monarchy. “Royal and Imperial Connections: Japanese Influence at the Court of Bangkok and on the Siamese/Thai Monarchy” was published in Japanese Studies Around the World 2022 (eds. Ayako Kusonoki/Hiromi Matsugi, Nichibunken 2023) and is available open access. The article is an outcome of David’s research project Japanese-Thai Relations: Past, Present, and Future.


Max Weber Foundation delegation meets Tokyo Governor Koike


A delegation of the Max Weber Foundation, led by DIJ director Franz Waldenberger and the Foundation’s president Ute Frevert, was met by Tokyo Metropolitan Governor Yuriko Koike on May 10th. Governor Koike welcomed the group and shared her ideas about how to tackle the challenges faced by Tokyo, Japan, and Germany, including demographic change, migration, climate change, and gender equality. Drawing on her own experience of studying abroad, Koike also emphasized the importance of international academic exchange facilitated by organizations such as the Max Weber Foundation. The Foundation runs eleven academically autonomous institutes in Europe, the Middle East, the United States, India, and the DIJ in Tokyo. The delegation is currently staying in Tokyo for the International Conference Transnational Research in a Multipolar World and further meetings of the Foundation’s bodies.

Event Series

DIJ Study Group session on ‘Diversity of Japanese Churches’

© Dunja Sharbat

Ever since the Catholic mission to Japan in the 16th century, Christianity has upheld its presence in the Japanese society. While many churches such as the Japanese Lutheran Church are still connected to Christian (missionary) organisations overseas, there are a few Japanese (indigenous) churches founded by Christian intellectuals that aimed for an independent development of Japanese Christianity without the influence of Western actors. These independent churches are known for their history, their theological and intellectual approaches to Christian ethics and society. Based on on-going fieldwork in various Japanese congregations and inspired by the material turn, this talk by Dunja Sharbat focuses on the materiality of Japanese independent churches in present-day Japan. Considering the history and current situation of these churches, she will discuss their socio-spatial arrangements and compare it to other Japanese churches in order to analyse differences and similarities in their materiality. Details and registration here

Dunja Sharbat, Ruhr-University Bochum

Online lecture on Japan’s carbon pricing policy by DIJ director Franz Waldenberger

Screenshot CFS

The introduction of greenhouse gas emission rights and their allocation through trading schemes (“carbon markets”) is considered an essential policy tool to achieve the ambitious net-zero emission goals, to which countries – including Japan – have committed under the Paris Agreement. Japan has so far not established carbon markets on a national scale. Also, its carbon tax introduced in 2012 has remained ineffectively low. The presentation “Carbon Pricing – Why is Japan lagging behind?” by DIJ director Franz Waldenberger will discuss why carbon pricing has so far not been used within Japan’s climate policy framework. It will also try to assess to what extent the absence of a national emission trading scheme has impacted Japan’s ability to achieve the 2050 net-zero goals. This online presentation is part of the lecture series at Goethe University Frankfurt’s Center for Financial Studies. Details and registration here


DIJ co-sponsors hybrid book talk on Japan’s Nuclear Disaster

Screenshot TUJ

In this book talk, Florentine Koppenborg (Technical University of Munich) argues that the regulatory reforms after the Fukushima disaster on March 11, 2011, directly and indirectly raised the costs of nuclear power in Japan. The new Nuclear Regulation Authority resisted capture by the nuclear industry and fundamentally altered the environment for nuclear policy implementation. Independent safety regulation changed state-business relations in the nuclear power domain from regulatory capture to top-down safety regulation, which raised technical safety costs for electric utilities. Antinuclear protests, – mainly lawsuits challenging restarts – incurred additional social acceptance costs. Increasing costs undermined pro-nuclear actors’ ability to implement nuclear power policy and caused a rift inside Japan’s “nuclear village.” Small nuclear safety administration reforms were, in fact, game changers for nuclear power politics in Japan. The book talk takes place on May 30, 6.30 pm at Temple University’s Japan Campus and online. Details and registration here


Joint DIJ and JDZB conference ‘Countryside Democracy in Japan and Germany’

Screenshot JDZB

On the occasion of the nationwide local elections in prefectures and municipalities in Japan in April 2023, experts and political activists from Japan and Germany will discuss opportunities, trends, and challenges as well as similarities and differences between the two countries. Specifically, the conference Countryside Democracy in Japan and Germany: Trends in Political Participation will address the following questions: How does a vital democracy manifest itself in rural regions? What opportunities for co-determination and political participation exist in contrast to urban centers, especially for younger people? How is political and social participation evolving, for example through digital forms of involvement? Or do we observe an increasing “disenchantment with politics”? Participants include DIJ political scientist Sebastian Polak-Rottmann as panelist, DIJ alumnus Yosuke Buchmeier as moderator, alumna Gabriele Vogt as commentator, and deputy director Barbara Holthus. The conference is jointly organized by the DIJ and the Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB). It takes place online on May 11, 17-19h JST. Conference languages are German and Japanese with simultaneous interpretation. Details here


Unser Forschungsteam sucht Verstärkung

Das DIJ sucht eine wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin / einen wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter (w/m/d) mit einer abgeschlossenen, herausragenden Promotion, sehr guten Kenntnissen der japanischen Sprache und Forschungserfahrung in Japan. Das am DIJ geplante Forschungsvorhaben soll auf die Erstellung einer Habilitationsschrift oder einer gleichwertigen wissenschaftlichen Leistung ausgerichtet sein und sich in eines der aktuellen Institutsforschungsfelder „Digitale Transformation“, „Japan in transregionaler Perspektive“ bzw. „Nachhaltigkeit und Resilienz“ einfügen. Die Stelle ist auf drei Jahre befristet, mit einer Verlängerungs­möglichkeit um weitere zwei Jahre. Sie ist voraussichtlich ab Januar 2024 zu besetzen. Bewerbungsfrist ist der 31. August 2023. Die Ausschreibung und Details finden Sie hier.


Wir trauern um Professor Hans-Joachim Kornadt

Das DIJ trauert um Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Hans-Joachim Kornadt, der am 24. April 2023 im Alter von 95 Jahren verstorben ist. Professor Kornadt war von 1968 bis zu seiner Emeritierung im Jahr 1995 Professor für Pädagogische Psychologie und Erziehungswissenschaft an der Universität des Saarlandes. Er hat die Arbeit unseres Instituts als Mitglied und später als Vorsitzender des wissenschaftlichen Beirats in den ersten sieben Jahren (1988 – 1995) mit seiner Expertise wesentlich unterstützt. Über diese Zeit hinaus begleitete er unsere Arbeit mit wohlwollendem Interesse. Für seine Verdienste, unter anderem um die deutsch-japanischen Wissenschaftsbeziehungen, wurden Professor Kornadt im Jahr 1988 der Deutsch-Japanische Forschungspreis und 2006 das Bundesverdienstkreuz Erster Klasse verliehen.


2024年07月17日 から 2024年12月17日 の間には何もありません。

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    Call for Submissions

    Contemporary Japan
    current issue Vol. 36, No. 1
    Contemporary Japan is open year-round for rolling submissions, with accepted publications published immediately online. Please see the instructions for submission here.

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