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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien


Several DIJ researchers, alumni, and affiliates have contributed to this new publication on  political innovations, transformations, and new residents in rural Japan. Sonja Ganseforth examines the decline and diversification in Saga Genkai coastal fisheries, Daniel Kremers (with Thomas Feldhoff) looks at Japan’s energy transformation and its potential for the remaking of rural communities, Susanne Brucksch studies the introduction of telehealth networks in Japan’s regions, and Hanno Jentzsch analyzes the promotion of wine tourism in Yamanashi. Their research is part of the DIJ’s research focus on The Future of Local Communities in Japan.

The volume is co-edited by Wolfram Manzenreiter, former DIJ research fellow Ralph Lützeler, and Sebastian Polak-Rottmann. It is published in the Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies series and available as hardback, paperback, and eBook.