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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien



July 2, 2016
20th Annual Conference of the Asian Studies Conference Japan

Torsten Weber, German Institute for Japanese Studies

July 1, 2016
13th Annual East Asian Social Policy Conference

Steffen Heinrich, German Institute for Japanese Studies

June 29, 2016
Informative Activism and the Blogosphere in Japan after 311

Natalia Novikova, University of Tsukuba

June 25, 2016

Miki Aoyama-Olschina, German Institute for Japanese Studies

June 24, 2016
Paper presented at the SASE 2016 Conference at the University of California, Berkeley, June 24 - 26, 2016 at the session "Protecting the Weak": Social Justice and Wellbeing in China and Japan (organized by Markus Heckel and Ioan Trifu)

Markus Heckel, German Institute for Japanese Studies

June 20, 2016
Symposium „Japanische Populärkultur: Neue Potenziale – neue Perspektiven?“, Haus der Universität Düsseldorf

Nora Kottmann, German Institute for Japanese Studies

June 17, 2016
Paper presented at the EJARN Annual Conference”, University of Warwick

Markus Heckel, German Institute for Japanese Studies

June 17, 2016
Workshop on Changing Practices of Health and Family in Japan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Hong Kong

Isaac Gagné, German Institute for Japanese Studies

June 2, 2016
Five Things You'd Want to Know in Explaining Japan's Surrender in 1945

Sheldon Garon, Princeton University
Yukiko Koshiro, Nihon University

May 19, 2016
Reproductive Decision-Making in Japan’s Low Birth Rate Society: Education about Family Planning and Fertility as a Remedy?

Isabel Fassbender, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

May 18, 2016
Health Care in Japan: How Sustainable is the System?

Ludwig Kanzler, Hanegi Solutions
Kenji Shibuya, The University of Tokyo

May 13, 2016
Conference „Cash in East Asia“

Franz Waldenberger, German Institute for Japanese Studies

May 6, 2016
Keynote, Jahrestagung des Verbands der Deutsch-Japanischen Gesellschaften

Franz Waldenberger, German Institute for Japanese Studies

April 19, 2016
Book Launch: Routledge Handbook of Japanese Business and Management

March 31, 2016
75th Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS)

Torsten Weber, German Institute for Japanese Studies

March 24, 2016
Negotiating “Superstition” and “Religion”: The Case of the “Immoral Heresies Tenrikyō and Renmonkyō” in Meiji Japan

Franziska Steffen, German Institute for Japanese Studies

March 23, 2016
An Introduction to Socio- and Econo-Physics - with an Application to the Japanese Economy

Juergen Mimkes, Paderborn University, Physics Department

March 16, 2016
Democracy, Diversity, and Disaster Resilience: Towards a Theory of 3-Dimensional (3D) Risk Governance

Jackie F. Steele, University of Tokyo

March 10, 2016
Collective Subjectivity and Apology Under the Gaze of the ‘International Community’: A Lacanian Analysis of the Apology Issue in Japan-China Relations

Hai Guo, University of Leeds

March 9, 2016
Vortragsabend zum Internationalen Frauentag der Gleichstellungsbeauftragten der HHU Düsseldorf

Nora Kottmann, German Institute for Japanese Studies

March 9, 2016
Ghent University, Belgium

Sonja Hülsebus, German Institute for Japanese Studies

March 7, 2016
Roundtable: Zukunft der Arbeit, Innovation, individuelle Lebensplanung und soziale Sicherheit

Steffen Heinrich, German Institute for Japanese Studies

March 1 - March 31, 2016
日本の建築 Architektur in Japan

February 25, 2016
Study Group Intercultural Studies, Rikkyo Second Stage College (RSSC)

Kazue Haga, German Institute for Japanese Studies

February 21, 2016
Memorial Symposium for the Establishment of the Active Aging Research Hub (Kaarb)

Kazue Haga, German Institute for Japanese Studies

February 18, 2016
Meeting the Challenge of Globalization – Comparing Korean and Japanese Global Human Resource Management

Martin Hemmert, Korea University
Hitoshi Yamanishi, Nomura Group

February 17, 2016
The Business Judgment Rule in Japan and its Reception

Jesco Lindner, German Institute for Japanese Studies

February 4, 2016
What is human dignity? And could it provide a common ethical foundation between cultures? The examples of Germany and Japan

Ralf Stoecker (Bielefeld University) together with Miki Aoyama (DIJ)

February 3, 2016
Language and Institutions: Exploring the Origins of Seniority-Based Hierarchical Relations in Japanese School Club Activities

Zi Wang, University of Duisburg-Essen

February 3, 2016
Health and Home Ownership: Findings for the Case of Japan

Matthias Helble and Toshiaki Aizawa, Asian Development Bank Institute

January 20, 2016
“Coeds Ruining the Nation”: The Contested Postwar Politics of the Female Student

Chelsea Szendi Schieder, Meiji University

January 15, 2016
Exploring the Effects of Transportation and Energy Infrastructure on Subjective Well-Being

Kong Joo Shin, Kyushu University

January 14, 2016
Conference „Strategien zur Bewältigung des demografischen Wandels in Deutschland und Japan“

Franz Waldenberger, German Institute for Japanese Studies

January 14, 2016
King Solomon and Jinmu Tennō: Ethiopia and Japan in World History

Gerhard Krebs

January 7, 2016
Leaving Japan and Leading the Oppressed: Chinese Intellectuals’ Engagement with Asianist Organizations in the late-1920s

Craig A. Smith, Kyoto University


December 18, 2015
On the Importance of Being Fair -Antecedents and Consequences of Organizational Justice-

Vyara Radulova, German Institute for Japanese Studies

December 11, 2015
Atomenergie – warum hört Deutschland auf, warum macht Japan weiter?
原子力 – なぜドイツは止めるか、なぜ日本は続けるか

Professor em. Dr. Joachim Radkau
Professor Hitoshi Yoshioka

December 9, 2015
Framing and Networks in Japanese Nuclear Power Reporting

Tobias Weiss, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 26, 2015
Lecture series “basics for second stage”

Kazue Haga, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 25, 2015
OECD Asia-Pacific Workshop on Subjective Well-being, Measurement and Policy Use

Tim Tiefenbach, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 25, 2015
International Conference on “State-sponsored History after 1945”

Torsten Weber, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 22, 2015
VSJF-Jahrestagung, Fachgruppe Geschichte, Universität Leipzig

Jonathan Krautter, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 22, 2015

Torsten Weber, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 20, 2015
VSJF Tagung Energy in Modern Japan. Past, Present, Future

Franz Waldenberger, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 18, 2015
American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. Denver, CO

Isaac Gagné, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 17, 2015
Creating a Society in which all Women Shine?

Haniwa Natori, President of BPW Japan; former Director of the Cabinet Office Gender Equality Bureau
Yuki Tsuji, Associate Professor, Tokai University

November 12, 2015
Hong Kong Anthropological Society. Hong Kong

Isaac Gagné, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 12, 2015
Risks and Opportunities in Japan: Local Communities Confronting Demographic Change and Climate Change

November 8, 2015
日本医学哲学倫理学学[Congress of the Japanese Association for Philosophical/Ethical Researches in Medicine], Niigata, Japan

Tobias Söldner, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 4, 2015
Invited lecture: Programme Introduction to Japanese Studies

Franz Waldenberger, German Institute for Japanese Studies