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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien



July 3, 2003
Digesting Postwar Japan Media

Barak Kushner, Davidson College

June 30, 2003
Stock Exchange Competition in Asia: Tokyo’s role as a financial center

Andreas Nabor, Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWA)

June 27, 2003
Foreign Domestic Workers Under Japan's "Closed-Door" Immigration Policy

Brenda Resurecion Tiu Tenegra, Ochanomizu University

June 17, 2003
College Graduates in Japanese Industries

Takenori Inoki (Professor, International Research Center for Japanese Studies)

June 13, 2003
Abschlussveranstaltung des Graduiertenkollegs “Geschlechterdemokratie und Organisationsreform im globalen Kontext

Hiromi Tanaka, German Institute for Japanese Studies

June 7, 2003

Peter Backhaus, German Institute for Japanese Studies

June 6, 2003
The History of the Reception of the Confucianism in Germany since early Enlightenment

Eun-Jeung Lee, University of Halle-Wittenberg

May 29, 2003
Japanese Foreign Direct Investment in China: From Export-oriented Production to Domestic Marketing

Haruo Horaguchi (Professor, Hōsei University)

May 28, 2003
Mister Sparkle meets the Yakuza: Depictions of Japan in the Simpsons

Hugo Dobson, University of Sheffield

May 20, 2003
Lover of Women and a Friend of Men: A Poetics of Courtly Male Friendship in Heian Japan

Paul Schalow (Professor, Rutgers University)

April 23, 2003
From Kamikaze Aircraft to the Bullet Train: Social Variables for Technology Transfer in post-World War II Japan

Nishiyama Takashi, Ohio State University/Tōkyō University

April 22, 2003
The Japanese Sencha Tea Ceremony: History, Aesthetics and Accoutrements

Patricia J. Graham (PhD, University of Kansas)

April 15, 2003
The Future of Corporate Pensions in the United States and Japan

April 8, 2003
Deutschland und Japan: Mit Reformen zu neuer Dynamik

April 1, 2003
Umbruch von Markt- und Industriestrukturen in Japan – Chancen für die deutsche Wirtschaft (Upheaval in Japan's Market and Industry Structures - Chances for the German Economy)

March 24, 2003
Investment Rules for the Global Economy - Bilateral and Multilateral Strategies to Protect and Liberalize Foreign Direct Investment

Mark Manger, University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada

March 19, 2003
The "Japanese Workers' School" as an Example of Workers' Education in Prewar Japan

Oliver Loidl, University of Tübingen

March 13, 2003
Seminar Lehrstuhl Prof. Morita

Junko Ando, German Institute for Japanese Studies

March 5, 2003
The Aesthetics of the Momoyama Period and Its Appeal to Contemporary German Ceramists

Eva Kaminski, University of Hamburg

February 24, 2003
Japanese Electronics Companies on the Edge. An Analysis of Corporate Data and Corporate Strategies

Martin Kohlhase, Heinz Nixdorf Scholar

February 12, 2003
Fusing Western Culture and Japanese Religion: The Religious Experience of Musicians in Sōka Gakkai

Levi McLaughlin, Kokugakuin University

February 10, 2003
The Two Faces of the Japanese Economy

Ulrike SCHAEDE (Professor, University of California at San Diego) &
SEKI Takaya (J-IRIS and Reitaku University)

January 15, 2003
The Zone of Peace in the East Asian International System?

Shogo Suzuki, Australian National University


December 12 - December 14, 2002
The Omnipresence of Discourses of Self-Assertion in East Asia: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Perspectives

December 11, 2002
Globalisierung und Identitätsstiftung in Ost- und Südostasien (Globalization and Identity Formation in East and Southeast Asia)

December 8, 2002
Jahrestagung Nihon Dokugaku-shigaku-kai

Junko Ando, German Institute for Japanese Studies

December 4, 2002
Women Missionaries' Activities and Christian Education for Girls in early Meiji Japan

Mara Patessio, University of Cambridge

November 29 - November 30, 2002
Pan-Asianism in Modern Japanese History: Colonialism, Regionalism and Borders

November 27, 2002
Missiles and missile defences: the impact on Japan's security dilemma

Aaron Matthews, Australian Defence Force Academy

November 13, 2002
How to live a happy life – morality and conduct of life in a Japanese New Religion

Monika Schrimpf, German Institute for Japanese Studies

October 30, 2002
Exploring the Paradox of Japanese Nationalism

Brian McVeigh

October 2, 2002
12. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag, Panel „Die Begegnung mit den ostasiatischen Nachbarn in Literatur, Medien und Populärkultur Japans“

Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt, German Institute for Japanese Studies

October 1, 2002
12. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag

Junko Ando, German Institute for Japanese Studies

September 25 - September 27, 2002
Japan und Korea auf dem Weg in eine gemeinsame Zukunft - Aufgaben und Perspektiven (Japan and Korea on the Road to a Joint Future - Tasks and Perspectives)

September 19, 2002
Dismissal, Reinstatement, Resignation. The Politics of Higher Education Personnel from Prewar to Occupation Period Japan, 1930 to 1952

Hans Martin Krämer, Ruhr-University Bochum/Tōkyō University

September 10 - September 11, 2002
Individual Responsibility vs. Social Solidarity – Current Economic and Legal Issues Concerning Social Policy in Japan and Germany

September 2, 2002
The German System of Foreign Trade Promotion: An Economic Analysis with particular reference to the Activities and Programmes in Japan

Norbert Schultes, German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan

July 31, 2002
The Value of Apology to Japan

Alexis Dudden, Connecticut College

July 15, 2002
Gaijin in the Boardroom: Change and Continuity in Japanese Boards of Directors, 1983- 2001

Professor Dr. Teri Jane Ursacki, University of Calgary

July 9, 2002
A Battle against Tradition? The Establishment of the Air Wing of the Imperial Japanese Navy

Jens Sagen, International Christian University (ICU)

July 5, 2002
Grenze. Sozial – Politisch – Kulturell

Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt, German Institute for Japanese Studies

July 3, 2002
Schreiben als Beruf. Ein literarisches Zwiegespräch zwischen Ulla Hahn und Tsushima Yūko

Ulla Hahn und Tsushima Yūko

June 24, 2002
In search of a new balance in the employment relationship – the case of Japan

Dr. Pamela Yeow, Chuo University

June 20, 2002
The 'Dark Side' and the Bright Side: Coming to Grips with the New Japan

Alex Kerr

May 31, 2002
Interkulturelle Begegnungen in Literatur, Film und Fernsehen. Ein deutsch-japanischer Vergleich

Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt, German Institute for Japanese Studies

May 30, 2002
Civilizing Tokyo: Meiji Visions of a National Capital

Peter Duus (Professor, Stanford University)

May 28, 2002
United Nations Peace Keeping Operations in East Timor

Kawakami Takahisa, International Peace Cooperation Division, MOFA

May 22, 2002
Free employment and employment free in Japan: individual lives in a time of crisis and globalisation

Wim Lunsing, University of Tokyo