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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien



May 29, 2007
Circumstances for staffing expatriates to Japan-based foreign MNC affiliates

Ralf Bebenroth, Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration, Kobe University

May 23, 2007
Multicultural Coexistence: Japanese Roadmaps to a more inclusive and pluralistic society?

Stephen Robert Nagy, Waseda University

April 26, 2007
Institute of Social Science, PhD Study Group

Carola Hommerich, German Institute for Japanese Studies

April 23, 2007
Standardization and modularization in automotive electronics – a comparison of German and Japanese activities

Raina König, Universität Hohenheim and Hitotsubashi University

April 18, 2007
Freeter and “Generation Praktikum” - Changing attitudes towards working life in Germany and Japan

Carola Hommerich, German Institute for Japanese Studies

April 12, 2007
The Challenges of the Japanese Integration Policy

Yamawaki Keizo, Professor, Meiji University

March 15, 2007
Language and Script Life in Japan

March 15, 2007
Comparative Corporate Governance

Christian Kirchner, Professor, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

March 12, 2007
Controlling Foreign R&D Subsidiaries: Empirical Evidence on Japanese Multinationals

Roman Bartnik, Visiting Research Fellow, Graduate School of Economics of Hitotsubashi University

March 7, 2007
Civic Engagement and Postwar Reconstruction in Japan

Rieko Kage, Kobe University

March 6, 2007
Contemporary Human Rights Education in Japan: What Do Textbooks Teach?

Bettina C. Rabe, doctoral student, Heidelberg University

February 21, 2007
Migration and Citizenship in Japan

Kristin Surak, University of California at Los Angeles / Atsuko Abe, Obirin University

February 15, 2007
Japan's Innovation Agendas

Taizo Yakushiji, Ph.D., Council for Science and Technology Policy, Cabinet Office

January 29, 2007
The Japanese Way of Knowledge-Based Marketing

Florian Kohlbacher, Visiting Researcher, Hitotsubashi University

January 26, 2007
Interdisciplinary Workshop

Susanne Klien, German Institute for Japanese Studies

January 26, 2007
Changing Traditions: The Role of Japanese Village Women in the Modernization of Japan

Christina Ghanbarpour, University of California, Irvine

January 24, 2007
Backgrounds and Beyond: Identity Management Among Minority Youth

Christopher Bondy, Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Harvard University

January 17, 2007
Writing Technology as Alternative Modernity: Transparency, Transcriptive Realism and Tanizaki’s In Praise of Shadows

Seth Jacobowitz, Harvard University


December 20, 2006
Annual conference of the British International Studies Association

Yuki Abe, German Institute for Japanese Studies

December 14, 2006
University of Duisburg-Essen

Shizuka Jäger-Dresen, German Institute for Japanese Studies

December 14, 2006
Marital Satisfaction and Work-Life Balance: A Viewpoint Indispensable to Mitigating Fertility Decline

Kazuo Yamaguchi, Professor, The University of Chicago

December 9, 2006
Representations of Gender, Race and Culture in Wartime Japan and Germany

November 25, 2006
Ferris Jogakuin Daigaku nihon bungaku kokusai kaigi. Josei-sakka no yukue.

Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 22, 2006
Communication with Foreigners in Japan: A Sociolinguistic Discussion

Teja Ostheider, Kinki University

November 16, 2006
Politeness in Intercultural Communication

Mayumi Usami, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

November 11, 2006
Jahrestagung der Vereinigung sozialwissenschaftlicher Japanforschung (VSJF), Fachgruppe Soziologie/Sozialanthropolgie und Fachgruppe Erziehung

Carola Hommerich, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 2, 2006
Japan’s Cultural Diplomacy and Cultural Policies

Kazuo Ogoura, President, The Japan Foundation

October 15, 2006
Annual conference of the Japan Association of International Relations

Yuki Abe, German Institute for Japanese Studies

October 15, 2006
9. Tagung der Deutsch-Japanischen Gesellschaft für Sozialwissenschaften

Carola Hommerich, German Institute for Japanese Studies

September 23, 2006
GlobE 2006 Conference

Peter Backhaus, German Institute for Japanese Studies

September 20, 2006
Cooperation between Environmental NGOs and Large-Scale Enterprises in Japan - A Case Study

September 17, 2006
European Science Foundation Workshop “Mapping linguistic diversity in multicultural contexts”

Peter Backhaus, German Institute for Japanese Studies

September 15, 2006
Panel „Kulturalität, Transkulturalität und Gender in der japanischen Moderne“. 13. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag

Phoebe Stella Holdgrün, German Institute for Japanese Studies

September 15, 2006
Conference of German Japanese Studies Association

Susanne Klien, German Institute for Japanese Studies

September 12 - September 15, 2006
13. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag

Shizuka Jäger-Dresen, German Institute for Japanese Studies

September 12, 2006
13. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag 2006

Carola Hommerich, German Institute for Japanese Studies

September 12, 2006
13. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag

Volker Elis, German Institute for Japanese Studies

July 19, 2006
What role for women in shaping Japanese social policies?

Patricia Boling, Purdue University

July 14, 2006
Stipendiatentreffen des DAAD

Carola Hommerich, German Institute for Japanese Studies

July 9, 2006
20. Weltkongress der International Political Science Association (IPSA)

Volker Elis, German Institute for Japanese Studies

July 5, 2006
Japan's National Security Debate in the wake of 9/11: Same Old, Same New?

Susanne Klien, German Institute for Japanese Studies

July 3, 2006
Cooperation and Competition in the Automotive Industry - Comparing German and Japanese Supplier Management

Miriam Wilhelm, Institute of Management, Free University Berlin and ISS, Tokyo University

June 27, 2006
Determinants of investment in Japan- the role of keiretsu

Jörg Mahlich, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber- Economic Policy Department

June 22, 2006
The Tokugawa Mating Game: Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage in Historical Perspective

Satomi Kurosu, Professor, Reitaku University

June 14, 2006
Seeing the Other. The European View on Japan in Contemporary Artistic Documentary Photography

Bettina Lockemann, German Institute for Japanese Studies

June 8, 2006
Managing Personal and Institutional Relationships Across Cultures 『異文化間の人材および組織関係の管理方法』

June 7, 2006
Business Associations in Japan – A network perspective on inter-personal exchange

Andreas Schaumayer, Waseda University

May 24, 2006
Coffee, Culture, and the Ethnicity of Migration

Mariko Iijima, University of Oxford

May 18, 2006
Japanese Grand Strategies: Past and Future

Professor Richard J. Samuels, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

May 15, 2006
Good-Bye Japan? Market Withdrawals 1999-2005. Reasons, Barriers, and Company-Specific Factors

Steffen David, Doctoral Student, Institute for East Asian Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen