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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien



February 20, 2008
Defying predictions: Germany and Japan as regional actors in the post-Cold War era

Alexandra Wittig, German Institute for Japanese Studies

February 6, 2008
Japan’s Conservatives and the Quest for Constitutional Reform

Chris Winkler, University of Munich

February 4, 2008
Marketing Knowledge Management – The Example of German Companies in Japan

Jeannette Wilhelmy, PhD Candidate, University of Marburg

January 30, 2008
Competition and Regulatory Politics in Japan’s Newspaper Market

Falk Schäfer, Free University of Berlin

January 29, 2008
ライン河上流のバイオ・クラスターにおけるガバナンス構造 (The Governance Structure of Biotechnology Clusters in the Upper Rhine)

Yasuharu Tanzawa, Professor, Chuo University

January 24, 2008
日本のテレビCMにおける外国要素の役割 (The role of foreign elements in Japanese television commercials)

Shigeru Hagiwara , Professor, Keio University, Tokyo

January 20, 2008
Tel Aviv Linguistic Landscape Workshop

Peter Backhaus, German Institute for Japanese Studies


December 17, 2007
Safeguarding CSR in global supply chains - Japanese MNCs and compliance in China

Uwe Holtschneider, German Institute for Japanese Studies

December 12, 2007
“I did not know how to tell my parents, so I thought I would have to have an abortion” – A study of unwed mothers in Japan -

Ekaterina Korobtseva, University of Oxford

December 6, 2007
Cohabitation and First Marriage in Japan

Jim Raymo, Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison

November 29, 2007
The Silver Market Phenomenon: Business Opportunities and Responsibilities in an Era of Demographic Change

November 28, 2007

Volker Elis, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 27, 2007
Selbstzeugnisse in transkultureller Perspektive, Interdisziplinäre DFG-Forschergruppe 530

Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 24, 2007
Jahrestagung der Vereinigung für Sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung (VSJF), Fachgruppe Stadt- und Regionalforschung

Maren Godzik, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 23, 2007
14. Genderworkshop Geschlechterforschung in Japan: Familie in Japan

Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 22, 2007
VSJF-Jahrestagung 2007, Genderworkshop

Phoebe Stella Holdgrün, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 21, 2007
VSJF Conference

Susanne Klien, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 12, 2007
Foreigners Sell: The Case of Japanese TV Commercials

Michael Prieler, Ph.D., Visiting Researcher, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 8, 2007
Evolving Japanese Perspectives on Death and Dying

Alfons Deeken, Professor Emeritus, Sophia University

October 31, 2007
Vortragsreihe der OAG

Junko Ando, German Institute for Japanese Studies

October 31, 2007
The politics of flexible labour markets in Germany and Japan: Evaluating the impact of globalisation on national social policy

Steffen Heinrich, German Institute for Japanese Studies

October 24, 2007
Shono Yoriko’s Pure Literature Debate – or, hyper-personal imagination as a tool against neo-liberalism

Robin Tierney, University of Iowa

October 23 - October 24, 2007
Migration and Integration – Japan in a Comparative Perspective

October 16, 2007
Managing the complex relationship between cooperation and competition in the automotive industry – A comparison between German and Japanese supplier networks

Miriam Wilhelm, Free University of Berlin

October 11, 2007
Labor market reform in aging Japan: A key for the structural reform plan

Naohiro Yashiro, Professor, International Christian University

October 7, 2007
Annual Conference of the Japanese Political Science Association 2007

Hiromi Tanaka, German Institute for Japanese Studies

September 26, 2007

Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt, German Institute for Japanese Studies

September 26, 2007
Homogeneous Social Evaluations? Japanese University Students' Attitudes Towards English Speech Varieties

Robert McKenzie, University of Glasgow

September 25, 2007
Diversity within Convergence amongst Capitalist Economies: Politics of Labour Market Deregulation in Italy and Japan

Hiroaki Richard Watanabe, DPhil Candidate, University of Oxford

September 19, 2007
The other demographic time bomb: Japan's last generation of witnesses to war and its fading message

Andrew Conning, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

September 16, 2007

Peter Backhaus, German Institute for Japanese Studies

September 13, 2007
English in elementary schools? An overview of the issues

Kensaku Yoshida, Professor, Sophia University

September 5, 2007
Presentation in a regular paper session. International Industrial Relations Association (IIRA)

Anna K. Skarpelis, German Institute for Japanese Studies

August 29, 2007
Young Leaders Forum 2007, Summer School “Demographic Change” der Robert Bosch Stiftung und des Japanisch-Deutsches Zentrums Berlin

Volker Elis, German Institute for Japanese Studies

August 28, 2007
Japan-American Women’s Symposium 2008

Hiromi Tanaka, German Institute for Japanese Studies

August 22, 2007
Military History and Memories in Japan's Post War Armed Forces

André Hertrich, Center for Conflict Studies, Philipps-University Marburg

August 21, 2007
Implementation and Internalization of Merit-based Compensation and Promotion Practices: Foreign Subsidiaries in Japan

Vesa Peltokorpi, HEC School of Management, Paris

August 3, 2007

Susanne Klien, German Institute for Japanese Studies

July 25, 2007
The national rate of (re)production: gendered discourse in Japanese policy-making

Sherry L. Martin, Cornell University

July 24, 2007
Defining the Knowledge Agent. Cross-Cultural Knowledge Transfer between Japan and Germany

Alexander Bargstädt, Sophia University

July 19, 2007
LunchTime der Bertelsmann-Stiftung

Volker Elis, German Institute for Japanese Studies

July 4, 2007
ICC Academic Forum

Carola Hommerich, German Institute for Japanese Studies

July 3, 2007
“Asia and the Other” Conference

Susanne Klien, German Institute for Japanese Studies

July 2, 2007
Third International Symposium on Politeness

Peter Backhaus, German Institute for Japanese Studies

June 21, 2007
The Agony of Eldercare: Two Japanese Women Directors Study an Age-Old Problem

Keiko McDonald, Professor, University of Pittsburgh

June 12, 2007
JSPS-Research Project “Wakamono Mondai”

Carola Hommerich, German Institute for Japanese Studies

June 4, 2007
“Natural Principles of Law?” Reformist Governors Redefine the Local Sphere

Kate Dunlop, Sophia University

June 1, 2007

Maren Godzik, German Institute for Japanese Studies

May 31, 2007
Invisible Civil Society: The Effects of 1960s New Left Protests on Contemporary Japan

Patricia G. Steinhoff, Professor, University of Hawaii