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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien



July 26, 2010
Lifestyle changes in Japanese women

Ana María Goy Yamamoto, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

July 16, 2010
XVII World Congress of Sociology

Hiromi Tanaka, German Institute for Japanese Studies

July 15, 2010
XVII World Congress of Sociology

Hiromi Tanaka, German Institute for Japanese Studies

July 15, 2010

Stefan Hübner, German Institute for Japanese Studies

July 9, 2010
Architectures and Models for a Sustainable Care - Ethics

July 5, 2010
European Network of Housing Research (ENHR) Conference 2010: Urban Dynamics & Housing Change. Crossing into the 2nd Decade of the 3rd Millenium. Workshop „Housing & Living Conditions of Ageing Populations“

Maren Godzik, German Institute for Japanese Studies

June 30, 2010
What Makes it OK to Leave: Explaining Divorce in Contemporary Japan

Allison Alexy, Lafayette College

June 25, 2010
EU chiiki seminā 2009: Ōshū rengō (EU) to Nihon ni okeru jichi keiei, shimin no gyōsei sanka, kyōdō ni mukete (EU Regional Seminar 2009: Civil societies in the EU and Japan – Citizens᾿ political participation and cooperation)

June 23, 2010
“Chinese Knowledge” and the Meiji Restoration

Michael Facius, Freie Universität Berlin

June 22, 2010
(Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft zum öffentlichen Raum)

Susanne Klien, German Institute for Japanese Studies

June 22, 2010
「地方行政の公共性と多様性の価値」(The value of communality and diversity in public administration)

Volker Elis, German Institute for Japanese Studies

June 17, 2010
Ludwig- Maximilians-Universität, Munich

Barbara Geilhorn, German Institute for Japanese Studies

June 17, 2010
DFG-Netzwerk "Integration und Desintegration. Sozial- und Kulturgeschichte des osteuropäischen Sports im internationalen Vergleich"

Stefan Hübner, German Institute for Japanese Studies

June 14, 2010
Architectures and Models for a Sustainable Care - Economic Policies

June 11, 2010
Guest lecture for the Institute for the International Education of Students. Tokyo, Japan

Isaac Gagné, German Institute for Japanese Studies

June 10, 2010
Post-racial Obama in Japan? Struggles of Blood Ideology Amid Calls for Change

Christine R. Yano, Professor, University of Hawaii at Manoa

June 4, 2010
Doktorandenseminar (Prof. Martschukat / Prof. Kraft / Dr. Stieglitz)

Stefan Hübner, German Institute for Japanese Studies

June 2, 2010
On Sages and Sageness in the Eyes of the European Orientalists

Thorsten Pattberg, Harvard University

May 28, 2010
Symposium “Entfesselte Welt(en)? – Erlösungs- und Untergangsszenarien im modernen Theater Ostasiens”, Goethe University, Frankfurt

Barbara Geilhorn, German Institute for Japanese Studies

May 28, 2010
Kolloquiums „Entfesselte Welt(en)? Erlösungs- und Untergangsszenarien im modernen Theater Ostasiens“

Lisa Mundt, German Institute for Japanese Studies

May 27, 2010
Where are Japanese universities heading?

Inoki Takenori, Director-General, International Research Center for Japanese Studies (Nichibunken)

May 24, 2010
Job Embeddedness in Japanese Companies

Vesa Peltokorpi, HEC School of Management

May 20, 2010
Lange Nacht der Bibliothek [Night of open library]

Sebastian Hofstetter, German Institute for Japanese Studies

May 10, 2010
Architectures and Models for a Sustainable Care - Health & Health Policies

April 25, 2010
Workshop: “Meister-Schüler-Beziehungen im interdisziplinären Diskurs Teil II Wissenschaften und Künste”, Free University Berlin

Barbara Geilhorn, German Institute for Japanese Studies

April 25, 2010
Opening lecture of the exhibition Zuan

Sabine Schenk, German Institute for Japanese Studies

April 16, 2010
Architectures and Models for a Sustainable Care - Economy

April 1, 2010
Policing obesity in Japan. Health politics and Japanese-style risk society

Wolfram Manzenreiter, Ass. Professor, University of Vienna

March 31, 2010
“Contradictive Femininity” and Self-harm – A Social and Literary Analysis

Gitte Marianne Hansen

March 28, 2010
The Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies

Hiromi Tanaka, German Institute for Japanese Studies

March 23, 2010
Trinationale ForschungsStudienwoche

Maren Godzik, German Institute for Japanese Studies

March 21 - March 25, 2010
10. Japanese-German Geographical Conference “Making New Cultural Landscapes in the Era of Growing Disparities: Comparative Studies between Japan and Germany”

Volker Elis, German Institute for Japanese Studies

March 15, 2010
Japan Anthropology Workshop (JAWS) 2010

Maren Godzik, German Institute for Japanese Studies

March 15, 2010
University-Industry Collaboration from a Social-Anthropological Perspective – Hidden Dynamics in Japan

Nozomi Enomoto, Tokyo University of Science

March 14, 2010

Susanne Klien, German Institute for Japanese Studies

March 3, 2010
Happy New Japan: The Ideology and Aesthetics of Happiness in Takarazuka Revue

Maria Grajdian, Heidelberg University

March 1, 2010
Architectures and Models for a Sustainable Care - Technology

February 24, 2010
Blurring Boundaries: An Analysis of (In)dependent Contractors in Japan

Shizuka Jäger-Dresen, German Institute for Japanese Studies

February 17, 2010
Hiraizumi Kiyoshi and the ‘Spiritual’ Consolidation of the Nation, 1931-1936

Kiyoshi Ueda

February 15, 2010
Science-based clusters in Germany and Japan – Just old wine in new skins?

Per Larsen, Goethe-University, Frankfurt

February 10, 2010
Guest lecture for Department of Anthropology, International Christian University. Tokyo, Japan

Isaac Gagné, German Institute for Japanese Studies

February 1, 2010
Architectures and Models for a Sustainable Care - Technology

January 29, 2010
Japan-Pop Workshop

Björn-Ole Kamm, German Institute for Japanese Studies

January 27, 2010
Literarischen Terzetts

Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt, German Institute for Japanese Studies

January 27, 2010
Moments of Misunderstanding: Intercultural Approaches to Nonverbal Behavior in Japan

Elke Hayashi, Sophia University