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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien



February 21, 2015
“East Asia’s Response to Capitalism”, Osaka University

Yufei Zhou, German Institute for Japanese Studies

February 19, 2015
Institutionalizing Regional Financial Stability Mechanisms

February 11 - February 12, 2015
Situation of Start-ups in Japan/China/Republic Korea

February 8, 2015
Symposium Familienpolitik Japan und Deutschland im Vergleich [Comparing family policy in Germany and Japan], Invited paper: Düsseldorf University, Germany

Barbara Holthus, German Institute for Japanese Studies

February 4, 2015
How to Analyze the Distribution of Risks? Social Inequality Theory Re-Visited

Kenji Kawabata, University of Tokyo

January 23, 2015
Symposium “Technikstudien als Teildiziplin der Japanforschung: Deutsch-japanische Perspektiven der Science & Technology Studies (STS)”

Miki Aoyama-Olschina, German Institute for Japanese Studies

January 22, 2015
Industrial Policy in the 21st Century: The Case of Japan

Professor Stefan Lippert, Temple University (Japan Campus)

January 21, 2015
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Asiens (OAG)

Carola Hommerich, German Institute for Japanese Studies

January 15, 2015
立教セカンドステージ大学リレー講義 [Lecture series “basics for second satage II”at Rikkyo Second Stage College] [RSSC-Ringvorlesung "Grundlage der 2. Lebensphase"]

Kazue Haga, German Institute for Japanese Studies


December 8, 2014
Waseda Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies Workshop Series. Tokyo, Japan

Isaac Gagné, German Institute for Japanese Studies

December 3, 2014
North Korea and the Evolution of Japan’s Post-Cold War National Security Policy

Sebastian Maslow, German Institute for Japanese Studies

December 2, 2014
100 Jahre Ostasiatisches Institut an der Universität Leipzig, Fachtagung und Jubiläumsfeier, Leipzig

Sonja Ganseforth, German Institute for Japanese Studies

December 2, 2014
Risk and Opportunity – Japan Confronting Uncertain Futures

Franz Waldenberger, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 25, 2014
Agrifood XXI, Sydney

Sonja Ganseforth, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 23, 2014
Fachgruppe „Erziehung und Bildung“ VSJF Jahrestagung 2014, JDZB, Berlin

Vincent Lesch, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 23, 2014
24. Treffen der Initiative zur historischen Japanforschung

Juliane Aso, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 22, 2014
第33回日本医学哲学倫理学会年次総会 [33rd annual meeting of The Japanese Association for Philosophical and Ethical Researches in Medicine]

Miki Aoyama-Olschina, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 22, 2014
Fachgruppensitzung „Kultur und Medien”

Torsten Weber, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 21, 2014
VSJF-Jahrestagung 2014. 21. Gender-Workshop “Geschlechterforschung zu Japan

Phoebe Stella Holdgrün, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 19, 2014
Strengths and weaknesses of national research and innovation systems – comparing Germany and Japan

Professor Tateo Arimoto, GRIPS and JST
Professor Dietmar Harhoff, MPI for Innovation and Competition and EFI

November 14, 2014
VSJF-Jahrestagung 2014

Steffen Heinrich, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 14, 2014
Changes in the sphere of work in the 21st century capitalism” conference

Tünte, Markus

Steffen Heinrich, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 14, 2014
Book Presentation: Kōmeitō – Politics and Religion in Japan

Axel Klein and Steven R. Reed

November 13, 2014
VSJF Annual Conference 2014 „Trust and Mistrust in Contemporary Japan“

Carola Hommerich, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 11, 2014
プラチナ社会研究会 セカンドキャリア分科会 [Platinum Society Initiative: Second Career-Workshop]

November 10, 2014
21. Gender Workshop Geschlechterforschung zu Japan

Carola Hommerich, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 6, 2014
Guest lecture

Adam Jambor, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 6, 2014
Japanese History Group

Torsten Weber, German Institute for Japanese Studies

November 5, 2014
Nationalism in Okinawa. Case Study of the Futenma base relocation

Ra Mason, University of Central Lancashire

October 28, 2014
Jugendbotschafter nach Japan 2014

Torsten Weber, German Institute for Japanese Studies

October 26, 2014
第39回 社会思想史学会大会、明治大学

Yufei Zhou, German Institute for Japanese Studies

October 25, 2014
第26回日本生命倫理学会年次大会 [26th annual meeting of Japan Association of Bioethics]

Miki Aoyama-Olschina, German Institute for Japanese Studies

October 16, 2014
International Workshop on Happiness

Tim Tiefenbach, German Institute for Japanese Studies

October 3, 2014
Innovation Forum VI 2014 "Crisis, innovation and transition"

Kazue Haga, German Institute for Japanese Studies

September 27, 2014
Gerontologie und Geriatrie Kongress 2014 "Stress und Altern – Chancen und Risiken"

Daikoku, Taro

Kazue Haga, German Institute for Japanese Studies

September 26, 2014
21. DAVO-Kongress, Köln

Sonja Ganseforth, German Institute for Japanese Studies

September 24, 2014
Augmented Reality – Stakeholders of a new technology

Sarah Jacoby, German Institute for Japanese Studies

September 20, 2014
第7回KUワークショップ [7th International Workshop]

Adam Jambor, German Institute for Japanese Studies

September 19, 2014

Adam Jambor, German Institute for Japanese Studies

September 18, 2014
企業と社会フォーラム第 4回年次大会 [4. Jahrestagung des Japan Forum of Business and Society]

Kazue Haga, German Institute for Japanese Studies

September 16, 2014
WeberWorldCafé: Narrating the First World War – Experiences and Reports from Transregional Perspectives

Torsten Weber, German Institute for Japanese Studies

September 15, 2014
Sustaining Quality of Life across the Globe, The XII. Quality of Life Conference

September 11, 2014
Time and Culture

Florian Coulmas, German Institute for Japanese Studies

September 5, 2014
Fourth European Congress on World and Global History

Torsten Weber, German Institute for Japanese Studies

September 4, 2014
Symposium „Gambarou Nippon – Imagi(ni)ng Japan post 3/11“, The School of Oriental and African Studies, London

Barbara Geilhorn, German Institute for Japanese Studies

August 29, 2014
14th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies, Ljubljana

Barbara Geilhorn, German Institute for Japanese Studies

August 29, 2014
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA)

Estévez-Abe, Margarita

Steffen Heinrich, German Institute for Japanese Studies

August 29, 2014
14th International Conference of the European Association for Japanese Studies

Carola Hommerich, German Institute for Japanese Studies