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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

“Comparatively Happy” – Objective Precarity and Subjective Exclusion in Germany and Japan: Presentation and discussion of survey results

October 5, 2010

This non-public workshop is the second in a series of workshops on our comparative survey project on objective precarity and subjective exclusion in Germany and Japan. This time, results of the two national surveys will be presented and discussed with the invited experts.

Invited participants:

  1. Prof. Heinz Bude (Kassel University)
  2. Prof. Ernst-Dieter Lantermann (Kassel University)
  3. Prof. Yoshimichi Sato (Tohoku University, Sendai)
  4. Prof. Akira Tokuyasu (Hosei University, Tokyo)
  5. Prof. Ryozo Yoshino (Institute for Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo)
  6. Prof. Takayoshi Kusago (Kansai University)
  7. Prof. Seiko Yamazaki (Dentsu Institute for Human Studies)
  8. Prof. Ulrich Möhwald (Chubu University)
  9. Prof. Wolfgang Jagodzinski (Cologne University)
  10. Prof. Florian Coulmas (Director of the DIJ)


14.00 - 14.30h
Part I: Introduction to the two surveys

14.30 - 15.30h
Part II: Different crises in Japan and Germany – how are they dealt with?

15.30 - 15.45h

15.45 - 16.45h
Part III: The role of internal resources for the assessment of the objective situation

16.45 - 17.00h

17.00 - 18.00h
Part IV: The role of different trust resources – how are they interrelated?

Related Research Projects

Comparatively Happy – Objective Precarity and Subjective Exclusion in Germany and Japan

Happiness in Japan: Continuities and Discontinuities