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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

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    September 18, 2009
    Religion and Politics in Japan

    May 19, 2009
    "Comparatively Happy" – Objective precarity and perception of social exclusion in Germany and Japan: Discussion of the German and Japanese Questionnaire

    May 19, 2009
    Japan: Das Silbermarkt-Phänomen. Neue Chancen, große Herausforderungen

    April 25, 2009
    「医療・介護の現場におけるコミュニケーション―『福祉言語学』の視点に立って―」(Communication in Japanese Healthcare Contexts: From the Perspective of Welfare Linguistics)

    March 3, 2009
    Frontline Innovations in Health & Social Services in Advanced Silver Society

    January 20, 2009
    International Migration in Global Governance: A Japanese Perspective


    December 5, 2008
    Rural Areas without Hope? Structural Change and Policy Options in Japan and Germany

    November 12, 2008
    CSR in Japan, Europe and US

    October 16, 2008
    Housing the Elderly in Japan

    June 13, 2008
    The Silver Market Phenomenon - Business Opportunities in an Ageing Society

    March 7, 2008
    Socio-political and Business Aspects of Care in an Era of Demographic Change


    November 29, 2007
    The Silver Market Phenomenon: Business Opportunities and Responsibilities in an Era of Demographic Change

    March 15, 2007
    Language and Script Life in Japan


    December 9, 2006
    Representations of Gender, Race and Culture in Wartime Japan and Germany

    June 8, 2006
    Managing Personal and Institutional Relationships Across Cultures 『異文化間の人材および組織関係の管理方法』


    December 11, 2004
    Linguistic landscaping in changing language regimes – the case of Japan

    November 22, 2004
    Intellectuals, Technology, Imperialism

    November 16 - November 17, 2004
    The Normative Core of Modernity and its Cultural Contextualization

    March 13, 2004
    Consulting, Counseling, and Healing in Japanese New Religions and New Spirituality Movements

    March 13, 2004
    Consultation, Counseling, and Healing in Japanese New Religious and New Spirituality Movements

    January 12, 2004
    Die japanische Automobilindustrie – Strategische Herausforderungen und neue Perspektiven


    December 5, 2003
    E-Democracy in East Asia? How the Internet Affects Politics and Civil Society in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan

    October 30, 2003
    Management in Japan - Herausforderungen und Erfolgsfaktoren für deutsche Produktionsunternehmen in dynamischer Umwelt (Management in Japan - Challenges and Success Factors for German Manufacturing Companies in a Dynamic Environment)

    April 1, 2003
    Umbruch von Markt- und Industriestrukturen in Japan – Chancen für die deutsche Wirtschaft (Upheaval in Japan's Market and Industry Structures - Chances for the German Economy)


    December 11, 2002
    Globalisierung und Identitätsstiftung in Ost- und Südostasien (Globalization and Identity Formation in East and Southeast Asia)


    September 21, 2001
    Making History: The Quest for National Identity through History Education

    June 29, 2001
    Foreign Residents in Japan: Immigration, Integration, and Social Change


    December 8, 2000
    New Trends in Japanese Social Policy

    August 31, 2000
    China in der WTO: Strategien deutscher und japanischer Firmen im Vergleich (Doing Business in China: A Comparison of Strategies by German and Japanese Firms)

    August 30, 2000
    Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Japan und China: Perspektiven für die Zeit nach dem WTO-Beitritt Chinas (Economic Relations between Japan and China: Perspectives for the Period Following China's Entry to the WTO)

    June 15, 2000
    Economic Relations between Japan and China: Current State and Perspectives

    January 28, 2000
    Japan-US Security Relations and East Asia


    October 25, 1999
    Goals and Reality of Educational Reform in Japan

    May 31, 1999
    Social Science Workshop: "Immigration Control? Japanese Law and Policy towards Foreign Residents 1899-1999"


    November 11, 1998
    Disability and Culture - New Issues in Japanese Studies

    July 8, 1998
    Ethnographic Methods in Education and Sociology: School Life from an Intercultural Perspective

    February 17, 1998
    Diskurs über den Körper in Japan


    August 27, 1997
    The Japanese Employment System in Transition

    July 31 - December 31, 1969
    お化けと近代化―不思議と科学的思考の間で (Ghosts and modernization – between the miraculous and scientific thinking)

    July 14, 1997
    Labor Relations in Transition: A Comparison of Japan, Germany and the United States

    April 22, 1997
    Ausstieg aus dem Konsensmodell? Veränderungen im Personalmanagement in Japan und Deutschland (Exit from the Consensus Model? Changes in the Personnel Management System in Japan and Germany)

    March 12, 1997
    Globalization of the Automotive Industry: Japan as Model, Competitor, or Bridgehead in Asia?

    February 21, 1997
    Die Rückkehr zur "Asiatischen Spiritualität"


    December 7, 1996
    DIJ History Workshop: The State on Postwar Japan

    July 17, 1996
    Aufwachsen in modernen Gesellschaften. Perspektiven der Jugendforschung in Deutschland und Japan

    June 7 - July 10, 1996
    Structural Changes in the Japanese Technology and Innovation Sysem in the 90s


    October 6, 1994
    Sources of Ryukyuan History and Culture in Europe

    October 6, 1994
    Sources of Ryūkyūan History and Culture in Europe


    June 11, 1992
    Wissenschaftlich-Technischer Gesprächskreis


    November 21, 1990
    Ausländische Arbeitnehmer in Deutschland und Japan