External Event
International Conference “Encounters of Empires: Interimperial Transfers and Imperial Manifestations, ca. 1870-1950”
Torsten Weber, German Institute for Japanese Studies
Meeting of the Academic Woorkgroup of the 2011 Hyogo High School Students’ Survey
Steve R. Entrich, German Institute for Japanese Studies
Jahrestagung der Vereinigung für sozialwissenschaftliche Japanforschung, Thema "Japan and Southeast Asia"
Kazue Haga, German Institute for Japanese Studies
VSJF-Jahrestagung, Fachgruppe Politik
Phoebe Stella Holdgrün, German Institute for Japanese Studies
Carola Hommerich, German Institute for Japanese Studies
第85回日本社会学会大会 (The 85th Annual Meeting of the Japan Sociological Society)
Carola Hommerich, German Institute for Japanese Studies
Tim Tiefenbach, German Institute for Japanese Studies
Fourth Asian Conference on Education
Steve R. Entrich, German Institute for Japanese Studies
International Workshop “Politics of Experience: Theorizing the politics of the past”
Torsten Weber, German Institute for Japanese Studies
2012 Annual Meeting Japanese Political Science Association
Sebastian Maslow, German Institute for Japanese Studies
36. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie
Carola Hommerich, German Institute for Japanese Studies
48. Congress of the German Association for Personality (DGPs)
Asendorpf, J. B.
Tobias Söldner, German Institute for Japanese Studies
Gemeinsamer Gerontologie- und Geriatriekongress 2012, Alternsforschung: Transnational and translational
Kazue Haga, German Institute for Japanese Studies
Freundeskreis der deutschen Sprache
Susanne Klien, German Institute for Japanese Studies
77. Meeting of the Workgroup for Empirical Education
Steve R. Entrich, German Institute for Japanese Studies
XIX Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies (EACS)
Torsten Weber, German Institute for Japanese Studies
Adam Jambor, German Institute for Japanese Studies
15. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag
Maren Godzik, German Institute for Japanese Studies
15. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag [German-Speaking Congress of Japanese Studies]
Tim Tiefenbach, German Institute for Japanese Studies
15th German Japanese Studies Conference
Chris Winkler, German Institute for Japanese Studies
15. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag
Carola Hommerich, German Institute for Japanese Studies
15. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag
Maren Godzik, German Institute for Japanese Studies
15. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag
15. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag
Phoebe Stella Holdgrün, German Institute for Japanese Studies
Language and Culture Network Session. American Sociological Association annual meeting
Anna K. Skarpelis, German Institute for Japanese Studies
Internationaler Workshop "Identity and the Nation in 20th Century Asia"
Torsten Weber, German Institute for Japanese Studies
16. European Conference on Personality (ECP)
Tobias Söldner, German Institute for Japanese Studies
Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) Annual Conference 2012
Daniel Kremers, German Institute for Japanese Studies
24th Annual Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE)
Tim Tiefenbach, German Institute for Japanese Studies
Presentation in a regular paper session. SASE. Network H: Markets, Firms, and Institutions, Session: State, Information, and the Regulation of Business in the Global Economy
Anna K. Skarpelis, German Institute for Japanese Studies
European Network of Housing Research (ENHR) Conference 2012: Housing: Local Welfare and Local Markets in a Globalised World
Maren Godzik, German Institute for Japanese Studies
Arbeitskreis japanischer Film der Gegenwart
Carolin Fleischer, German Institute for Japanese Studies
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2012, Poster-Presentation
Steve R. Entrich, German Institute for Japanese Studies
11th Annual Conference of Asian Studies in Israel 2012
Susanne Klien, German Institute for Japanese Studies
Stefanie Reitzig, German Institute for Japanese Studies
2nd International Workshop on Urban Utopianism
Maren Godzik, German Institute for Japanese Studies
Internationaler Workshop "East-West Civilization Discourse and Japan's Place in the World"
Torsten Weber, German Institute for Japanese Studies
基調講演 神戸大学・神戸市企画の国際シンポジウム
Susanne Klien, German Institute for Japanese Studies
Maren Godzik, German Institute for Japanese Studies