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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien


The Silver Market Phenomenon. Marketing and Innovation in the Aging Society


2011, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg


Kohlbacher, Florian
Herstatt, Cornelius

The Silver Market Phenomenon. Marketing and Innovation in the Aging Society

2nd edition


Kohlbacher, Florian; Herstatt, Cornelius
Preface and Introduction
S. v-xxii

Kohlbacher, Florian; Herstatt, Cornelius; Schweisfurth, Tim
Product Development for the Silver Market
S. 3-13

Kohlbacher, Florian; Hang, C. C.
Leveraging Disruptive Innovations for the Silver Market
S. 65-77

Kohlbacher, Florian; Prieler, Michael; Hagiwara, Shigeru; Arima, Akie
Silver Advertising: Older People in Japanese TV Ads
S. 239-247

The Silver Market Phenomenon. Marketing and Innovation in the Aging Society