Aktuelle Publikationen
Heinrich, Steffen
The Politics of Balancing Flexibility and Equality: A Comparison of Recent Equal Pay Reforms in Germany and Japan
The Politics of Balancing Flexibility and Equality: A Comparison of Recent Equal Pay Reforms in Germany and Japan
Holthus, Barbara; Bertram, Hans (eds.)
Parental well-being. Satisfaction with work, family life, and family policy in Germany and Japan
Parental well-being. Satisfaction with work, family life, and family policy in Germany and Japan
Wiemann, Anna
Networks and Mobilization Processes: The Case of the Japanese Anti-Nuclear Movement after Fukushima
Networks and Mobilization Processes: The Case of the Japanese Anti-Nuclear Movement after Fukushima
Gagné, Isaac
Contemporary Japan 30, No. 1
Contemporary Japan 30, No. 1
Weber, Torsten
Embracing ‘Asia’ in China and Japan. Asianism Discourse and the Contest for Hegemony, 1912-1933 (Palgrave Macmillan Transnational History Series)
Embracing ‘Asia’ in China and Japan. Asianism Discourse and the Contest for Hegemony, 1912-1933 (Palgrave Macmillan Transnational History Series)
Waldenberger, Franz; Eguchi, Takaaki
Management Careers, Internal Control and Corporate Governance. Where Japan and Germany Differ
Management Careers, Internal Control and Corporate Governance. Where Japan and Germany Differ
Manzenreiter, Wolfram
Virtual Special Issue. Rural Japan Revisited
Virtual Special Issue. Rural Japan Revisited
Manzenreiter, Wolfram
Contemporary Japan 29, No. 2. Squared Diaspora: Representations of the Japanese diaspora across time and space
Contemporary Japan 29, No. 2. Squared Diaspora: Representations of the Japanese diaspora across time and space
Reiher, Cornelia; Yamaguchi, Tomiko
Contemporary Japan 29, No. 1
Contemporary Japan 29, No. 1
Waldenberger, Franz
Fully reserve backed money – a solution to Japan’s fiscal and monetary challenges
Fully reserve backed money – a solution to Japan’s fiscal and monetary challenges
Saladin, Ronald
Special Issue: Masculinities in Flux in Contemporary Japan. Intersections
Special Issue: Masculinities in Flux in Contemporary Japan. Intersections
Historisches Forum. Bd. 19
Heinrich, Steffen; Söldner, Tobias
Contemporary Japan 28, No. 2
Contemporary Japan 28, No. 2
Hemmert, Martin; Kohlbacher, Florian; Cheng, Ying; Kotosaka, Masahiro; Loh, Chang-Ti; Waldenberger, Franz
High-tech Start-up Ecosystems in East Asian Agglomerations: Are They Different From the West?
High-tech Start-up Ecosystems in East Asian Agglomerations: Are They Different From the West?
Saladin, Ronald; Gösmann, Hilaria; Maurer Marissa
Beiträge der Sektion Medien des 15. Deutschsprachigen Japanologentags in Zürich (28.-30. August 2012). Nachrichten der Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens (NOAG), Nr. 189-190, S. 201-322
Beiträge der Sektion Medien des 15. Deutschsprachigen Japanologentags in Zürich (28.-30. August 2012). Nachrichten der Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens (NOAG), Nr. 189-190, S. 201-322
Mishima, Ken'ichi; Schwentker, Wolfgang
Geschichtsdenken im modernen Japan. Eine kommentierte Quellensammlung
Geschichtsdenken im modernen Japan. Eine kommentierte Quellensammlung
Cwik, Mateusz
Gestalt und Gehalt. Der Formalismusstreit in der japanischen Literaturtheorie der 1920er-Jahre
Gestalt und Gehalt. Der Formalismusstreit in der japanischen Literaturtheorie der 1920er-Jahre
Heinze, Ulrich; Matsunaga, Louella
Contemporary Japan 27, No. 1. Body Concepts: Changing Discourses of the Body in Contemporary Japanese Society
Contemporary Japan 27, No. 1. Body Concepts: Changing Discourses of the Body in Contemporary Japanese Society
Tiefenbach, Tim; Kohlbacher, Florian
Disasters, donations, and tax law changes: Disentangling effects on subjective well- being by exploiting a natural experiment
Disasters, donations, and tax law changes: Disentangling effects on subjective well- being by exploiting a natural experiment
Contemporary Japan 27, Nr. 1, Body Concepts: Changing Discourses of the Body in Contemporary Japanese Society
Coulmas, Florian
Tokio. Vom Glück urbanen Lebens
Tokio. Vom Glück urbanen Lebens
Vogt, Gabriele
Contemporary Japan 26, No. 2. Destination Japan: Population Aging and International Labor Migration
Contemporary Japan 26, No. 2. Destination Japan: Population Aging and International Labor Migration
Hommerich, Carola
Feeling Disconnected: Exploring the Relationship between Different Forms of Social Capital and Civic Engagement in Japan
Feeling Disconnected: Exploring the Relationship between Different Forms of Social Capital and Civic Engagement in Japan
Holthus, Barbara; Holdgrün, Phoebe Stella; Holdgrün, Phoebe Stella; Holthus, Barbara
Gender and Political Participation in post-3/11 Japan
Gender and Political Participation in post-3/11 Japan
Hommerich, Carola; Schöneck, Nadine M.
Vorzeigenationen unter Druck? Wahrnehmungen von sozialer Ungleichheit und Statuserwerbsprozessen – Deutschland und Japan im Vergleich
Vorzeigenationen unter Druck? Wahrnehmungen von sozialer Ungleichheit und Statuserwerbsprozessen – Deutschland und Japan im Vergleich
Tiefenbach, Tim; Winkler, Chris
Contemporary Japan 26, No. 1
Contemporary Japan 26, No. 1
Coulmas, Florian
文字の言語学。現代文字論入門 [Writing Systems: An introduction to their linguistic analysis]. Saito Shinji (Translator)
文字の言語学。現代文字論入門 [Writing Systems: An introduction to their linguistic analysis]. Saito Shinji (Translator)
Holdgrün, Phoebe Stella; Tiefenbach, Tim
Happiness, Civil Society Participation and Voluntariness: Analyzing the Case of Neighborhood Associations in Japan
Happiness, Civil Society Participation and Voluntariness: Analyzing the Case of Neighborhood Associations in Japan
East Asia Forum. Dec.13
Kohlbacher, Florian; Tiefenbach, Tim
Disentangling the Happiness Effects of Natural Disasters: The Mitigating Effects of Charitable Donations
Disentangling the Happiness Effects of Natural Disasters: The Mitigating Effects of Charitable Donations
Coulmas, Florian
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 224. Fluid Borders - Languages and Varieties in Flux
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 224. Fluid Borders - Languages and Varieties in Flux
Journal of International and Global Studies. Vol. 5, No.1
Tiefenbach, Tim; Goebel, Jan; Krekel, Christian; Ziebarth, Nicolas R.
Natural Disaster, Policy Action, and Mental Well-Being: The Case of Fukushima
Natural Disaster, Policy Action, and Mental Well-Being: The Case of Fukushima
Peter Backhaus
国際結婚家族のお受験体験記 [Juken-Erfahrungen einer binationalen Familie]
国際結婚家族のお受験体験記 [Juken-Erfahrungen einer binationalen Familie]
Holdgrün, Phoebe Stella; Vogt, Gabriele
Modernisierungsprozesse in Japan
Modernisierungsprozesse in Japan
Coulmas, Florian
Sociolinguistics. The Study of Speakers' Choices. Second Edition
Sociolinguistics. The Study of Speakers' Choices. Second Edition