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Baum, H.; Bälz, M.
Handbuch japanisches Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht
Handbuch japanisches Handels- und Wirtschaftsrecht
Japan Studies: The Frontier
University of Hokkaido Center for Advanced Tourism Studies 1
Geographische Rundschau 7‑8
International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 18 (2)
Musashi shakaigaku ronshū: The Sociologist, Nr. 13
H. Gössmann, R. Jaschke und A. Mrugalla
Interkulturelle Begegnungen in Literatur, Film und Fernsehen. Ein deutsch-japanischer Vergleich
Interkulturelle Begegnungen in Literatur, Film und Fernsehen. Ein deutsch-japanischer Vergleich
Horres, Robert
Referate des 12. Deutschsprachigen Japanologentags, 2002 in Bonn Bd. IV: Literatur
Referate des 12. Deutschsprachigen Japanologentags, 2002 in Bonn Bd. IV: Literatur
Iwata-Weickgenannt, Kristina
Yû Miri: Gold Rush
Yû Miri: Gold Rush
Pacific Affairs 83 (4)
BIOGRAPHY AND SOCIETY: Newsletter of the Research Committee 38 of the ISA (International Sociological Association). December 2010
Holthus, Barbara
A Half Step Behind. Marriage discourses in Japanese women’s magazines. Unpublished dissertation
A Half Step Behind. Marriage discourses in Japanese women’s magazines. Unpublished dissertation
The Economist. October 11th, 2010
毎日新聞 [Mainichi Shimbun]. 10.11.2010
Schad-Seifert, Annette; Shimada, Shingo
Demographic Change in Japan and the EU: Comparative Perspectives
Demographic Change in Japan and the EU: Comparative Perspectives
The ACCJ Journal. November 2010
Mathesis Universalis. Vol. 12, No. 1
aktiv. November/Dezember 2010
Pacific Affairs. 83, 3, Fall
Gebhardt, Lisette
Yomitai! Neue Literatur aus Japan
Yomitai! Neue Literatur aus Japan
Winkler, Chris
The Quest for Japan's New Constitution: An Analysis of Visions and Constitutional Reform Proposals 1980-2009
The Quest for Japan's New Constitution: An Analysis of Visions and Constitutional Reform Proposals 1980-2009
Klien, Susanne; Neveling, Patrick
Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention: Case Studies from the Mascarenes and Japan. Volume 28/2010
Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention: Case Studies from the Mascarenes and Japan. Volume 28/2010
Praxis Geographie. 40, 9
Pacific Affairs. Volume 83, No. 3 – September 2010
Alternatives Internationales. No. 48, September 2010
Schucher, Günter ; et. al.
Asien - The German Journal on Contemporary Asia. Vol. 117 (Oktober 2010)
Asien - The German Journal on Contemporary Asia. Vol. 117 (Oktober 2010)
taz. 16.8.2010
Ye, J.; Chiu, R. L.H.
Proceedings of 2010 International Conference of Asia Pacific Network for Housing research (APNHR). Housing Affordability, Sustainability and Liability
Proceedings of 2010 International Conference of Asia Pacific Network for Housing research (APNHR). Housing Affordability, Sustainability and Liability
JapanMarkt, August 2010
Vom Ungleichen in Japan. Referate der Sektionen Gesellschaft, Recht und Wirtschaft des 14. Japanologentages 2010
The ACCJ Journal. August 2010
Coulmas, Florian
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 206. Challenges to Sociolinguistic Theory: Realiltiers on the Ground
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 206. Challenges to Sociolinguistic Theory: Realiltiers on the Ground
JapanMarkt, Juli 2010
Child Research Net
Japan Forum. 22(3-4) 2010
International Journal of Housing Policy, Vol. 10, No. 2
吉田秀雄記念事業財団 助成研究集。43 (Yoshida Hideo Memorial Foundation Research Grand Collection. 43)
Cosmopolis. vol. 4
Schenk, Sabine; Marks, Andreas
The Splendor of the Japanese Screen
The Splendor of the Japanese Screen
尹靖水; 近藤理恵
多様な家族時代における新しい福祉モデルの国際比較研究 若者、ひとり親家族、高齢者 (International Comparative Research into New Welfare Models in an Era of Diverse Families: Youth, One Parent Families, and the Elderly)
多様な家族時代における新しい福祉モデルの国際比較研究 若者、ひとり親家族、高齢者 (International Comparative Research into New Welfare Models in an Era of Diverse Families: Youth, One Parent Families, and the Elderly)
上智ヨーロッパ研究. 第3号、2010年
Zeitschrift für Japanisches Recht. (Nr. 30)
Skarpelis, Anna K.
Proceedings of the of the French, German and Japanese ministerial tripartite long term care symposium in Tokyo February 2009
Proceedings of the of the French, German and Japanese ministerial tripartite long term care symposium in Tokyo February 2009
Webjournal Cool Japan AG Japanologie Frankfurt
JapanMarkt, Mai 2010
Leader Magazin. Mai 2010
Greener, Ian; Holden, Chris; Kilkey, Majella
Social Policy Review 22: Analysis and Debate in Social Policy
Social Policy Review 22: Analysis and Debate in Social Policy
The ACCJ Journal. April 2010
Kohlbacher, Florian; Gudorf, Pascal
Japan: Vom Vorreiter im demografischen Wandel profitieren. Wirtschaftsfaktor Alter Faktenblatt 9 | April 2010
Japan: Vom Vorreiter im demografischen Wandel profitieren. Wirtschaftsfaktor Alter Faktenblatt 9 | April 2010
Randolph, B.; Burke, T.; Hulse, K.; Milligan, V.
Refereed papers presented at the 4th Australasian Housing Researchers Conference, Sydney, 5th - 7th August 2009. Sydney, City Futures Research Centre, University of New South Wales
Refereed papers presented at the 4th Australasian Housing Researchers Conference, Sydney, 5th - 7th August 2009. Sydney, City Futures Research Centre, University of New South Wales