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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien



1. März 2000
Kanakogi Kazunobu and the Natur of Japanese Radicalism

Christopher W. A. Szpilman, Takushoku University

23. Februar 2000
Changing Japanese Divorce Trends in the 1990s

Sean Curtin, University of Sheffield

15. Februar 2000
Nationalism, Globalism and Culturalism in the Discourse on Japanese Identity

Kosaku Yoshino (Professor, The University of Tokyo)

10. Februar 2000
"The Birth of Written Japanese: 7th Century Grave Markers, Stelae, and Inscribed Statues"

David Lurie, Columbia University

2. Februar 2000
Where are the Giants and Monoculi? Knowledge and Imagination in Nineteenth-century Japanese Maps of the World

Robert Eskildsen, Smith College, Assistant Professor

28. Januar 2000
Japan-US Security Relations and East Asia [US-japanische Sicherheitsbeziehungen und Ostasien]

20. Januar 2000
"What is Ideal Zainichi? The Social Construction of Korean-ness by Koreans in Japan"

Youngmi Lim, City University of New York

12. Januar 2000
Nakano Seigo and his Fascination with European Fascism

Stefano von Loe (Harvard University)


9. Dezember 1999
Awarding Distinction: The Creation of the Akutagawa-shō

Ted Mack, Harvard University

2. Dezember 1999
"Whatever it is, it's bad, so stop it!" Political Convictions and Ambivalence in Japan's New Child Sex Legislation (Politische Überzeugungen und Mehrdeutigkeiten in Japans neuer Gesetzgebung zur Kindesmisshandlung)

David Leheny, University of Wisconsin-Madison

1. Dezember 1999
Rule by Quotation: The Power of Genroku Culture

Michael Eastwood, Chicago University

25. November 1999
Globalization - on the Road to a New World System?

Erwin K. Scheuch (Professor emeritus, University of Cologne)

24. November 1999
German Foreign Trade Promotion in Japan: An Attempt to View a Practical Job in Theoretical Terms

Norbert Schultes, German Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Japan

10. November 1999
The dynamics of intertextuality: nise monogatari in Edo period literature

Laura Moretti, University of Venice

4. November 1999
The Role of the Japanese Automobile Industry in EU Policy Networks

Sabine Spell, University of Sterling

27. Oktober 1999
Inventing Culture: the Formation of the LDP Factions

Hulda Thora Sveinsdottir, University of Newcastle upon Tyne

25. Oktober 1999
Anspruch und Realität von Bildungsreformen in Japan

21. Oktober 1999
Strangers on Commuter Trains: Female Students and the Salaryman Who Watched Them in Late Meiji Literature

Alisa Freedman, University of Chicago

15. Oktober 1999
The Modernization of Chūshingura: Politics and Media in the Making of Japan's National Legend

Henry D. Smith (Professor, Columbia University)

29. September 1999
The Sexualized Male - Representations of Men in Contemporary Japanese Women's Magazines

Barbara Holthus, University of Hawaii

28. Juli 1999
Showing off and Hiding out: The SDF’s Strategies to Manage its Place in Japan

Sabine Fruehstueck, Eyal Ben-Ari, University of Vienna, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

16. Juli - 18. Juli 1999
Gesichter der Haut

8. Juli 1999
Writing minority/Reading minority

Tracey Gannon, Ritsumeikan University

7. Juli 1999
The "Other Hara": Hara Yoshimichi, the Imperial Lawyers Association,and the Politics of Compromise

Darryl Flaherty, PhD Candidate, Columbia University

3. Juli 1999
Pluralismus der Sprachen und Globalität der Wissenschaft

30. Juni 1999
Grand Visions of the State: The Politics of National Identity in Japanese Security Policy

Andrew Oros, Columbia University

17. Juni - 18. Juni 1999
Economic Crisis and Transformation in Southeast Asia: Strategic Responses by Japanese and European Firms (Wirtschaftliche Krise und Wandel in Südostasien: Strategische Antworten von japanischen und europäischen Unternehmen)

16. Juni 1999
And Now For Something Completely Different? Reforming Japan's "Socialist" Tax Regime

Andrew DeWit, Shimonoseki City University

10. Juni 1999
Compensated Dating (enjo kōsai) - Moral panic vs. critical discourse?

Katja Cassing Nakamura, Universität Trier

2. Juni 1999
Karl Haushofer's Influence on German-Japanese Relations(1900-1945)

Christan Spang, Freiburg University

31. Mai 1999
Social Science Workshop: "Immigration Control? Japanese Law and Policy towards Foreign Residents 1899-1999"

26. Mai 1999
Japan's role in APEC: a European View

Carsten Otto, Mainz University

20. Mai 1999
Tracing the Legacy of Late 1960s Protest

Patricia G. Steinhoff (Professor, University of Hawaii)

13. Mai 1999
The Trajectories of Two "Empty Categories" - The Dichotomy of Pure and Mass Literature in the Japanese Literary System

Bettina Gildenhard, Universität Heidelberg

27. April - 28. April 1999
Andere Welten? Jugend in Japan und Deutschland im Vergleich

22. April 1999
"Welcome to the Crystal Palace." Living Conditions and Nutrition of German Prisoners in the Japanese POW Camp Bando

Ruth Jäschke, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

24. März 1999
The Competing Conceptions of "East Asia" and "Asia Pacific" within Japan's Foreign Policy

Petra Gebetsberger, University of Sheffield

18. März 1999
Grundelemente japanischer Populärlieder am Beispiel von Kawa no nagare no yōni (Wie der Strom der Flüsse), dem populärsten Lied Japans im 20. Jahrhundert

Dr. Yoriko Yamada-Bochynek, FU Berlin

4. März 1999
The Politics of Memory: The Case of the Military Comfort Women

Ueno Chizuko (Professor, University of Tokyo)

3. März 1999
The Satsuma Habit: Siting Male-Male Desire in Meiji Japan

Gregory Pflugfelder, Columbia University

25. Februar 1999
ASEAN and Japan - On the Development of Cultural Relations

Aoki Tamotsu (Professor, University of Tokyo)

24. Februar 1999
Information Technology, Language, and the Nation State

Jonathan Lewis, Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo

23. Februar 1999
Religious Desputes in Medieval Japan

Claudia Romberg, Leiden University

10. Februar 1999
Vom "bloßen Sex" zur "echten Liebe"? - Die Beziehung von Spoon und Kim in Yamada Eimis "Bedtime Eyes"

Ina Hein, Universität Trier

27. Januar 1999
Sometimes an Electoral System is Just an Electoral System: What SNTV Does and Doesn't Explain about Japanese Politics

Robert Weiner, University of California, Berkeley

21. Januar 1999
Figuren und Erzählmuster in den Manga von Tezuka Osamu (in German.)

Susanne Phillipps, Freie Universität Berlin

13. Januar 1999
Enomoto Takeaki and Emigrant-led Colonization: Overseas Expansion in Meiji Japan

Henry Todd, Sophia University


8. Dezember 1998
Festakt anläßlich des zehnjährigen Bestehens des DIJ

25. November 1998
Teaching National Identity - Education in Postwar Germany and Japan (Erziehung zu nationaler Identität im Deutschland und Japan der Nachkriegszeit)

Julian B. Dierkes, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

11. November 1998
Behinderung und Kultur - Neue Fragen in der Japanforschung