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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien



2. April 2001
Perspectives on corporate reorganisation

Jocelyn Probert, University of Cambridge

31. März 2001
Bungaku-eizō kara mita Ajia

Kristina Iwata-Weickgenannt, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

28. März 2001
Japan Between Two Asias (Japan zwischen zwei “Asien”)

Lisa Sansoucy, Cornell University

22. März 2001
Japanese-Chinese Security Relations. The Japanese Way of Engagement

Reinhard Drifte (Professor, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)

14. März 2001
Military and Politics in Modern Japan: The Imperial Army during the Meiji and Taisho Era

Sven Saaler, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

28. Februar 2001
Ballistic Missile Defence and the Implications for Japanese Security Policy (Raketenabwehr und die japanische Sicherheitspolitik)

Christopher Hughes, University of Warwick

14. Februar 2001
Memoirs of a Real Geisha: Masuda Sayo's "Half a Lifetime of Pain and Struggle"

Dr. Gaye Rowley, Kyoto University

30. Januar 2001
How to Carve a Wind-Up Bird: Murakami Haruki in English

Jay Rubin (Professor, Harvard University)

24. Januar 2001
Re-locating Civilization. Western Learning, Nationalist Thought and the Discourse on the "Civilized" and "Barbarian" in Late Tokugawa Japan

Susanne Koppensteiner, University of Vienna

22. Januar 2001
The DaimlerChrysler-Mitsubishi Alliance, Any Lessons from the Ford-Mazda Case?

Daniel A. Heller, PhD Degree Student in Business and Market Studies, The University of Tokyo, Faculty of Economics

18. Januar - 19. Januar 2001
Japan and China: Economic Relations in Transition (Japan und China: Wirtschaftsbeziehungen im Übergang)


13. Dezember 2000
How to move the hearts of a 100 million - Yamamoto Kajiro's war and propaganda film

Reglindis Helmer, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

8. Dezember 2000
New Trends in Japanese Social Policy

30. November - 2. Dezember 2000
Asiatische Selbstbehauptungsdiskurse

29. November 2000
Welfare for the State: The Origin of the Private Saving Network in Japan(1873-1925) (Der Ursprung des privaten Sparens in Japan)

Katalin Ferber (Shizuoka Bunka Geijutsu Daigaku)

15. November 2000
Cinema, State and "National Culture" in Wartime Japan: Fictional Narratives of Self and Other as Recommended by the Ministry of Education, 1940-44

Harald Salomon, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

14. November 2000
The Human Rights Politics of Japan: Mirror of "Asian Identity?" (Die japanische Menschenrechtspolitik: Spiegel einer “asiatischen Identität”?)

Martina Timmermann, Institute of Asian Affairs, Hamburg

10. November 2000
Japan and Asia in the New Century

Ezra F. Vogel (Professor, Harvard University)

2. November 2000
Internet and its impact on subcontracting relationships

Friederike Bosse, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

17. Oktober 2000
A Common Past Full of Crimes: Japanese – German Collaboration in the Development of Bacteriological and Chemical Weapons and the War in China

Bernd Martin (Professor, University of Freiburg)

11. Oktober 2000
Some Literary and Political Considerations of Ri Kai Sei

Elise E. Foxworth, The University of Melbourne

5. Oktober 2000
The Logic of Reassurance and Japan's Grand Strategy (Perzeption und Beruhigung und die japanische Verteidigungspolitik)

Paul Midford, Kanazawa University

2. Oktober 2000
The Debate on Monetary Policy: Can and Should a Central Bank Do Structural Policy?

Martin Schulz (Senior Economist, Fujitsu Research Institute)

20. September 2000
Class Structure and Social Mobility in Japan and Industrial Nations

Ishida Hiroshi (Professor, The University of Tokyo)

13. September 2000
Cooperative Capitalism: Self-Regulation, Trade Associations, and the Antimonopoly Law in Japan (Kooperativer Kapitalismus: Selbstregulierung, Handelsverbände und das Antimonopolgesetz in Japan)

Ulrike Schaede (University of California, San Diego)

7. September - 8. September 2000
Japan und Preußen

31. August 2000
Unternehmensführung in China – Strategien deutscher und japanischer Firmen im Vergleich

30. August 2000
Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Japan und China: Perspektiven für die Zeit nach dem WTO-Beitritt Chinas

7. August 2000
Current Trends in Japan's Pension Industry: Their Impact on Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Relations

Johann Heidinger, Ph.D. candidate / Visiting Researcher at the Faculty of Economics, Tokyo University

26. Juli 2000
A Never-Ending Piggyback Marathon? The Changing Faces of Union Support for the Left in Japan (Veränderungen in der gewerkschaftlichen Unterstützung für Japan’s Linke)

Sarah Hyde, St. Anthony’s College, Oxford

12. Juli 2000
Exhibiting Spirituality: Ōmotokyō and Visual Technologies of Proselytization in the early Showa period

Nancy Stalker, Stanford University

11. Juli 2000
Japanese Security Norms versus Realpolitik: The Coming Collision between Japan's Arms Export Ban and Theatre Missile Defense (TMD) (Japanische Sicherheitsnormen und die Realpolitik: Wie sich das Waffenexportverbot und die Raketenabwehr im Wege stehen)

Andrew Oros, Columbia University

3. Juli 2000
Prospects and Limits of Industrial Policy in East Asia in the Age of Globalization

Tim Goydke, Ph.D. candidate / Visiting Researcher at the Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University

29. Juni 2000
Liquid Diplomacy: Germans and the Meiji Beer Industry, 1869-1949

Harald Fuess, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

28. Juni 2000
Dying Geese: The International Political Ecology of the Asian Shrimp Aquaculture and Eucalyptus Plantation Industries (Internationale Ökopolitik: Shrimps und Eukalyptusfarmen)

Derek Hall, Cornell University

21. Juni 2000
Nation, Modernity and Interior Decoration in the 1922 Peace Commemoration Tokyo Exposition Culture Village

Sarah Teasley

15. Juni 2000
Economic Relations between Japan and China: Current State and Perspectives (Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Japan und China: Aktueller Stand und Entwicklungsperspektiven)

7. Juni 2000
National Foundation Day (Kigensetsu; Kenkoku kinen no hi) in Modern Japan

Ken Ruoff, Assistant Professor of Japanese History, Portland State University

5. Juni 2000
Growing M&A Activities and their Impact on Japan's Corporate System

Jörg Raupach-Sumiya, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

1. Juni 2000
"Let's Play Hard Ball": The Politics of Ishihara's Tax on the Bank (Ishihara und die Bankensteuer)

Andrew DeWit, Shimonoseki City University

24. Mai 2000
Gendered Gazes: A Look at the Use of the Human Face in Japanese Car Advertising (Gender in der japanischen Autowerbung)

Andreas Riessland, Oxford Brookes University

17. Mai 2000
The Image of Women in Japanese Society at the End of the Twentieth Century

Katrin Paul (Photographer), Tama Art University

10. Mai 2000
Living in a box: Danchi dwellers as the pioneers of the modern lifestyle in Japan in the 1950's

Katja Schmidtpott, Ph.D. candidate at Bochum University

19. April 2000
Fukuoka Domain and the Road to Restoration

Noell Wilson, Harvard University, PhD Candidate

13. April - 14. April 2000
Contested Historiography – Feminist Perspectives on World War II (Herausforderung der Geschichte – Der 2. Weltkrieg aus der Sicht feministischer Geschichtsschreibung)

5. April 2000
US-Japan relations in turmoil? A European perspective

Bernhard May (German Society for Foreign Affairs, Berlin)

22. März 2000
From Pace-Setter to Laggard: Production Networks in the Japanese Electronics Industry (Produktionsnetzwerke in der japanischen Elektronikindustrie)

Ralph Paprzycki, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

8. März 2000
The Japanese Environmental Industry - A Future Industrial Core? (Die japanische Umweltindustrie als Kernstück der Zukunft?)

Ilona Köster, Marburg University

7. März 2000
Embedded Capitalisms Under Siege: Japan and Germany

T.J. Pempel (Professor, University of Washington, Seattle)

2. März 2000
"Love is Blind: Mothers, Fetishes, Art and Ideology in Masamura Yasuzō´s film adaptation of Edogawa Rampo´s Mōjū."

David Averbach, University of Berkeley