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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien



4. Juni 2004
Altersdemenz - Neue Wege in Pflege, Medizin und Recht

27. Mai 2004
The Role of Religion in World War II - As seen in Germany, Japan and the US

Dr. Brian Victoria (University of Adelaide)

19. Mai 2004
Japan's Relations with the Arab Countries

Ahmed Naili, Graduate School of Commerce, Meiji University

19. Mai 2004
Japanese youth crime policy today (Die aktuelle japanische Politik zur Bekämpfung von Jugendverbrechen)

Manuel Metzler, Daito Bunka Daigaku

22. April 2004
Difficult Neighbors: Japan and North Korea

Gavan McCormack (Professor, Australian National University)

19. April 2004
Early Postwar Japanese Reconciliation with China: Was the Glass Half Full?

Daqing Yang, George Washington University

7. April 2004
Answers to Big Questions: Contemporary Buddhist Guides to Life Management

Katja Triplett, Marburg University

2. April 2004
15th Sociolinguistic Symposium

Peter Backhaus, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

1. April 2004
Japanese Pilgrimage: Shinto Variations on a Buddhist Theme

Michael Pye (Professor, University of Marburg)

31. März 2004
International Conference “Changing Language Regimes in Globalizing Environments“, Europe and Japan

Peter Backhaus, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

27. März 2004
The Centennial of a Historical Watershed: Legacies of the Russo-Japanese War 1904-05 (Der Russisch-Japanische Krieg 1904/05: Eine historische Wendemarke im Rückblick)

22. März 2004
Meiji-period kokugaku: activities of Hirata-school scholars, Iida Takesato and the Oyashima-gakkai

Michael Wachutka, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

13. März 2004
Consulting, Counseling, and Healing in Japanese New Religions and New Spirituality Movements

13. März 2004
Consultation, Counseling, and Healing in Japanese New Religious and New Spirituality Movements

5. März 2004
How Business Ventures Start and Develop: Exploring the Relationships between the Entrepreneur and the Venture's Stakeholders

Mark R. Dibben, University of Lincoln, New Zealand

3. März 2004
Change in Japanese Employment Institutions: The Case of Temporary Work

Dr. Karen A. Shire (Professor, Universität Duisburg-Essen)

25. Februar 2004
Restoring the "Normal Nation": Japan's Changing International Environment and the Conservative Revolution in Foreign Policy at the Beginning of the 21st Century (Zurück zur "normalen Nation" – Internationaler Wandel und die konservative Revolution in der japanischen Außenpolitik an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert)

Axel Karpenstein, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

20. Februar - 21. Februar 2004
Changing Corporate Governance Systems – Germany and Japan in Comparison

18. Februar 2004
'Positive Policy,' 'Negative Policy,' and the Economics of Taishō Democracy

Mark Metzler, Assistant Professor of History, Oakland University

5. Februar 2004
国際刑法からみた東京裁判 (Der Tokyoter Kriegsverbrecherprozeß und das Völkerstrafrecht)

Dr. Philipp Osten (Ass. Prof., Keio University Tokyo)

28. Januar 2004
Leaders, Politics and Summits: Japanese Prime Ministers at the G7, 1979–83 (Japanische Premierminister auf den G7-Treffen 1979-83)

H.D.P. Envall, Hitotsubashi University and University of Melbourne

21. Januar 2004
The 1979 Sino-Vietnamese War and Japanese Perceptions of the People's Republic of China

Robert Hoppens, University of Washington

15. Januar 2004
Tales of Ise: A Short Visual Reception History

Joshua S. Mostow (Professor, The University of British Columbia)

14. Januar 2004
Automobilindustrie in Japan und China

12. Januar 2004
Die japanische Automobilindustrie – Strategische Herausforderungen und neue Perspektiven

9. Januar 2004
Umbruch von Markt- und Industriestrukturen in Japan – Chancen für die deutsche Wirtschaft


13. Dezember - 15. Dezember 2003
Selbstbehauptungsdiskurse in Ostasien - Versuch einer Zwischenbilanz

11. Dezember 2003
Capital Markets and Corporate Finance in Japan

10. Dezember 2003
The Making of a Heroic War Myth in the Russo-Japanese War

Shimazu Naoko, Birkbeck University of London

9. Dezember 2003
Does E-Commerce Create A Level Playing Field? The Cases of Germany and Japan

Dennis Tachiki (Professor, Tamagawa University)

5. Dezember 2003
E-Democracy in East Asia? How the Internet Affects Politics and Civil Society in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan(E-Demokratie in Ostasien? Wie das Internet Politik und Zivilgesellschaft in Japan, Südkorea und Taiwan beeinflusst)

26. November 2003
Modernizing State Finances in the Meiji Period: Tajiri Inajiro (1850-1923) (Tajiri Inajirō (1850-1923), Modernisier der Staatsfinanzen in der Meiji-Zeit)

Katalin Ferber

25. November 2003
Skill Formation and Human Resource Development in Response to the Second IT Revolution. A Comparative Institutional Analysis of Germany and Japan

Viktoria Heindorf, Research Assistant at Munich University, Japan Centre

21. November 2003
The Changing Structure of Labor in Japan - Japanese Human Resource Management between Continuity and Innovation

20. November 2003
The Japanese Company: Management, Unions and Financial Performance

Dr. John Benson (Professor, University of Melbourne)

17. November 2003
Japan's FTA Strategy in Context: Multinational Firm Strategy and the Global Move to Free Trade Agreements

Mark Manger, Ph.D. Candidate, University of British Columbia

12. November 2003
China's Role in the Process of Japan's Cultural Self-Identification, 1895-1904

Matthias Zachmann, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg/DIJ

30. Oktober 2003
Management in Japan - Herausforderungen und Erfolgsfaktoren für deutsche Produktionsunternehmen in dynamischer Umwelt

24. Oktober - 25. Oktober 2003
Information and Communication Technologies in Japan, Germany and the U.S.: Institutional Frameworks, Competitiveness and Learning Processes

23. Oktober 2003
General Nogi's Wife and the Gender of the Modern Nation

Sharalyn Orbaugh (Professor, University of British Columbia)

18. Oktober 2003

Junko Ando, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

9. Oktober 2003
Segregation in a "Homogeneous" City: Tokyo and the New Debate on Fragmenting Urban Societies (Segregation in einer "homogenen" Stadt: Tokyo und die neue Debatte über gespaltene Stadtgesellschaften)

Ralph Lützeler, Bonn University

8. Oktober 2003
Shugendo and the Separation of Buddha and kami Worship (shinbutsu bunri): the case of Hagurosan 1870-1875

Gaynor Sekimori, The University of Tokyo

2. Oktober 2003
Japanese Linguistics and Car-Navigation Technology

Viktoria Eschbach-Szabo (Professor, University of Tübingen, Germany)

1. Oktober 2003
12. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag

Volker Elis, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

24. September 2003
The Unfreezing of the Japanese Party System: From Alignment to Dealignment (Das "Auftauen" des japanischen Parteiensystems: Von Alignment zu Dealignment)

Carmen Schmidt, Hitotsubashi University

10. September 2003
Whither the Red Queen: Institutional Co-Evolution in Political Science (Das Konzept der institutionellen Koevolution in der politischen Wissenschaft)

Daniel P. Aldrich, Harvard University / University of Tokyo

27. August 2003
Japan-American Women Political Scientists Symposium

Hiromi Tanaka, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

16. Juli 2003
Contesting Peace at Yasukuni Shrine (Friedensstreit am Yasukuni-Schrein)

Brian J. Masshardt, University of Hawaii

10. Juli 2003
Conference of the International Sociological Association

Yuki Abe, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien