Contested Historiography – Feminist Perspectives on World War II (Herausforderung der Geschichte – Der 2. Weltkrieg aus der Sicht feministischer Geschichtsschreibung)
13. April - 14. April 2000
Tag 1 13. April (Donnerstag)
Opening Greetings
Introduction to the Symposium
Panel 1: Feminist Discourses on Gender, Nation, and War
Gender, nation, and war in Germany and Japan: Changes in Feminist Discourses
Ilse Lenz (Univ. Bochum)
Re-narrating Memory
Ueno, Chizuko (Univ. of Tōkyō)
16:10 - 17:30
Panel 3: Gendered Violence
Approaches to the issue of Japan's military sexual slavery system - the paradigm change from 'victim' to 'aggressor'
Suzuki Yūko (The Academic Society for „Women, War, and Human Rights“)
Women's history and the paradigm of sexual violence
Fujime, Yuki (Ōsaka University of Foreign Languages)
Discussion and Final Discussion of Day 1
Tag 2 14. April (Freitag)
Panel 4: Mobilization and the Issue of Womens's Agency
Mobilizing Women for Total War II in Germany and Japan
Claudia Koonz (Duke University)
Women of the 'homefront': Japan's National Defense Women's Association
Kanō, Mikiyo
"Masters of the Future": Women in the Nazi SS-Corps
Gudrun Schwarz (Hamburg Institute for Social Research)
Panel 5: History and Narrative: Exploring New Forms in Feminist Historical Studies
Vergangenheitsbewältigung and new political perspectives - Social Democratic female parlamentarians after 1945
Gisela Notz (Friedrich Ebert Foundation)
Biography of a pacifist: The life and thought of Kōra Tomi
Kōra, Rumiko
Panel 6: Herstory - Remembrance, Responsibility, and Reconciliation
Public memory vs. personal history: Interviewing former
Nakahara, Michiko (Waseda Univ.)
Japan's military sexual slavery system and the responsibility of the Japanese women's movement. The aims of the Women's International War Crimes Tribunal
Matsui, Yayori (VAWW-NET Japan)
Closing Remarks
Tag 1 13. April (Donnerstag)
14:00 - 15:50
Panel 2: Feminism, Nationalism, Post-Colonialism
Who tells the story? Race, class, and gender in history and historiography
Kim Puja (Ochanomizu Univ.)
The pitfalls of Japanese Historical Revisionism
Ōgoshi Aiko (Kinki University)