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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

DIJ Social Science Study Group

Die DIJ Social Science Study Group war ein Forum für junge Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus den Sozialwissenschaften. Seit Mai 2024 ist sie Teil der DIJ Study Group.


11. Januar 2012
The People's Post Office: The History and Politics of the Japanese Postal System, 1871-2010

Patricia L. Maclachlan, University of Texas at Austin


21. Dezember 2011
Protecting Biodiversity: Global Challenges at the National Level

Asuka Ashida, Technical University Munich

19. Oktober 2011
Are We in Control of Our Choices? Organ Donation in Japan and Germany

Stefan Roesner, University of Bonn

8. Juni 2011
Sexile to the Promised Land: Japanese Gay Migration to North America

Kunisuke Hirano, University of Tokyo


24. November 2010
Japan’s Policymaking System under the DPJ: Towards Westminster-Style Government?

Patrick Köllner, GIGA Institute of Asian Studies

29. September 2010
‘Modern’ Labels and ‘Postmodern’ Roleplaying? Stereotyping the ‘otaku’ vs. learning from the stranger

Björn-Ole Kamm, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

15. September 2010
Conservative contestations over gender equality and feminism: Discourses and practices

Maria Sachiko Baier, University of Vienna
Haruno Katō, Ochanomizu University

30. Juni 2010
What Makes it OK to Leave: Explaining Divorce in Contemporary Japan

Allison Alexy, Lafayette College

31. März 2010
“Contradictive Femininity” and Self-harm – A Social and Literary Analysis

Gitte Marianne Hansen

24. Februar 2010
Blurring Boundaries: An Analysis of (In)dependent Contractors in Japan

Shizuka Jäger-Dresen, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien


2. Dezember 2009
The Rise of China and Changes in Japan’s Identity Construction

Kai Schulze, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

9. September 2009
Cool cities, creative economies, global hubs? Tokyo and London in comparative regional perspective

Adrian Favell, UCLA

22. Juli 2009
Equality-oriented policies in Japan

Dan Tidten, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

1. April 2009
Playing Education Markets: Small Juku Operators, Ideology, and Resistance

Julian Dierkes, University of British Columbia

11. März 2009
Civil Society Activities and the Social Integration of Immigrants: Juxtaposing Beppu and Halle

Frauke Kempka, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg

25. Februar 2009
Making Careers in the Occupational Niche: Chinese Students in Corporate Japan’s Transnational Business

Gracia Liu-Farrer, Ochanomizu University

28. Januar 2009
Governing Beyond the Center: How Japan’s Local Democracy is Changing

Carmen Schmidt, Osnabrück University


10. Dezember 2008
Aiming for Gender Equality: Strategies of Policy Implementation in Japanese Prefectures

Phoebe Stella Holdgrün, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

29. Oktober 2008
After the Trials: War Criminals and Social Integration in 1950s Japan and Germany

Franziska Seraphim, Boston College

10. September 2008
Better late than never! Making Sense of Japan’s (belated) accession to the International Criminal Court

Kerstin Lukner, Duisburg-Essen University

23. Juli 2008
The Role of Social, not Physical, Infrastructure: Civil Society and Post-Disaster Recovery

Daniel P. Aldrich, Purdue University

18. Juni 2008
Reinventing Culinary Heritage in Northern Japan: Slow Food and ‘Traditional Vegetables’

Stephanie Assmann, Tohoku University, Sendai

28. Mai 2008
Ikebana, Gender and International Identity

Nancy Stalker, University of Texas, Austin

23. April 2008
Apron-Advocacy for the Good of the Nation State? Patterns of Political Participation among Nationalist Women in Contemporary Japan

Kimiko Osawa, University of Wisconsin, Madison

19. März 2008
Intercultural Synergizers or Lost in Translation? American-Japanese Coworker Relations

Adam Komisarof, International Christian University (ICU)

20. Februar 2008
Defying predictions: Germany and Japan as regional actors in the post-Cold War era

Alexandra Wittig, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

30. Januar 2008
Competition and Regulatory Politics in Japan’s Newspaper Market

Falk Schäfer, Free University of Berlin


12. Dezember 2007
“I did not know how to tell my parents, so I thought I would have to have an abortion” – A study of unwed mothers in Japan -

Ekaterina Korobtseva, University of Oxford

31. Oktober 2007
The politics of flexible labour markets in Germany and Japan: Evaluating the impact of globalisation on national social policy

Steffen Heinrich, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

19. September 2007
The other demographic time bomb: Japan's last generation of witnesses to war and its fading message

Andrew Conning, The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

22. August 2007
Military History and Memories in Japan's Post War Armed Forces

André Hertrich, Center for Conflict Studies, Philipps-University Marburg

25. Juli 2007
The national rate of (re)production: gendered discourse in Japanese policy-making

Sherry L. Martin, Cornell University

4. Juni 2007
“Natural Principles of Law?” Reformist Governors Redefine the Local Sphere

Kate Dunlop, Sophia University

23. Mai 2007
Multicultural Coexistence: Japanese Roadmaps to a more inclusive and pluralistic society?

Stephen Robert Nagy, Waseda University

18. April 2007
Freeter and “Generation Praktikum” - Changing attitudes towards working life in Germany and Japan

Carola Hommerich, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

7. März 2007
Civic Engagement and Postwar Reconstruction in Japan

Rieko Kage, Kobe University

21. Februar 2007
Migration and Citizenship in Japan

Kristin Surak, University of California at Los Angeles / Atsuko Abe, Obirin University

24. Januar 2007
Backgrounds and Beyond: Identity Management Among Minority Youth

Christopher Bondy, Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Harvard University


19. Juli 2006
What role for women in shaping Japanese social policies?

Patricia Boling, Purdue University

5. Juli 2006
Japan's National Security Debate in the wake of 9/11: Same Old, Same New? (Debatte um nationale Sicherheit in Japan nach dem 11. September: Neue Wege braucht das Land?)

Susanne Klien, Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

7. Juni 2006
Business Associations in Japan – A network perspective on inter-personal exchange (Eine empirische Analyse japanischer Unternehmensverbände – Netzwerke und personeller Austausch)

Andreas Schaumayer, Waseda University

24. Mai 2006
Coffee, Culture, and the Ethnicity of Migration (Kaffee, Kultur und die Ethnizität von Migration)

Mariko Iijima, University of Oxford

29. März 2006
Japanese Americans living in Japan: national and ethnic identity formation in the ancestral homeland (Japanischstämmige Amerikaner in Japan: Formierung nationaler und ethnischer Identitäten im Land der Vorfahren)

Jane H. Yamashiro, University of Hawai’i

1. März 2006
Getting smart by napping in class – Social and cultural aspects of sleeping in the Japanese classroom (Bakusui und inemuri – kulturelle und soziale Aspekte der Schlafmuster japanischer Oberschüler)

Brigitte Steger, Vienna University


14. Dezember 2005
The end of LDP factionalism? Examining the decline since 1992 (Das Ende des Faktionalismus in der LDP? Die Entwicklung seit 1992)

Thomas Büttner, University of Heidelberg

19. Oktober 2005
The LDP at 50: Power Resources and Perspectives of Japan's Dominant Political Party (50 Jahre LDP: Die Machtressourcen und Perspektiven der dominanten Partei Japans)

Patrick Köllner, Institute of Asian Affairs/German Overseas Institute, Hamburg

1. Juni 2005
Building Parents of the Future: Japanese Policies to Boost the Birthrate (Politische Maßnahmen gegen den Rückgang der Geburtenrate in Japan)

Liv Coleman, University of Wisconsin-Madison

27. April 2005
Slipping Through the Net: Regulation of Online Election Campaigns (Durchs Netz geschlüpft: Die Regulierung japanischer Online-Wahlkämpfe)

Leslie Tkach-Kawasaki, Tsukuba University

29. März 2005
A Glimpse at Language Endangerment in Okinawa (Bedrohte Sprachen in Okinawa)

Masayuki Onishi, University of Sydney

9. März 2005
Gained in Translation: An Interpretation of Japanese Women’s Mid-life Health Strategies (Über die Gesundheitsstrategien japanischer Frauen mittleren Alters)

Jan Zeserson, Cornell University, USA