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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

Wir sind ein deutsches Forschungsinstitut mit Sitz in Tokyo. Unsere Forschung befasst sich mit dem modernen Japan im globalen Kontext.

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Veranstaltungen und Aktivitäten


Fully reserve backed money – a solution to Japan’s fiscal and monetary challenges

The paper argues that Japan’s legislators should use this window of opportunity to introduce 100% de jure reserve requirements for transfer deposits.

Such a move would not only take advantage of the benefits propagated by supporters of a reserve-backed regime. The implied BoJ’s balance sheet expansion would allow the Bank to further purchase JGBs. As the expansion would be permanent, the regime shift would not only stabilize the government’s fiscal condition, the BoJ, too, would no longer have to worry about exiting its policy of quantitative easing. Both the government and the central bank could focus on their primary policy goals.

8. Dezember 2016

Emperor Hirohito from the Pacific War to the Cold War

Emperor Showa, better known in the English-speaking world as Emperor Hirohito, has been one of the most controversial figures in the history of the Pacific War. He was both sovereign of the state and commander in chief of the Japanese imperial forces; but above all, he was the manifestation of divinity and a symbol of the national and cultural identity of Japan. Yet under the Allied occupation the emperor was spared from the Tokyo war crimes trial and continued to reign in postwar Japan until his death in 1989 as “the symbol of the state and of the unity of the people” under the new democratic constitution written by the U.S. occupiers.

This talk will examine the extraordinary transformation of Emperor Hirohito from a divine monarch during the Pacific War to a humanized symbolic monarch supposedly with no political power during the occupation years (1945-1952). The talk will focus on the paradoxical role Emperor Hirohito played at home and abroad as tension between the United States and the Soviet Union escalated into the Cold War in East Asia.

30. November 2016

Effects of Zero Interest Rate Monetary Policy on Banks and Society

In Japan, zero interest rate monetary policy and unconventional easing measures have prevailed for almost two decades. It is possible that these policies have had incisive side-effects aside from effects on inflation (expectations).

Our roundtable will focus on the implications of these measures for banks and society by way of macro-economic theory as well as empirical evidence.

29. November 2016

Between Nostalgia and Utopia: Alternative Lifestyles in Rural Japan

The Japanese countryside has for decades seen its population shrinking and aging. But in recent years some regions have experienced an influx of new residents, urban-to-rural migrants, looking for a new life in the Japanese countryside.

This so-called I-turn trend has been increasingly covered by the popular media. Magazines and websites providing information and support for people interested in moving to rural areas suggest that life in the countryside promises a meaningful job, a good work-life-balance, a life close to nature and a small, supportive community. They evoke an image of a nostalgic picturesque ‘homeland’ (furusato), where an ‘old Japanese way of life’ has been preserved. But what story does the individual I-turner tell?

26. November 2016

Corporate Governance – Comparing Japan and Germany

Japan’s system of corporate governance is presently undergoing profound changes. Corporate governance research has mainly focused on comparisons with the US and the UK, but there is yet another successful capitalist model, namely Germany.

Germany’s system of corporate governance also underwent great changes especially after the so-called Schroeder reforms. A comparison with Germany will provide a new perspective on the ongoing discussions about corporate governance reform in Japan.

A panel discussion undertaking an overall comparison of the two systems will conclude the symposium.

November 26, 2016 | 10:00 A.M. – 6:30 P.M.

Registration deadline:
November 11, 2016

24. November 2016

WeberWorldCafé: Diversity – Limits and Opportunities

The WeberWorldCafé is an interactive, biannual event format that brings together researchers and practitioners from various disciplines and regions who meet and exchange their thoughts in a relaxed, coffeehouse-like atmosphere.

To enrich the discussions we particularly invite students, young scholars and the interested public to participate in the talks.

November 24, 2016 | 3:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.

Registration deadline:
November 22, 2016

15. November 2016

The Relevance of Area Studies for the Sciences and Public Policy: Examples from Europe & Asia

the_relevance_of_area_studies_poster_page_1Social sciences, and even more so natural sciences and engineering, tend to neglect local conditions, i.e. how ecological, social, political or economic issues are perceived and addressed in the specific context of a country or region and how solutions are sought for and implemented.

Our conference aims at highlighting possible contributions of area studies to the sciences, innovation and public policy by discussing concrete examples in highly relevant thematic fields. We would like to invite you to the public part of our conference which will refer to the outcomes of our preceding “closed” sessions.

November 15, 2016 | 1:30 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.

Registration deadline:
November 11, 2016

10. November 2016

Victimhood Nationalism in the Transnational Memory Space

‘Victimhood nationalism’ is a working hypothesis to explicate competing national memories over the historical position of victims in coming to terms with the past. The hereditary memory of victimhood consolidates the national solidarity beyond generations and justifies nationalism by endowing the victimized nation with the moral sympathy and historical authenticity. Without a reflection on victimhood nationalism, the postwar Vergangenheitsbewaeltigung (‘coming to terms with the past’) cannot be properly grasped.

The talk by Professor Lim will be followed by comments by Professor Horvat before the floor will be opened to the audience for a Q&A session.

November 10, 2016 | 6:30 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.

Jie-Hyun Lim, Sogang University Seoul
Andrew Horvat, Josai International University

Nächste Veranstaltungen

17. Juli 2024
  • DIJ Study Group (hybrid)
    18:30 ~ 20:00

    The Role of Imagined Futures in Gendered Educational Trajectories: Adolescents’ Expectations and Uncertainty in Japanese Selective High Schools

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    Contemporary Japan
    Aktuelle Ausgabe Vol. 36, Nr. 1
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