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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

Wir sind ein deutsches Forschungsinstitut mit Sitz in Tokyo. Unsere Forschung befasst sich mit dem modernen Japan im globalen Kontext.

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Veranstaltungen und Aktivitäten

Event Series
8. Mai 2023

DIJ hosts ‚Transnational Research in a Multipolar World‘ conference

Transnational research plays an essential role in global knowledge production. It also fosters mutual understanding and trust among the countries involved. This is especially true for transnational research in the social sciences and humanities, which explicitly aims at bridging and combining different national perspectives on issues of shared interest. On May 8-9, together with Sophia University Graduate School of Global Studies the DIJ will host the Max Weber Foundation conference ‚Transnational Research in a Multipolar World‘ to discuss the impact of the growing geopolitical tensions on transnational research. Particular foci will be on the limitations to scientific research in autocratic regimes; the response of national research organizations and universities to these challenges; and, taking the example of gerontology and gender studies, the response of humanities and social science research to societal challenges. The second day will focus on Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and the Indo-Pacific to explore common topics as well as new formats of transnational research against the background of ongoing geopolitical shifts. The conference will end with a keynote speech on world history made in Japan by Iokibe Kaoru (University of Tokyo). Details and registration here

Event Series
1. März 2023

Joint book exhibition on Mori Ōgai


The year 2022 marked the 160th anniversary of the birth and 100th anniversary of the death of Mori Ōgai, who is considered one of the greatest modern Japanese novelists. To celebrate both anniversaries, the International House of Japan Library, the Bibliothèque de la Maison franco-japonaise, and the Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien Bibliothek are displaying translations of Ōgai’s works and critical studies in English, French, and German. For more information on opening times and entry regulations, please contact our library. Details here

21. April 2023

Franz Waldenberger to discuss Japan’s productivity puzzle at MFJ lunch webinar

Screenshot MFJ

Given its rapidly aging society, Japan will need to increase labour productivity in order to sustain its current income levels. Value added per hour worked has been increasing over the last 30 years in Japan, but it remains very low in comparison to other OECD countries. In 2021, it was below 60% of the US level. This is rather surprising given Japan’s excellent resource conditions: a high education level of its workforce; high investment in research and development; and relative abundance of capital. In this online presentation, DIJ director Franz Waldenberger will try to resolve Japan’s productivity puzzle and discuss how productivity could be increased. His talk is part of the Lunch Webinar on Japanese Economy and Society organized by the French Research Institute on Japan at the Maison franco-japonaise (MFJ). It takes place on April 21, from 12.30 to 14h. Details and registration here

11. April 2023

Celia Spoden invited commentator at University of Tokyo’s ‚Robot (inter)faces‘ panel discussion


DIJ social scientist Celia Spoden will participate in the event ‚Robot (inter)faces: Understanding and mapping robot/avatar faces‘, hosted by the University of Tokyo’s Institute for Future Initiatives as invited commentator and panelist. Adopting media philosophy, ethnographical approaches and STS to robots, the event will explore the features and situated performances of robot and avatar’s faces. It takes place on April 11 at the University’s Ito International Research Center, is co-hosted by the JST Moonshot R&D Program „Cybernetic being“ Project and supported by the Australia-Japan Foundation. Details and registration information here

Event Series
31. März 2023

DIJ talk discusses regulations and future of Artificial Intelligence

How positive or negative is the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Despite its potential, most people are worried about the impact AI may have on their lives, including discrimination and unemployment. This talk will present a novel approach to help improve regulation of AI to become more inclusive and to avoid future harms from emerging technologies. To this end it utilizes arts-based research methods such as speculative design and Science Fiction prototyping. Its use in other disciplines has already shown its potential in helping policy discussions to become more inclusive towards underrepresented stakeholder communities and alternative perspectives. After presenting her research and recent findings from speculative design workshops in Japan and Taiwan, the speaker will invite the audience to actively take part in a speculative design exercise to experience how thinking about the future may help us make better decisions in the present. Details and registration here

Speaker: Freyja van den Boom
Event Series
30. März 2023

Online DIJ talk by Chika Watanabe on Patchwork Ethnography

© Chika Watanabe

Against the background of neoliberal university labour conditions, expectations of work-life balance, and environmental concerns, long-term fieldwork is becoming difficult for researchers using ethnographic methods. Gökçe Günel and Chika Watanabe propose ‘patchwork ethnography’ to consolidate the innovations that are already happening in ethnographic research out of necessity—to balance family and research, for example—but that remain black boxed. Patchwork ethnography begins from the acknowledgement that recombinations of ‘home’ and ‘field’ have perhaps always existed in fieldwork practices. However, the interpenetration of the personal with the professional is often deemed illegitimate in research practices. This talk presents patchwork ethnography as a provocation to open spaces of honest conversation so that models other than uninterrupted fieldwork can become recognized methodological approaches, while still upholding the importance of long-term commitments, language proficiency, and contextual knowledge. Details and registration here

Chika Watanabe, University of Manchester
Event Series
27. März 2023

DIJ hosts panel discussion ‚Human-Machine Interaction and Responsibility‘

human machina interaction panel discussion

Rapid advancements in new technologies, such as robots and AI, have brought about new social practices and realities. They come with manifold expectations and concerns, which mirror our understanding of what it means to be human. Drawing on perspectives from technological development, psychology, philosophy, social sciences, literature and art studies, the panel discussion ‚Human-Machine Interaction and Responsibility‘ will tackle psycho-social aspects of human-machine interaction and their consequences, as well as ethical, legal, and socio-political implications. One important issue will be people’s rights and responsibilities when collaborating with machines and AI: Who will be credited for achievements, and who will be held responsible for tragic accidents? How does responsibility depend on the context and type of interaction between humans and machines? How should robots or AI be designed to be beneficial for society? The event takes place on March 27, on-site only at the DIJ, and will be moderated by DIJ’s Celia Spoden. Details and registration information here

Event Series
7. März 2023

Conference presents results from DIJ’s research cluster on ‚Local Communities‘


Six former and current DIJ researchers who have contributed to the DIJ’s research cluster The Future of Local Communities in Japan – Risks and Opportunities in the Face of Multiple Challenges will give presentations on their research results at the conference ‚Local Self-organization and Civic Engagement in Regional Japan‘ on March 7, 2023, on-site only at the DIJ. Topics covered include social welfare provision, volunteerism, regional theatre, fishery cooperatives, and shifting state-society relations. They will be complemented with presentations by prominent Japanese scholars in the field. The conference will close with a book break introducing Rethinking Locality in Japan (eds. Sonja Ganseforth & Hanno Jentzsch, Routledge 2022). Details and registration here

Nächste Veranstaltungen

Keine Einträge vom 17. Juli 2024 bis zum 17. Dezember 2024.

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    Einblicke in unser Institut und seine Aktivitäten bietet unsere aktuelle DIJ Broschüre (Stand 2/2024)

    Call for Submissions

    Contemporary Japan
    Aktuelle Ausgabe Vol. 36, Nr. 1
    Contemporary Japan akzeptiert Einsendungen ganzjährig ohne Abgabefrist. Zur Veröffentlichung angenommene Artikel werden umgehend online publiziert. Weitere Details finden Sie hier.

    DIJ Monographienreihe

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    → DIJ Monographien


    DIJ Tokyo
    Jochi Kioizaka Bldg. 2F
    7-1 Kioicho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
    102-0094 Japan

    +81 (0)3 3222-5077
    +81 (0)3 3222-5420



    DIJ-ARI Asian Infrastructures Research Partnership