New book chapter by Harald Kümmerle studies information banks in Japan
The Japanese certification scheme for information banks has recently received attention as an important example in the regulation of data intermediaries. The book chapter „More Than a Certification Scheme: Information Banks in Japan Under Changing Norms of Data Usage“ by Harald Kümmerle explains why information banks matter for processing customer data in Japan and as theoretically rich examples of data intermediaries. His study traces the information bank concept to its origins in the 2000s, providing context on how the certification scheme came into existence in the late 2010s. The long-term success of the concept nationally would be eased if Japan succeeds in promoting Data Free Flow with Trust for less sensitive data internationally. Harald’s chapter was published in Adopting and Adapting Innovation in Japan’s Digital Transformation (eds. Anshuman Khare/William W. Baber, Springer 2023). It is an outcome of his research project The discourse on the digital transformation in Japan: an analysis based on the concept of data.