9. März 2017
Energiewende エネルギー転換 – The Future of Energy Transition in Germany and Japan
Energy transition, or Energiewende in German, describes a set of policies and practices to phase out the use of fossil fuels and nuclear energy for electricity generation, heat and mobility and to rely more on renewable energy while improving energy efficiency.
This joint event will offer a chance to discuss the potentials and challenges related to energy transition in Japan and Germany together with Dimitri Pescia of Agora Energiewende and Mika Ōbayashi of the Renewable Energy Institute (自然エネルギー財団).
In March, the two organizations are going to publish the report “10 Q&A on the German Energiewende – A contribution to the Japanese energy debate” (『ドイツのエネルギー転換 10のQ&A-日本への教訓』).