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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien

German Institute for Japanese Studies

Research focused on modern Japan, in global and regional perspectives. Located in one of the important economic and political hubs of East Asia, Tokyo.

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Events and Activities

November 24, 2022

Hybrid lecture by Barbara Holthus on pets in contemporary Japan

© u:japan lecture

The accelerated interest in pets in Japan has not started with the pandemic but certainly has been intensified by it. In response to more than two years of physical distancing and “self-restraint”, many Japanese have turned to pets as “substitute” family members that helped to fill the void in human-human interaction. The growing popularity of pets in Japan, together with the accompanying normative, social, and legal changes regarding pet ownership within Japanese society are the focus of the presentation Furry Companions: Pets in Contemporary Japan by DIJ sociologist Barbara Holthus. Drawing on data from interviews, participant observation, publications by the Ministry of the Environment, the National Police Agency, and media, Barbara’s presentation will highlight the embeddedness and changing role of pets in Japanese society. Registration for this hybrid event on November 24 at the University of Vienna and online here

Event Series
November 24, 2022

Carsten Herbes discusses Generation Z and sustainable consumption at DIJ talk

Private consumption accounts for a significant share of the environmental and social impact of human activities. Therefore, understanding consumer perceptions and behaviours is important for policy makers and companies but also for NGOs. In this presentation, Carsten Herbes will shed light on the similarities and differences in consumption behaviour between Japanese and German youth, focusing on the areas of food and clothing. Herbes will discuss influencing factors such as attitudes, norms, perceived opportunities, knowledge and trust as well as engagement in the Fridays for Future movement. His analysis draws on the Theory of Planned Behaviour and is based on consumer interviews with Generation Z members (age 16-24) in both countries and expert interviews. In addition, a representative online survey of around 500 GenZ consumers in both Japan and Germany was performed. Details and registration here

Carsten Herbes, Nuertingen-Geislingen University, Germany/DIJ Tokyo
November 18, 2022

DIJ researchers and alumni at VSJF annual conference


Several DIJ researchers and alumni will participate in this year’s annual conference of the German Association for Social Science Research on Japan (VSJF) from November 18-20, 2022. On the 19th, Nora Kottmann will present her paper (Not) Alone: Being Single in a Marriage Centric ‘Hyper-Solo-Society’ in the panel on “Changing private Life”. In the Sociology section, Barbara Holthus will give a presentation on Furry Friends in Covid Japan. DIJ alumnus Felix Spremberg (Tübingen) will present a paper on Recent Changes in Japan’s Digitalization Policy in the same section. DIJ alumni Axel Klein (Populism and Japan) and Steffen Heinrich (Privatisation without growth: A unique challenge for Japanese welfare state reform?) will give presentations in the Politics section. The section meetings on Economics, History, Politics, Sociology, and Technology are (co-)convened by DIJ researchers and alumni. The theme of the 2022 annual conference is “Deviance and Norms in Times of Change in Japan”. It is organised by DIJ advisory board member David Chiavacci (University Zurich) and DIJ alumna Gabriele Vogt (LMU Munich). The complete programme is available online (conference and sections’ meetings).

Event Series
November 17, 2022

Till Weingärtner discusses film stardom in postwar Japan in DIJ talk

Takamine Hideko (1924-2010) is one of Japan’s major film stars of the 20th century. She is remembered for her appearance in seminal works in the Japanese film canon, but also as an essayist. Often celebrated for her collaboration with major film directors such as Kinoshita Keisuke or Naruse Mikio, Takamine’s own career makes an interesting case study for understanding what film stars in post-war Japan represented for their audiences. Takamine had appeared in propaganda films during the wartime period and later appeared in roles presenting and interrogating new ideas of gender and the role of women in post-war Japan. Following the Star Studies approach, this talk will examine seminal films and key events in Takamine’s biography in relation to post-war Japanese society. It will explore what Takamine represented to her contemporary audience and why she still continues to be a popular film star today. Details and registration here

Till Weingärtner, University College Cork (Ireland)
Event Series
November 10, 2022

Japanese-German conference on social inclusion of elderly citizens

Social inclusion represents one of the fundamental challenges faced by ageing societies like Japan and Germany. Social inclusion can improve the health conditions of the elderly and also offers seniors the opportunity to actively contribute to society through taking up work or through civic engagement. In many cases neighbourhoods and local communities offer opportunities for social interaction and civic engagement, and they often organize voluntary support schemes for elderly citizens in need of care. The Japanese-German conference Inclusion of elderly citizens in German and Japanese Communities: civic engagement and the COVID pandemic discusses how German and Japanese communities achieve the social inclusion of elderly citizens and the role of civic engagement by and for elderly citizens. It will also address the impact of the pandemic on the living conditions of elderly citizens in Germany and Japan. The conference takes place on Chuo University’s Korakuen Campus on November 10, 2022.

November 5, 2022

International Workshop The Intimate in and beyond Pandemic Times


Three years into the COVID-19 pandemic, it is clear that the virus and its political, economic, and public health implications have led to profound, if uneven, effects on human society. The restrictions imposed by political and public health responses to COVID have curbed social interactions, limited physical movement, and challenged the functions and experiences of the home as a space of comfort and site of intimacy. On November 5, the DIJ will host the international workshop The Intimate in and beyond Pandemic Times: Family, Personal Relationships and Singlehood to discuss multi-dimensional effects of the pandemic and its global and local influences on the intimate. Its speakers will introduce results of a large-scale survey conducted in January 2021 and address stay-at-home policies, teleworking, domestic violence, personal space, cohabitation among same-sex couples, and (solo)sociality. The workshop is organised by DIJ social scientist Nora Kottmann, Akiko Yoshida (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, Wisconsin and Scholar in Residence, DIJ Tokyo), and Laura Dales (University of Western Australia). Registration and details here

October 4, 2022

Joint book exhibition on Ryukyu and Okinawa


This year marks the 50th anniversary of Okinawa’s return to the mainland on 15 May 1972. In the special exhibition ‘Ryukyu/Okinawa: 50 years since the reversion of Okinawa’, the libraries of the International House of Japan, the Maison franco-japonaise, and the DIJ exhibit research books and articles on the history and culture of Ryukyu and Okinawa written in English, German, and French. The exhibition at the DIJ is open to the public from 4 October to 30 November. For more information on opening times and entry regulations, please contact our library. Details here

October 19, 2022

Nora Kottmann chairs panel on “Diversity in Science”

© DWIH Tokyo

DIJ principal researcher Nora Kottmann will chair the panel discussion “Diversity in Science – How to Promote Inclusion & Empowerment in Japan” on October 19, online and at the OAG Hall in Tokyo. The event starts with a keynote speech by former DIJ advisory board member Kaori Hayashi (University of Tokyo) on turning her university into a global university. The panelists will then discuss how Japan can meet the challenges it faces when it comes to diversity: engaging people from different backgrounds (age, gender, nationality); making scientific careers more attractive for young researchers; attracting more international students again after the country’s closure during the pandemic. The event is jointly organised by the German Centre for Research and Innovation Tokyo (DWIH Tokyo) and the German East Asiatic Society (OAG). Details here

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    Call for Submissions

    Contemporary Japan
    current issue Vol. 36, No.1
    Contemporary Japan is open year-round for rolling submissions, with accepted publications published immediately online. Please see the instructions for submission here.

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    DIJ Tokyo
    Jochi Kioizaka Bldg. 2F
    7-1 Kioicho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
    102-0094 Japan
    Where to find us

    +81 (0)3 3222-5077
    +81 (0)3 3222-5420



    DIJ-ARI Asian Infrastructures Research Partnership