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Deutsches Institut für Japanstudien
Event Series
November 4, 2021

Sixth Web Forum ‘DT’ introduces Digital Humanities projects

© Gerd Altmann

The sixth and last session of our MWS Web Forum Series ‘The Digital Transformation’ on November 4 will introduce six Digital Humanities (DH) projects from different institutes within the Max Weber Foundation. Harald Kümmerle (DIJ) will give a talk on “Datafication as observed in speeches in the Japanese Diet – an analysis using topic modelling”. Esther Meier and Sebastian Kindler (German Historical Institute Moscow) will introduce the German-Russian documentation and digitisation project “Soviet and German Prisoners of War and Internees”. Jörg Hörnschemeyer (DHI Rome) will give an overview of DH at the German Historical Institute in Rome. Mareike König (German Historical Institute Paris) will introduce “Academic blogging in the humanities” using the example of the platform de.hypotheses. Anne Klammt (DFK Paris) will give a talk on the “Deutsch-Französische Kunstvermittlung 1871–1940 & 1945–1960” and Jana Keck (German Historical Institute Washington) will introduce “Semi-Automated Genre Classification for Historical Newspapers”. Details and registration here